It's time to shed some light.

After a rather unceremonious leak about what the name of the next Lara Croft will be, we got a broad idea of ​​what exactly to expect from Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

Will we see an even darker Lara? A more confident Lara? Or will the whole game be dedicated to finding your shadow? Probably not the last, but here you will find all the news and rumors we know about Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

In pursuit!

  • What is it? Sequel to Tomb Raider;
  • When to play? Early 2018 maybe;
  • Developer Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Crystal Dynamics or Eidos Montreal?
  • Publisher SOTTR: Square Enix;

Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Dateexit

The tentative release date above comes from a quote in Official PlayStation Magazine: "There are rumors that Shadow of the Tomb Raider could be released in early 2018."

However, there won't be a game at E3 2017, according to a Facebook post from Tomb Raider's senior community manager, who said, "E3 will go without Lara, but we're looking forward to catching up with a new adventure later this year."

We may not see Lara at E3, but it sounds like we'll have new trailers, details, and more coming soon after the show.

Leaked Information

The title of the game, along with other pieces of information, was leaked last November when an astute Reddit user saw someone - presumably a Square Enix Montreal employee, Eidos Montreal, or someone from Crystal Dynamics on a work trip - and peeped into an open laptop presentation of Tomb Raider. The title on the slideshow was "Shadow of the Tomb Raider" and is now the intended name of the game.

However, the fact that this presentation was seen on the Montreal subway is interesting because the main developer of the last two Tomb Raider games, Crystal Dynamics, is based in California.

Could this mean that Eidos Montreal, who helped Crystal Dynamics develop the last two titles, is taking over the reins? Eurogamer and Kotaku seem to think so, confirming the rumor with their (hopefully credible) sources.

However, it looks like Crystal Dynamics isn't working on Croft, having hired Ian Milham last August. Milham was Artistic Director of Dead Space and Battlefield Hardline, and he says of his new role:

“Adventure has always been my first love. When the opportunity to join Crystal Dynamics came up, I couldn't say no. This is the home of Lara Croft, who remains a legend in adventure gaming as well as a pillar of the industry. I admired the work of D.Crystal as they continue the trend of spectacular games combined with a deep player action system. I'm very happy to be a part of this studio."

The last game released by Crystal Dynamics was the 20th Anniversary Edition of Rise of the Tomb Raider in 2016, which included VR compatible DLC and Endurance co-op mode for the huge game.

There have been rumors that the studio is working on Shadow of the Tomb Raider with Square Enix Montreal, but given their focus on mobile games like Hitman GO, Lara Croft GO and Deus Ex GO for a few years, it seems unlikely that they return to console games.

Who writes?

Rhianna Pratchett wrote the scripts for Tomb Raider and Rise of the Tomb Raider, which won Game Developers Choice Awards, Dice Awards, and Writers Guild of America Awards for storytelling, but now she's working on "new exciting stuff" instead of "I like to think we did some good things," Pratchett said on Twitter when she announced her departure.

Who else?

What platforms are we waiting for?

With Tomb Raider and Rise of the Tomb Raider released as Xbox One exclusives, many are wondering if Shadow of the Tomb Raider will leave PlayStation fans on the sidelines. Xbox head Phil Spencer discussed an exclusivity deal with Eurogamer some time ago, when Rise of the Tomb Raider was in development, that the deal was "of a lengthy nature," but declined to elaborate on how long the deal would be.

"It's not because I'm trying to fool anyone," he said in an interview. “This is an agreement between us and a partner. People ask me how much we pay. There are some things that I just won't discuss because it's just a deal between us and them."

Just like the last two games, Shadow of the Tomb Raider will be released on PlayStation and PC - we just don't know how long those platforms will have to wait. Moreover, the game may enter a new wave of games for the middle generation of consoles such as PS4 Pro and . Time will tell.

What to expect from the game?

The title implies a dark take on Lara's journey or her dark side, however, the game was already quite dark given the supernatural manifestations, Lara's struggle to become the confident tomb raider we all know and love, and trying to get away from her. troubled family history.

There is also a film Lara Croft (2018), which comes out March 16, starring Alicia Vikander as the titular character and Dominic West as her late father (despite being only 20 years older than Vikander).

Walter Goggins, who plays the villain, describes the plot as "Raiders of the Lost Ark features a genre version of Joseph Conrad's Victory: A Tale of the Islands," promising islands, treasure, archeology, and intrigue. The film will focus on the search for Croft's father.

Will the movie play on the plot of Shadow of the Tomb Raider? Well, the story will continue to revolve around the family, as has every reboot of the series so far.

The latest DLC, Blood Ties, released last October, focuses on Lara desperately trying to prove her mother's death in order to stop her uncle's wedding. It's safe to assume that Lara's family may not be returning anytime soon, but Lara's travels won't be complete without her.

Tomb Raider is arguably the best action-adventure game ever made. Well, really, where else can you:

  • run, jump, climb and swim;
  • shoot from a bow, machine gun, pistol, shotgun and others like them;
  • solve very exciting quests;
  • hunt;
  • craft a new item;
  • hit the enemy with an ice ax from an ambush;
  • and, in the end, feel this great gaming atmosphere.

In this article, we will look at the last, not yet released part of the game - Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Let's talk about the release date, system requirements, find out what fans are predicting. And, of course, watch the video.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In the new part of the game, the main character will continue to fight against agents of the mysterious and powerful Trinity organization. Only this time the events will unfold in South America. Ancient Mexican temples, new puzzles and dangerous jungle await you. Together with Lara, you will need to stop the apocalypse, partly arranged by you.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is the final installment in the trilogy about the rise of Lara Croft. On the one hand, it is a logical continuation of the previous part of Rise of the Tomb Raider. And if for some unknown reason you haven’t played it yet, then it’s in vain. Great part of a great game! Correct this omission, you will not regret it.

What will have to be done:

  • Survive in the deadliest place on Earth - the impenetrable jungle of Yucatan.
  • Get comfortable in the underwater environment. As the game progresses, you will often encounter underwater caves, tunnels and various cracks filled with water.
  • Defeat an enemy that outnumbers you and has more training. Use the jungle to your advantage. Stealth and the surprise factor are everything!
  • Open dark and scary Mayan tombs. Translate ancient manuscripts, solve riddles.

release date

Shadow of the Tomb Raider release date set for September 14, 2018. There's only a little more than a month left, but you can already pre-order. The game is available on Playstore and Amazon. Approximate cost from 60 euros.

By the way, the previous part can be bought now is not very expensive.

Definitely, the next part of Lara's adventures is one of the most anticipated games of 2018. Yes, it did not make our list of games with the coolest graphics. But this is only because we took the analysis of the pcgames site as a basis. But in general, the graphics in Lara, as always, are great for their time.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider will be released on consoles (PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) and PC.

What's new

On the one hand, there is something new, of course. But on the other hand, all this is already quite familiar or expected to the players.

First of all, I would like to note that the final part of the trilogy about Lara Croft was released by the Canadian studio Eidos Montreal (the previous parts were not made by them). What does it threaten? Let's get a look.

Graphic arts:

Awesome! In comparison with the previous parts of the game, it has become cooler. Improved light and shadows, colors, clarity. Maybe there are not always dust particles in the air. But these are trifles.


He is already familiar to experienced players: as usual, he is at his best and keeps him in a state of some excitement. Very realistic, critics say that the last part of this trilogy is the best in terms of gameplay. Fans of full immersion can set the maximum difficulty of the game and turn off hints. Here is where you have to sweat.

Combat mode:

In this part of Tomb Raider, the creators did a great job on the stealth of the heroine. Lara can literally blend into the jungle and kill twice as many enemies. Well, the guys also improved the sounds of shots.

main character:

Lara has become more experienced and somewhat bloodthirsty. Only one thing: "I'm coming for you!" what is worth from the demo.

The girl's emotions are shown much brighter. She swims better, climbs rocks better. And, of course, she has changed a little in appearance.

What else:

  1. Improved interaction with NPCs;
  2. They brought a lot of new things to the underwater world. Sometimes it even becomes scary, the atmosphere of a closed space under water is so well developed;
  3. Even darker and more dangerous tombs;
  4. Very beautiful locations.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider (video)

Of course, you can't help but attach some videos. One trailer (in Russian). Basically, it's not very informative. And a little demo (in English) to at least have a rough idea about the game. There, the world is shown, and the combat technique, and so on.

Fan opinions

Fans are divided. However, there is nothing surprising in this, this often happens when the next part of the legendary game is released. So, someone is just horrified by Lara's modifications:

with each game Lark is getting scarier and scarier. If in the previous series of games she became more beautiful from one game to another, then in the remake, on the contrary, from a cute virgin beauty to a wild and dirty, in the literal sense, woman...

Who did Lara turn you into?? From a brutal busty tomb raider to a flat, dirty woman, staggering through the jungle, killing special forces from Modern Warfaer on stealth, simultaneously preventing Watumba shamans from sacrificing a virgin to their god...

Wow finally the RAMBO 5 trailer!

Some of the fans are even sure that the game, in principle, will turn out to be slag, as it is being promoted very much.

Tomb Raider III is an adventure game developed by Core Design for the PC platform. The style of the game, unfortunately, is not defined. You will have access to such game modes as "for one player".

Worldwide, Tomb Raider III is distributed as a one-time purchase by publisher Square Enix. At the moment, the game stage is launched, and its release date is 11/28/2012. It is impossible to download Tomb Raider III for free, including via torrent, since the game is distributed according to the one-time purchase model.

MMO13 has not yet rated Tomb Raider III. The game is distributed in the Steam store, whose users have not yet left reviews.

The official description of the game reads:

“Thousands of years ago a meteor crashed into Antarctica and the shockwaves of its impact are being felt in the modern age. Lara Croft will follow clues leading to a deadly secret, boldly leaping chasms and blasting monsters that no one has leaped or blasted before. This time she faces a mystery that "s from way out of this world."

Despite critical ambivalence about The Revenant, the next generation of Tomb Raider games, Lara Croft is still adored by millions of fans, and Square Enix is ​​gearing up to celebrate the series' 20th anniversary in November 2016 and not stop there. It would seem, what other adventures can you come up with for the legendary female archaeologist, because she has already visited almost all corners of the world?

Admittedly, the plot has never been a strong point of the franchise, but in fairness, let's say that while exploring the world, searching for artifacts, solving spatial puzzles and skirmishes with enemies, you sometimes forget that there is any kind of story at all. Therefore, it is only necessary to change the scenery, and, hooray, a new journey. Not far off the third game (presumably Tomb Raider 2018) about a young and brave tomb raider, challenged the mighty Trinity order, and trying with all her might to find evidence for her father's theories and wash away the shame from the Croft family.

The fact that the continuation is hinted at by the end of the game Rise of the Tomb Raider, in which Lara, having reviewed her father's notes, leaves the mansion, and Jonah escorts her with the words: "Let's go. The plane is waiting for you."

The confrontation with the "Trinity" is clearly not over: the killed Konstantin and Anna were only faithful dogs in the service of the order. Its leaders need Lara to continue her father's research and lead the order to new priceless artifacts (although what could be cooler than the source of eternal life?). It is no coincidence that when asked by a sniper whether to shoot at Croft, we hear the answer of someone influential and giving orders: "No, it's too early."

Where will the new clash between the "Trinity" and the tomb raider take place? As Lara delivers her final monologue, we are shown a map of New Spain, a colony formed by the Spaniards in Central America in the 16th century. On the map, the inscription "Mexi ..." referring to the Gulf of Mexico is clearly traced, the inscriptions "Gulf of Campeche" and "Yucatan" are visible, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich Lara circled with a red marker. If the girl goes there, we will find colorful locations in the Mayan ruins and the search for artifacts of this most interesting culture.

  • Environmental impact on Lara. She can easily drown in a swamp, get stuck in loose sands. When it stays in cold water for a long time, it freezes and loses its life - for the game of the late twentieth century, this was a real breakthrough. And even now, not every toy can boast of such realism;
  • The heroine can not only run, but also move on various vehicles: a kayak, an ATV;
  • Large arsenal - eight types of weapons. Use a pistol, shotgun, submachine gun, harpoon or even a grenade launcher to win the battle against enemies. And among them there are both people and monkeys, hyenas, even dinosaurs;
  • The game offers two levels of difficulty so that any gamer can choose the one that best suits him.

The plot of the game

Lara Croft was engaged in her usual business - a careful study of the tombs in India, hoping to find something of value. But what she finds is not what she expected. Infada's Stone falls into her hands - an ancient artifact, the possibilities and purpose of which are unknown. Fortunately, she soon meets a scientist - Mark Willard, who shares information about the find with her. It turns out that this stone was once part of a meteorite that fell many centuries ago in Polynesia. Local residents, believing in its divine origin, prayed to the meteorite for many years, making the main deity of the whole cult. But there are a few more fragments of the meteorite. According to legend, a person who has managed to collect the entire meteorite from scattered pieces will acquire power that a simple person could not even dream of.

And now Willard, inspired by ancient legends, dreams of getting the remaining four fragments of the meteorite - after all, the first one is already in his hands. This becomes a new task for Lara Croft. However, agreeing to cooperate, she did not even suspect how dangerous places she would have to visit, with what deadly opponents she would clash. Fortunately, Lara shoots well, runs fast and generally keeps herself in excellent physical shape, so she can cope with all the trials without much difficulty.

Game results

Today, Tomb Raider 3: Adventures of Lara Croft may not be able to impress players - in the 18 years since its release, game creation has reached a new level. However, for its time it was a really exciting shooter. Numerous shootouts, fights with various enemies, an interesting plot - thanks to all these advantages, the game attracted the attention of every gamer and shooter lover.