Description: Shengjiangxing is the most ordinary guy from the village. He has already been serving in the city guard for eight whole years, and he had dreams, more than anything he wanted to become a knight who would be known to the whole world, who would be legendary, he wanted to get into that very famous list of knights . Time flew by, and the guy didn’t learn anything for the entire time of his service, he simply didn’t have a chance to graze a beauty there, punish evil. In short, he failed to achieve anything. The dream gradually sank to the bottom, he began to doubt himself. The master said that all mighty knights have a beloved girl, so the future knight went on a journey, began to look for her, he had several failures, he realized that finding a girl is even more difficult than becoming that very knight. Once he visited the fair, where he became a new student of Master Pure Yang's school, he was sure that it was in this school that he would be taught the skills of chivalry. It turns out that everything is repeated, he is again the gate guard. In short, if you want to succeed, do everything yourself ....

Sword Art Online (Season 3) / Sword Art Online 3rd Season

Description: Don't get too carried away with computer games. Kazuto Kirigaya games brought him into a game like "Sword Art Online" and then he got caught, because there is no way out. And yes, dying in the game, you die in the real world, but still Kirito was able to avoid this and passed the game. After that he is again forced to get into one game "Ghost Bullet Online", there appeared a criminal who urgently needs to be caught, and he succeeds. Now he got into the organization "RATH", they are developing the "Alicization" project. Only the government keeps it secret that this is the development of the Japanese government itself.Kirito has now entered the world of "Underworld". This world cannot be called a game, it is special, this "Underworld". He spends only three days in this world, well, for us it is three days, but for playing time for ten whole years. Here he is back, and he remembers absolutely nothing about the world. But later he was able to return to the "Underworld", again he was sent there with a certain purpose, but also his memory begins to recover, despite the fact that he started ...

Nutcracker Kitaro (Season 1) 2018 / Gegege no Kitarou

Description: The world is not only what we see, it is much wider and more multifaceted, it is filled with amazing and incredible things. There in the darkness, behind you, in your dark room, there are things that you cannot see, but that does not mean that they are not there. And our world is moving fast, at great speed, and now we don’t believe in anything, but every second inhabitant of ours is a video blogger. Like Charotomi, from the Charotomi channel, who decided to check what would happen if he, ignoring the traffic light, remained in the middle of the road. And it seems like obvious things are known even to kids from infancy, but the guy with the camera in his hands needs confirmation. Our unlucky but inquisitive guy brought the wrath of motorists, but this did not stop him. Imagining himself to be the main character and proclaiming the rest of the people to be secondary and unimportant extras, Charotomi brought upon himself dark forces that, for fun or as punishment, turned the bloated man into a huge sprawling tree, right in the middle of a busy intersection in Shibui ....

Fairy Tail (season 3) / Fairy Tail TV-3

Description: Finally announced the release of the new season of our favorite anime! The release of the continuation was promised in the fall! “Fairy Tail” is the name of the guild of the strongest magicians in all of Fiore, although they are very young for this level. Lucy lived in dreams of Fairy Tail, and now the long-awaited moment has come ... by chance, she met a foolish boy Natsu Dragneel, he saw her off to the guild! Lucy is very excited about starting new adventures. What a pity that all good things will ever end. Fairy Tail is no more... all members of the guild were disbanded after the war with Tartarus. Everyone went to different parts of the world. Lucy became the author and editor of one famous newspaper, Natsu went in search of more power.But one year later, they met, there was no limit to the joy, now they intend to restore the former glory of the guild and reunite all the former members together! there are many fans of this beautiful anime, in which we can see true friendship and trust in comrades...

Dragon Ball Super: Broly (2018) / Dragon Ball Super: Broly

Description: The events in this anime series take place after the end of the previous part - Dragonball - Super, but here we will be shown the story of the powerful Bloli. In general, another amazing story of the legendary picture - Dragon Ball. Nevertheless, we remember King Vegeta, who makes a cardinal decision to send his baby Broly to a planet where there is no intelligent life at all, the planet is called Vamp. He also has a father, Paragus, who promised that he would take revenge on the king, because he hopes that he can still save his son, he decides that he will go after him. When he arrives on a lifeless planet and finds his son, he realizes that they can no longer fly away from that planet. But still, many years have passed since that moment, he even had a chance to take revenge, well, now our main characters Son Goku and Vegeta were supposed to meet Broly ....

The Seven Deadly Sins: Prisoners of Heaven (2018) / Gekijouban Nanatsu no Taizai: Tenkuu no Torawarebito

Description: Once, through the forest, one guy was escaping from the chase. He entered the holy lands, accidentally ran into the castle grounds. He uttered a spell, before him deployed the walls in front of the people. Shortly before this, a lovely girl was collecting ingredients in order to prepare new dishes for the king's banquet. In the meantime, friends from the giant's clan, Fairy and people also came to Elizabeth. Together they will puzzle over how to find an unknown fish, which everyone talks about only in legends. The captain goes to the lake to wash off the remains of the pie, and sees the same legendary fish in the lake. Suddenly, a celestial who looks like a captain emerged from the lake. The real Captain, along with a friend, ended up on an island that soared in the sky. They were surrounded by guards who led them to Vanessa. Soloadu had to get the winged Sword in order to protect his people from the demon clan. But He escaped from the ceremony, finding himself in another world. And the Captain went to the dungeon because he has no wings....

Servamp: Alice in the Garden (2018) / Gekijouban Servamp: Alice in the Garden

Description: Winter time? But in the middle of summer, snow cannot fall. KVN this weather nonsense guy heard some testament from his friend. The Flood had a right to complain, since vampires are sensitive to the cold. Mahiro was dissatisfied with the whining and whims of the vampire. At this time, the eldest son in the Arisuno Misono family had to stay at home due to the fact that an unexpected circumstance appeared like that. He is not allowed to leave the house after being an older brother. Misono is just sad that his father can never complete a game of chess, leaving him alone. But unexpectedly, he receives a call from Shiroto, who was surprised by the snow in the middle of summer. The sad guy decides to go to his friends. Before Misono, past events are revealed in a new light. He has a severe headache from the terrible memories. After all, his mother, brother, and also the girl disappeared. He also remembered how he extended the watch to one loved one so that he would protect everyone from danger. And then he disappeared into his bed. He still couldn't...

Mirai from the future (2018) / Mirai no Mirai

Description: Before us is an example of the most ordinary spoiled four-year-old boy who lived in a rich family, he lived and did not grieve, the most carefree life, but suddenly replenishment appeared in his family. A sister was born. The boy began to worry a lot, began to be jealous of her, He just had to survive this event, and he decided to invent a Magic Garden for himself, where he met his sister from the future, it was the sister from the future who helped him understand what it really is to be older brother. all this happened due to the fact that Nika's magic tree grew in the backyard of his house, he met there not only with his sister, but with other relatives from different times, the world saw his mother as a little girl, great-grandfather as a strong young man, the younger sister appeared as a simple teenager . Thanks to this adventure, the guy created for himself the newest and most amazing world in which he was the main one, he knew what and how, and how to act correctly in this or that situation ....

Watching anime movies for some people is an inexplicable thing, an entire religion or even a subculture that has conquered youth around the world. There are both supporters and opponents of this art. This genre is considered low-quality content for a small circle of fans. But this is not the case, and if you watch at least one anime work, you can observe an excellent plot component in which you can tell both a sad and exciting story of characters. If you want to know more, be sure to visit this section.

After all, anime is not just a culture, but a whole cartoon, which is made in a specific style and with a unique way of presenting. The origin of the word "anime" comes from the word "animation". It is noteworthy that this term appeared in Japan more than a hundred years ago. In 1917, the first such animated film was made, which marked the beginning of the "anime" genre. And, as a rule, earlier such anime was filmed based on the manga. A manga is a special Japanese comic, where there is a plot and inherent graphic rules.

What is the difference between anime and regular cartoon? Typically low frames per second. In addition, the graphics in such anime 2018 are quite simple. This factor allows many aspiring authors to try their way as an animator and soon become famous. One such example is Masashi Kishimoto. His path from just an animator to a famous one was thanks to the anime "Naruto"

In any case, here you can watch not only "Naruto" but also other famous or anime 2018 in good quality. And if you like this anime, then you are given a whole section that you can watch, at least all day.

Every fan of animated films at least once should watch the representatives of Japanese animation. These cartoons are significantly different from the usual Western production of this direction. A different portrayal of characters, intricate storylines, the behavior of heroes - this is an incomplete list of what immediately catches your eye when watching cartoons created in the land of the rising sun. Millions of fans of this art all over the planet will say without hesitation that this is exactly why they love this genre so much. On our website anime 2018 watch online every visitor can. If you have never done this before, now is the best time to start.

The main difference between Japanese animation and products from other countries is the age limit. If the European audience is used to the fact that cartoons are traditionally created for children, then the Japanese can argue with this. Most of the anime produced, you can watch the top news of which online right in this section, is designed for teenage and adult audiences. This is the reason for the high popularity of this genre all over the world. Another distinguishing feature is the plot. It can be filled with a wide variety of characters, as well as tell about different eras and cover many locations. The release is carried out in the form of serials and feature films. Comic books, fantasy literary works and computer games can serve as sources for creating new animated pictures. There are also stories in the original style, on the basis of which, as a rule, novels and comics are created in the future. On our site animevost the best new top anime 2018 watch online The full-length version is absolutely free.

Plot twists and turns in animated cartoons can be very diverse. In some, you can see the life of ordinary Tokyo people, while others tell about space and parallel worlds. But more often the plot is built around the main character, who gathers his own team and, overcoming minor difficulties, prepares for battle with a strong opponent. After defeating him, the story usually ends. This year there will be a list of new products, including "Rage of Bahamut: Friends from Manaria", "Violet Evergarden", "The Legend of Grancrest" and others. You can watch the top list of the best anime of 2018 online for free on our portal.

Greetings! And today in our program the most anticipated anime of 2018. Yes, this material is coming out a bit late, but as they say, better late than never. The list of the best anime is based on the ranking among the announcements, the number of scheduled to watch, on the expectations of people from different sites and on the comments under the video. That is, those anime that are most talked about ended up in this material. And now let's start!

Overlord season 2

Release date: Already released in January-April of this year
Genres: adventure, fantasy
Type of: anime series

The plot of the anime "Overlord":"Yggdrasil" was closed, the servers were turned off, and the main character is still imprisoned in the game as close to reality as possible. Being turned into the body of the undead Momonga, he created an all-powerful guild, started a family and gained power. Limitless possibilities - to feel them at least for a second - everyone dreams of this. However, this quickly gets boring. And in order to return to his world, Momonga gathers an army of the undead in order to completely capture the game world. And now he has to fight the lizardmen, who are unlikely to give up just like that. How will this confrontation end? You can find out. This anime is already available on the site and all series are uploaded, but it is still present because it is one of the seven most anticipated anime of this year.

Code Geass season 3

Release date: In May. Spring 2018.
Genres: adventure, fantasy, drama
Type of: anime series

The plot of the anime "Code Geass": The third season is called Resurrection of Lelouch. The whole world is under the influence of a strong and powerful British Empire. The territory of Japan is now called Area 11, and British soldiers are constantly present on it. Local residents do not agree with this turn of events, therefore they are fighting and actively resisting the will of the conquerors. One of these rebels is the main character of the anime - the exiled prince of the empire, strategist and tactician, chess lover Lelouch Lamperouge, who, not without the help of the green-haired stranger S.S., discovers the ability to influence the minds of other people. With this force, he turns the course of events, affecting the minds of British soldiers, but the guy does not stop there and is going to fight the empire to the bitter end.

What will we see in Season 3? Some time passes after the events in Requiem Zero. The leader of the resistance sacrifices himself for the sake of a peaceful resolution, but already from the title of the season it becomes clear: we will see not only all the surviving characters, but also Lelouch himself, whose true causes of death are known only to a few. Lamperouge is alive, the intrigue is preserved, the confrontation will continue. I wonder exactly how the authors are going to resurrect Lelouch? One can only hope that the continuation will be with the style and spirit of the previous parts.

Attack on Titan season 3

Release date: In June. Summer 2018.
Genres: adventure, fantasy, drama
Type of: anime series

The plot of the anime "Attack on Titan": Hooray! Comes out in the summer. For those who read the manga, the plot of the anime will be clear based on the season 3 poster. The description of the anime will be a bit of a gag. So, our main characters are surrounded by enemies from all sides: on the outside of the wall there are titans, and inside the military police, which begins to openly oppose the "wings of freedom". A revolution is coming! This season, the giants fade into the background, people will deal with people, intelligence with the police, Ackermans with Ackermans, and Eren with his "coordinate". Will we find out what is stored in that very basement? To be honest, it’s unlikely, at least this season, but we can safely say that we will learn a lot about the history and the world beyond the walls, and there will also be an action that many lacked in.

Overlord Season 3

Release date: July 7th Summer 2018.
Genres: Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Action
Type of: anime series

The plot of the anime "Overlord": Anime creators are churning out new seasons like hot cakes at the train station. The 2nd season of the Lord did not have time to die down, as a new one was announced and only for the summer of the same year. Short description: Momonge has been in the game for a very long time and managed to find out many facts, explore this world properly and will do everything to find out another puzzle. The way in which Shalltear's will was subdued by another mage and who now possessed the guild items? Perhaps, digging deeper and deeper, sooner or later Momonge will stumble upon a clue how the game world is connected to the real one. However, it is too early to set such a goal now. To begin with, he will have to deal with the internal affairs of the guild, and only then take on his own.

There is an assumption that in season 3 events will unfold based on 7-9 chapters of the manga, which were not masterpieces, and therefore a dozen or two episodes will be "so-so". There will be two new characters who have their own interest in the Lord. Anime fans would like to see spectacular battles and battles like the first season, but ... we'll wait and see. The good news is that Lord Momonge doesn't make you wait long.

Berserk season 4

Release date: 10 September. Autumn 2018.
Genres: adventure, fantasy
Type of: anime series

The plot of the anime "Berserk": The long-awaited continuation of the animated series will be released this fall. Manga Berserk has been produced since 1989, the plot of which is based on the eternal confrontation between good and evil, dark and light forces. The action of the anime takes place in the Middle Ages, and the main character Guts is a fearless knight with a huge sword, for whom justice, courage and honor are principles laid down from birth. And since our world is far from always fair, Guts will often have to face disappointment, forcing the viewer to experience and experience emotions from viewing. There will be 12 episodes in total. In the 4th season, anime fans will see the continuation of the adventures of the black swordsman, which did not end with a reunion with his beloved. GG does not cease to feel hatred towards Griffith, whose evil has poisoned his life more than once. You will have to overcome a lot and take up the sword more than once before the villain gets what he deserves, but in the name of a good cause, Guts is ready for anything.

For those who have not watched Berserk, it will be interesting that this anime is positioned as "for adults". Here everything is close to reality: a cruel world, injustice, deceit, intrigues, campaigns and battles, where rivers of blood flow.

Crazy Excitement season 2

Release date: 11 September. Autumn 2018.
Genres: drama, gambling, psychology
Type of: anime series

The plot of the anime "Crazy Gambling": Or Gambling Maniac, whichever you prefer. This anime is for fans of all kinds of excitement, but the matter is not limited to simple roulette or poker. How about Russian roulette? Or bet millions in the hope of pure luck? However, each party is distinguished by its own characteristics, tricks and tricks that nullify any luck. Here you need a cold-blooded calculation and psychological pressure on the opponent. And the main character Jabami Yumeko does a great job with it. Having just entered the academy, where gambling and money rule the power, she instantly becomes the best player from a pet, defeating opponent after opponent. Disgraced by defeat, they lose both money and respect. So, for example, the academy began to change altogether after Yumeko's last game with the student council president. It is not yet known whether the changes will be for good or bad. But the student council does not give up so easily, they will fight the snake that they themselves have warmed, which means: intense games, intrigues, games for life and the confrontation of Yumeko and her friends against the insidious and still powerful student council. The anime is definitely worth watching!

Fairy Tail season 3

Release date: In October. Autumn 2018.
Genres: Comedy, Magic, Adventure, Shounen, Fantasy, Action
Type of: anime series

The plot of the anime "Fairy Tail": After the disbandment of the famous guild known as Fairy Tail, many of its members had to leave what is called resignation. Some chose a quiet, measured life for themselves in order to spend the rest of their lives in peace, while others went on hikes and long journeys in search of strength, wisdom and, of course, adventure. So, for example, Natsu Dragneel decided to go camping, and Lucy Hardfilia preferred a peaceful life in print. But both did not last long: for hiking alone is uninteresting, and a quiet life is boring. The main characters decide to unite, together and restore the greatness of their guild as soon as possible. They decide to start by looking for the rest of Fairy Tail. This will be very difficult to do. Can they? We'll find out this fall.

One Punch Man Season 2

Release date: 10th of November. Autumn 2018.
Genres: superpower, comedy, parody, supernatural, fantasy, action
Type of: anime series

The plot of the anime "One Punch Man": What can be done in one hit? You can, for example, chop a couple of firewood for a fire or hammer a nail into a chair on which your good friend will sit, or break the castle gates with one pretty blow and thereby save the princess, who is languishing under the protection of a dragon. Our main character is strong as a bull, he saves people, destroys enemies with just one blow. His name is Saitama and he is a professional hero like Nolan's superman. Of course, with such abilities, the boy likes to fight. But now another gorilla thug is defeated in just one blow and the main character gets bored. Will the second season of the Saitama anime bring a truly worthy enemy and will it not be a harbinger of the apocalypse? You have to look to find out.

Drifters Season 2

Release date: Winter 2018-2019.
Genres: adventure, history, fantasy
Type of: anime series

The plot of the anime "Drifters": In the center of the plot is the story of the samurai Shimazu Toyohisa, on the path of which there are continuous difficulties and obstacles. However, this only tempers the spirit and body of the warrior. Battle after battle, and now the main character had a chance to participate in the great Battle. He was able to mortally wound the enemy commander, but he himself is seriously injured. Bleeding Toyohisa magically finds himself in a hallway with many doors, where a bespectacled man named Marsala is already waiting for him. Further, the story will continue in this mysterious, another dimension. Many anime fans are wondering what the authors will come up with and what to expect from the second anime season. Information on this subject is still scarce.

The King's Avatar Season 2

Release date: Winter 2018-2019.
Genres: comedy, video games
Type of: anime series

The plot of the anime "The King's Avatar": An anime of Chinese origin based on the book. The plot revolves around a computer MMORPG game. Yeo Xiu works at an Internet cafe and plays with his favorite toy whenever possible, officially retiring. A certain Dark Lord appears on the new server, whose identity is known only to those with whom the main character played earlier, being a member of the strongest team. Soon, experienced players find out that Yeo Xiu still continues to play, but under a different account and not with his team. But everything is changing after recent events and the decision to create a personal guild comes by itself. Still, there are true friends, the only thing left to do is to gather everyone together, introduce them and conquer the tenth server! Fans of anime about computer games are recommended.

Let's summarize. Since anime release dates are often postponed, this material will be updated periodically and, quite possibly, other anime novelties will be added. Therefore, do not swear much if at the moment the anime you are so looking forward to is not on this list. By the way, more accurate anime tops for summer, autumn, winter will be created, in which I will list all the new items for the season.

It's time to tell about best anime A must see in 2018. Many of the new products are a continuation of already beloved stories and will surely please their loyal viewers.

Recently, the industry has seen a kind of collapse, and many eminent authors predict a relatively quick decline in Japanese animation. The reason for this is the almost complete absence of young animators and is associated with a growing problem among the youth. People are increasingly trying to isolate themselves from society and full-fledged live communication. In simple terms, such people simply do not have real life experience, which naturally affects the ability to create thoughtful and spectacular anime stories. Despite this, there are still talented authors who are ready to give their all and invest in the creation of high-quality and interesting anime films. In this article, we will talk about such series, which can rightly be called the best anime of 2018.

1 Fist of the North Star: Rebirth

On the threshold of 199X, the human civilization is in decline. The reason for this was the nuclear apocalypse. People are divided into two classes: the weak are enslaved, and the genetic giants rule the Earth. Since only memories remain of the familiar weapons that people used before, the only thing a person can rely on is martial arts.


Many fans are looking forward to the release of the 4th season of one of the best series in 2018 - High School Demons. The story will continue to follow the adventures of 17-year-old high school student Issei Hyoudou. Due to the lack of attention from the weaker sex, he is transferred to the women's gymnasium, which is famous for its free morals. Such an unusual move gives the desired result almost immediately: Issai is assigned a meeting by a very pretty girl. It just didn't work out the way he had hoped. Because she planned to kill the naive gentleman and perform a magical rite. The guy, in turn, is not so simple. It contains a divine artifact and after the girl kills Issei, the artifact launches and resurrects the boy, while awakening the ancient demon Rias. Now these two will take part in the eternal confrontation between dark and light forces.


The events of this anime series take place in the technologically advanced Academy City, located near Tokyo. It deals with the study of people improved with the help of scientific knowledge, called Espers. In an amazing city, there was a place for magic.

In the center of the story is one of the students of the Kamijo Touma Academy. He has the unique ability "Imagination Destroyer", touching any magic or ability of espers with his hand, he immediately dispels it. One day, Kamijou discovers a girl dressed in monastic robes on her balcony. It turns out that her name is Index and she is a nun in the service of a secret magical division of the English church. 103,000 books banned by the church were placed in her memory. Due to this chance encounter, Kamijou finds himself in the middle of a conflict involving espers and mages.


The Abyss is a complex system of caves. Its dimensions are so large that people have not been able to explore them completely. It is also unknown who and why created these huge underground communications. Mysterious creatures inhabit the Abyss. They protect ancient artifacts from strangers, the purpose of which remains a mystery.
People are constantly trying to get into the caves and get to the treasures of the Abyss. Such explorers are called Raiders.

In the city, which is located near the border with the abyss, the girl Riko lives. She lost her parents early and dreams of becoming a cave explorer like them. One day, her dream comes true and Riko goes into the abyss, where she meets a mysterious friend. This is where the adventure begins...


Tokyo Ghoul is an anime based on the manga of the same name by Sui Ishida. Tells about the events taking place in the alternate reality of modern Tokyo. According to the plot, a struggle is going on in the city, in which people are trying to resist ghouls - carnivorous creatures that can eat either people or their relatives. The manga was first adapted for TV in 2014, and a second season launched a year later.


Fairy Tail is a very popular anime series based on the manga by Hiro Mashima. The release began in 2009 and continues to this day. The series received recognition from the audience thanks to a deeply thought-out world, in order to find errors and inconsistencies in history, you will have to try hard. This is not surprising, because real professionals worked on the creation.
The main events of this anime take place in a fictional distant past, in the kingdom of Fiore. Magic in this world is an integral part of life. In different kingdoms there are guilds of magicians who constantly compete with each other. One of the most powerful, fun and unpredictable guilds is called Fairy Tail.

According to unofficial data, the anime Fairy Tail (Season 3) will be released in 2018, but the exact date has not yet been announced. There is information that it will be the last season, and the second Fairy Tail: Dragon's Cry will appear before it.

7 Sword Art Online: Alicization

An unhealthy craving for computer games, at times, can lead to the most unexpected consequences. This is what happened to the schoolboy Kazuto Kirigaya, nicknamed Kirito. He got into the online game "Masters of the Sword". It was very difficult to get out of it alive, but he succeeded. After his success, Kirito was recognized as a real expert and he was asked to help the police in investigating a crime, and for this you need to visit another online game "Gun Storm". With the new task, he also copes brilliantly.

In the new season, Kirito will work for the secret government organization RATH, which is developing the Assilization Project. He will enter the virtual world "Underworld". But he had never faced such challenges before. In just 3 days in the real world, he should live 10 years in the virtual one. After returning, he will have to re-enter the game, but since he did not remember anything from the first dive, he will have to start everything from scratch.


We could not help but include in the list of the best anime of 2018, perhaps the most anticipated sequel - the One-Punch Man series. The second season of the anime will continue to talk about the hero Saitama - the most powerful person on Earth, capable of destroying everything with one blow. Having entered the hero academy, he sought to fight a worthy opponent, whom he could not lay down with the first blow. Perhaps this will appear in the new season.

A little background of this anime series: huge and very strong monsters appeared on the planet. Of course, they began to do what they were supposed to do - destroy everything around and kill people. To save the world from destruction, amazing people with superpowers stood up to protect humanity and justice.


Code Geass: Lelouch of the Resurrection is another sequel that fans are looking forward to. It is not yet known in what format the anime will be released. Only one thing can be said for sure - the plot will be based on a story that takes place a couple of years after the events described in Requiem Zero. At the time of writing, there is no data on how the key character Lelouch will return, because in the second season of Code Geass: Rise of Lelouch, it was stated that the hero died and would no longer appear in the sequels of the story.

10 Steins Gate: Zero (Season 2)

Closes the Top 10 best anime of 2018 the second season of "Steins Gate: 0". The series tells about an 18-year-old student of a technological university and the founder of the "Future Gadget Laboratory" - Rintaro Okabe. Trying to change the past in order to save Makise Kurisa, who was accidentally killed by him, he tried all sorts of ways. His attempts to influence the past one after another ended in complete failure, saving one loved one, he immediately lost another. This continued until he realized that what had happened could not be undone.

After all the failures, Rintaro decides to say goodbye to scientific work and live a simple student life. But the idyll does not last long, suddenly a friend of the deceased Kurisa Makise appears and tells that a device has appeared with which you can recreate the personality of a person inside yourself. Thus, there is hope and new attempts to bring Kurisu back to life. Whether Rintaro succeeds, you will find out by watching this anime series.

The best anime of 2018 - a list of series and films

Complete list of anime scheduled for release in 2018