The posterior thigh muscles are extremely important in powerlifting. By strengthening these muscles, the athlete increases the power capabilities in the deadlift and squat. In addition, the biceps of the thighs create a more harmonious look of the legs, which is useful for. For girls, exercises on the back of the thighs will help get rid of sagging and cellulite. Therefore, for all athletes involved in strength, mass and external aesthetics, we recommend that you definitely train the biceps femoris.

Anatomy of the muscles of the back of the thigh

This muscle group consists of three muscles:

  • Semitendinosus muscle of the thigh. A thin, long muscle located closer to the inner edge of the back of the thigh. Functions: extension of the thigh, participation in flexion and rotation of the lower leg;
  • Semimembranosus muscle of the thigh. A narrow, long muscle located on the inner edge of the back of the thigh. Functions: unbends the thigh, flexes the lower leg, with a bent leg, turns the lower leg inward;
  • Biceps femoris. Consists of two heads: long and short. Occupies most of the back of the thigh. Functions of the biceps femoris: participates in leg extension, flexes and rotates the lower leg outward.

Training features

In this case, the well-known principle - "train the lagging muscles at the end of the session" - does not work. After several approaches in squats and leg presses, there will be practically no strength left to pump the biceps of the thighs. Therefore, we propose the following rules for training the hamstrings:

  • Priority. Put the load on the biceps of the thigh at the beginning of the session. Do not worry, the muscle fibers of the thighs are very hardy, so you can perform the following exercises in full.
  • Quantity. It is believed that for the growth of small muscles you need to do from 12 to 15 repetitions per set. The opposite is true for hamstrings. Despite their small size, they are best worked out with serious weights and 6-8 reps.
  • A complex approach. Do exercises on the back of the thigh in the same session with other elements for the legs. The fact is that the quality of the training increases if you pump together (they are antagonists to the biceps).
  • Different types of loads. To pump up the biceps of the thigh, combine insulating and heavy ones in one training. This principle of working out allows you to use muscle fibers as deeply as possible and accelerate them.

Top 5 hamstring exercises

Work out the biceps femoris muscles more effectively with large weights. Therefore, we offer exercises that are available to gym visitors, as well as those who have minimal equipment (dumbbells or a barbell) for training at home.

1. Power lunges

If you want to pump up the back of your thigh, lunges with weights should be your main exercise. In this case, it is better to use a barbell as a weight, and not dumbbells. With a barbell, you will have to constantly monitor your balance, which will create an additional load on the target muscles.

  1. Position the barbell on your upper back (trapeze and rear deltoids).
  2. Stand up straight, straighten your spine.
  3. Taking a deep breath, step wide forward with one foot and lower your pelvis at the same time.
  4. Having taken the “lunge” position, linger for 1-2 seconds.
  5. Then, with an exhalation, slowly return to the upright stance.
  6. Repeat the movement starting with the other leg.

  • Take your time, as there is a high risk of losing balance and falling.
  • When moving, try not to lean too far forward.
  • Otherwise, a dangerous load on the knee joint will be created.

2. Deadlift

The exercise perfectly works out the muscles of the back of the thigh, and also strengthens the ligaments and tendons of the legs. Deadlift can be done both with a barbell and in a Smith machine (option for beginners). We will look at the free weight technique.

  1. Prepare the bar and place it on the power rack stops at knee level.
  2. Come up, take a direct closed grip and remove the projectile from the stops.
  3. Move away from the power rack, straighten up, slightly move your shoulder joints back.
  4. Place your feet close to each other (approximately at a distance of 15-20 cm).
  5. With a deep breath, bend over and lower the bar to your knees or slightly lower.
  6. Exhaling, slowly rise to the initial stance, straighten your shoulders at the top point.

  • When lowering the projectile, bend your knees slightly.
  • Keep your spine straight throughout the entire range of motion.

3. "Good Morning" slopes

The exercise perfectly stretches the entire back of the thighs, strengthening the muscles and tendons.

  1. Place the bar on the power rack at the level of the pectoral muscles.
  2. Duck under the bar and press against it with the top of the trapezoid.
  3. Remove the barbell and step away from the power rack.
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  5. With a deep breath, lean forward and slightly move your pelvis back.
  6. The depth of inclination is up to the parallel of the body with the floor.
  7. Exhaling, slowly return to the starting position.

When tilting, it is permissible to bend the knee joints quite a bit, but it is better to keep the legs straight. So the load on the biceps of the thighs will be better.

4. Flexion of the legs lying down

This exercise uses a weight block machine with a horizontal bench.

  1. Lie down with your chest and stomach on the seat, clasp the special hand rests with your palms.
  2. Set the required weight and press the back of the ankles against the raised support.
  3. Bend your knees as you exhale, and slowly lower as you inhale.

  • Control both phases of the exercise: avoid throwing up the support and dropping it abruptly.
  • At the top, hold a light pause (1-2 seconds) to improve the pumping of the hamstrings.

5. Russian Curl (tilts in a kneestand)

The exercise is performed with your own weight, so it is suitable for working at home. It creates a powerful load on the biceps of the legs.

  1. Lay down soft and get down on your knees.
  2. Ask a partner or trainer to hold your shins.
  3. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders.
  4. Keeping your torso and hips in line, as you inhale, gently lean forward to a 45° angle (or lower).
  5. As you exhale, due to the tension of the biceps of the thighs, return to the starting position.

  • When bending, put your hands in front of you so that in the event of an unexpected fall, you do not hit your face on the floor.
  • Keep the hips and body in one line, do not round the back.

When conducting a workout for the hamstrings, follow these tips:

  • Before exercise, warm up the muscles and joints of the lower body well.
  • If the grip of the palms is weak, use the wrist straps to hold the barbell in the deadlift.
  • With large weights, work very carefully, do not allow pain in the muscles and joints of the legs.
  • During the pause between sets, massage the muscles of the legs from behind to avoid “clogging” with blood.
  • Do not do aerobic and jumping exercises after strength training of the legs.
  • At the end of the session, very carefully perform a simple stretch of the lower extremities.

Example of a training plan

As we have said, the biceps muscles are best trained on the same day as the other leg muscles. We offer an example of a comprehensive program for the lower body, but with an emphasis on the hamstrings.

  1. Warm-up (treadmill, tilts, rotation of the legs in the joints);
  2. Power lunges with a barbell (4/6-8);
  3. Squats (3-4/10-12);
  4. Deadlift (3-4/6-8);
  5. (3-4/10-12);
  6. Russian Curl (3-4/10-12);
  7. (3/15-20).

At the end of the session, do a simple stretch on your legs. This will help relax the muscles of the lower body and reduce.

Exercises for the biceps of the thigh in video format

The back of the thigh is the main hotbed of the hated orange peel in the female. And it seems that the priest is nothing, and the legs are quite slender, but the flabbiness of the back part spoils the whole external picture. Recall that we have already analyzed in detail the features of training and, as well as told from the outer surface.

Now let's talk about the back of the legs. This area of ​​​​the body is divided into several muscles - the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles.

Having decided to bring the problem area into shape, you need to pay attention to 2 tasks:

  • Burning excess fat - any aerobic and cardio loads will help here;
  • Bringing the area into a state of tone - basic and multifunctional strength exercises will help in this matter.

The most important thing in getting rid of extra centimeters - regularity. You need to do at least 2-3 times a week, combining different types of training for different muscle groups.

Locally ONLY in the right area you will not lose weight. The result will not be late - after 3-4 weeks of regular exercise with the exercises below, looking in the mirror will become much more pleasant.

Before considering the best hamstring exercises at home, you need to stretch.

How to stretch the back of the thigh?

Stretching is the foundation of any workout. Poorly stretched muscles not only work worse, but are also extremely susceptible to all sorts of injuries. It is recommended both before training - warm-up, and after - hitch. It is better to warm up the joints well before starting classes., as well as perform a dynamic warm-up - running, jumping, skipping rope. For a hitch, a smooth stretching of the muscles involved in the training is better.

The following exercises are good for stretching the back surface:

  • Fold- sitting on the floor, straight legs extended, back straight. We raise our hands up, and then slowly lower ourselves down to our feet. Try not to bend your knees and press firmly into the floor.
  • Deep lunge with straight leg- one leg is bent at the knee, the other is set back as much as possible. Try to keep your knee straight.
  • - lie on your stomach. As you inhale, clasp your ankle with your hands and bend your back and sway a little, like a boat. As you exhale, relax and return to the starting position.

All exercises must be performed slowly, as if hanging for a certain time.

You can also do the leg stretch shown in this video:

So, when the stretch is done, you can start doing exercises for the hamstrings at home. Below you will find the top 5 best-of-its-kind movements aimed at the zone of interest to us.


One of the most effective base loads for the posterior thigh muscles. The front part of the legs and the body part of the back are also involved. Also recall that this thrust is one of the best movements.

The complexity of implementation is medium. It takes concentration and endurance. From the inventory, it is better to use dumbbells or a barbell of a comfortable weight.


  1. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight, arched in the lower back, weighting in the hands in the groin area;
  2. After inhaling, bend in the back area, hands with weights slide along the body to the middle of the lower leg;
  3. Without stopping at the bottom point, exhale and return to the starting position.

See the video for more details:

You need to try to push off from the bottom point with the biceps and the muscles leading to it. You do not feel the trained area - all efforts are in vain.

Pull should be performed in 3-4 sets of 6-10 times.

Carefully! Dumbbells or barbell should move strictly along the body. The further away from the body the neck, the more bad load on the spine and the chance of injury.

Squats on one leg

Squats by themselves are very effective for the lower body. But it is squats on one leg that will really load and contribute to the weight loss of the back surface. There are 2 types of this load, they differ in the location of the non-supporting leg. The complexity of the implementation is high, in addition to coordination, such a training of the biceps of the thigh will perfectly work out the necessary area and help.

Option one- standard


  1. Starting position - a straight back, the supporting leg is slightly bent at the knee, the second, bent, is pressed against the body;
  2. While inhaling, we squat as deep as possible;
  3. Exhaling, we return to the starting position.

Option two- pistol

  1. Starting position - the body is extended like a string, one straight leg is extended forward to parallel with the floor;
  2. Inhaling, a squat is performed;
  3. As you exhale, return to the up position.

See the video for more details:

If it is difficult to perform actions on the floor, put your supporting foot on a support - a chair, stool or bench.

Need to do the exercise up to characteristic stress in the muscles. For starters, 15-20 times in several approaches is enough. The time between sets is 30-45 seconds. If the load is easy, try it.

It is interesting! Such squats help to change, and, therefore, effectively fight with.

Jump lunges

The combination of aerobic and power load will have a wonderful effect on pulling up the figure. Difficulty of execution due to jumps quite high.

In addition to the main muscle group being worked out, lunges will help tighten the buttocks and calf muscles.

  1. Starting position - Feet together, back straight, arms at the seams, gaze directed forward;
  2. On inspiration, we lunge forward with the right foot, exhale, hovering;
  3. On the next breath, we jump and land in a lunge on the other leg.

Learn more from the video:

You can do this exercise with or without weights. For beginners, start with 10-12 reps per leg for 2-3 sets.

For the necessary coordination of movements, help yourself when jumping with the characteristic wave of your hands.

Leg raises while lying on your stomach

An excellent static load for girls and women, acting mainly on the biceps femoris. The difficulty is not high, the main thing is to concentrate on the area being worked out and feel the muscle tension in it. This movement is also called.

  1. Starting position - Lay a mat, lie on your stomach, arms and legs straight and stretched down;
  2. On inspiration, we understand 2 straight legs up 15-20 centimeters from the floor level, we linger for 2-3 seconds;
  3. Exhaling, we come to the starting position.

More on video:

You can perform actions both on both legs at once, and separately on each. For starters, 15-20 repetitions for 3-4 sets will be enough.

You can perform the exercise both without weights, and use weights on the calves or ankle.

Calf flexion while lying on your back

A functional exercise that involved the back of the thigh, buttocks, back muscles and strengthening the press. The complexity is small, the main thing is to save correct back bend so as not to get injured. For greater efficiency, you can use 2 small hill supports - you can put pancakes from a barbell / dumbbell or towels folded several times.

The well-respected site with the long name published an article based on the scientific study "Activation of the biceps femoris in various exercises for the lower body." Now you will find out which exercise loads the hamstrings better than others.

The special attention of scientists who have devoted a whole study to the biceps femoris is due to the fact that the muscle groups of the biceps femoris are one of the most traumatic. For example, in athletics, up to 25% of all injuries (depending on the specific sport) occur precisely in this muscle group. Some of the researchers suggest that the main cause of injuries is the weakness of the muscles of the biceps femoris and recommend that athletes strengthen them through strength training.


The aim of the study was to identify exercises that would maximize the activation of the hamstrings, as well as to determine the level of load in relation to the quadriceps.

For scientific purposes, 34 athletes were tracked down (21 males, and a damn dozen weak). The subjects tested the level of muscle strength of the biceps femoris and quadriceps (maximum voluntary isometric contraction, MVIC), then determined a maximum of 6 repetitions in leg exercises:

1. Squat (squat)

2. Bending the legs in the simulator (seated leg curl)

3. Deadlift (stiff leg dead lift)

4. Single leg stiff leg dead lift

5. Forward bends with a barbell on the shoulders (good morning)

6. Lifting the body while kneeling in support (russian curl).

After that, all 34 subjects rested for 3 days immediately before the study. Then, during the scientific experiment, the athletes did all of the listed exercises with their maximum load for 6 repetitions. With the help of sensors, scientists measured electromagnetic impulses that determine muscle activity in different exercises.


As a result, a huge variation in the involvement of the biceps femoris in the studied leg exercises was found.

The table below shows the level of impact of each of the exercises on the muscles of the hamstrings.

Comparison of the activity of the muscles of the biceps femoris in various exercises

As you can see, the greatest activity of the biceps femoris is caused by an exercise that sounds beautiful in English: Russian curl, but very clumsily in Russian: “bending the legs while kneeling in emphasis” or “lifting the body while kneeling in emphasis”, and the least effect gives the basic squat

The second aspect of the study: the ratio of the activity of the quadriceps and biceps femoris in various exercises. The results are also summarized in a table.

The level of dependence of the activity of the biceps femoris and quadriceps. On the left - exercises that significantly load the biceps of the thigh and to a lesser extent - the quadriceps. On the right - on the contrary, exercises focused primarily on the quadriceps.

The essence of the indicators: the table shows the ratio of the activity of the biceps of the thigh in relation to the activity of the quadriceps in different exercises.

In this case, it shows that the squat activates the quads more than other exercises than the hamstrings. And the Russian curl exercise, on the contrary, loads the biceps of the thigh more than all the others compared to the load on the quadriceps.

To form beautiful and harmoniously developed leg muscles, it is necessary to include exercises for the biceps of the thigh in your workouts. Together with pumped up, elastic buttocks, the back of the thighs provides an effective fit for the trousers and is largely responsible for a sporty, toned silhouette. These muscles are involved in many basic exercises, which must be supplemented with isolation exercises for proper emphasis.

Exercises for the back of the thigh deserve serious attention. As a rule, most trainees are limited to only bending the legs on the simulator and traction with straight legs, but recently an extended set of exercises has become more widespread.

Anatomical role and features of the biceps muscle

The hamstrings are antagonistic muscles with respect to the quadriceps, the main function of which is static. The biceps femoris muscle provides the ability to bend the leg at the knee joint, turn it outward, and unbend it at the hip joint. It consists of short and long heads, which form the bulge of the back of the thigh and partly the hollow of the inner surface.

An important distinguishing feature of the biceps femoris is its tendency to shorten. This leads not only to inharmonious development of the muscles of the back surface, but often also to painful sensations during bending forward or raising straight legs to an angle of 90 °. To avoid this and ensure a beautiful muscle architecture, training must necessarily include stretching exercises.

Features of training the biceps of the thigh

Most hamstring exercises also involve the gluteal muscles and partly the quadriceps, so it makes sense to create a general leg workout based on basic exercises and supplemented by isolators specifically for the biceps. This approach will ensure the correct and even development of the hips, without shifting the focus to any part of them.

Effective and proper leg training is, ideally, strength training, so finding good exercises for the hamstrings at home is quite difficult. For basic exercises, you need a barbell or dumbbells, and it is problematic to perform isolation exercises without exercise equipment.

Before you start working out the legs and back of the thigh, the muscles need to be warmed up. 10-15 minutes of running or walking on an incline track will prepare you for training and eliminate the risk of strain.

Basic exercises for training the biceps

The exercises for the biceps of the thigh, which will be discussed, are equally suitable for both female and male training, however, there are some nuances in the implementation that affect the result.


The deadlift or Romanian deadlift is one of the basic exercises with a barbell, which, among other things, has a good effect on the hamstrings, effectively working out and stretching it. It differs from the classical deadlift in that when performing, the athlete does not bend his knees (or bends slightly due to his anatomical features) when he bends over the barbell lying on the floor and lifts it. It is associated with a high injury rate, so the correct technique is the key to the safety and health of the athlete.


Less effective, but still effective exercises for training the back of the thigh are the good old lunges. The advantage is that they can be made at home. The correct long lunge allows you to connect not only the quadriceps, for which this exercise is performed most often, but also the biceps. It is best to perform with weights, that is, with dumbbells or a barbell.

Isolation exercises for the hamstrings

Isolating exercises are an opportunity to refine, “finish off” exactly the muscle that is needed. To complete a good hamstring workout, machine leg curls and a special kind of hyperextension work well.

Calf flexion

Bending the legs in the lying machine is one of the isolation exercises that works the biceps as much as possible. The execution technique is quite simple, and the result is always impressive:


Usually hyperextension is performed during the back workout, but it can be slightly modified and added to workouts of the buttocks and biceps. Hyperextension for the biceps of the thigh is different in that the support pads of the machine are not installed at the level of the pelvic bones, but at the level of the upper part of the quadriceps. Otherwise, the execution technique does not change:

  • The back is straight, arms are crossed on the chest or clasped behind the head;
  • The buttocks are compressed, the forward tilt is performed slowly and smoothly, without jerks and swings.

The movement is short, but completely focused on the hamstrings. This exercise gives a noticeable effect even when others do not bring the desired result.

Quality hamstring training includes technically complex exercises that are potentially dangerous for beginners. Practicing techniques with a trainer will allow you to get the most out of training and avoid a long period of rehabilitation in case of injury.

Caution should be taken when performing exercises on the legs in general and the biceps of the thigh in particular for people with diseases of the spine, knee or hip joints. Proper technique and the selection of a suitable working weight are the first tasks before starting serious training.

There are so many pseudo-specialists around who, after 2 presses and 5 squats, are already starting to teach you the technique of pumping legs. Learn how to pump up your thighs the right way!

Understand, having been like a couple of months in, you have not yet become such an experienced athlete to forget about the technique and give advice on how to properly pump up the hips for a beginner. You have to shed gallons of sweat in the hall, go through the path of victories and mistakes before you yourself understand everything. In the meantime, absorb useful recommendations from our expert!

Strong, perfectly built quadriceps femoris muscles are a sure sign of excellent physical shape. Huge, developed ones can become the highlight of the program and set you apart from the crowd of bodybuilders. Just imagine the contrast between a balanced, aesthetically proportioned body with sculpted legs and a belly with thin legs. Therefore, a lot of guys are engaged in the heat in their pants, hiding their shortcomings.

Most likely, just like that you will not grow hips like professional bodybuilders, however, it is in your power to make your quadriceps dense, strong, with a clear relief that meets all standards. Follow the correct technique and persevere, then you will not need years on beautiful hips.

Why pump your hips

Quadriceps make up a huge amount of muscle mass in the body. They make us spend countless hours in the gym, shed liters of sweat, all in order to put on a few grams of muscle and still pump up our hips. And it's worth it: training the quadriceps muscles will allow the muscles of the whole body to grow due to the natural production of growth hormone and testosterone.

Squats, for example, require a huge number of muscles throughout the body to control the weight: the quads and hamstrings, back, traps, shoulders, and all of these help move and/or stabilize the weight during the lift. As a result, all muscles will grow. It is this exercise that will help you properly pump up your hips. You only have to ask yourself one question: Do I want this?

A Brief Anatomy Lesson

If the answer to our question was yes, and you really want to pump up your hips, let's take a quick look at the anatomy of the hips and the function of muscle groups so that during training you can imagine the work of your body. The thigh consists of three muscle groups - anterior, medial and posterior.

The anterior thigh muscle group is the most popular pump target among athletes. It consists of the quadriceps (and its four heads - rectus, medial, intermediate, lateral) and the longest of all human muscles - tailor.

Interesting fact!
The quadriceps is involved in the extension of the lower leg, and if it is paralyzed, the patient can walk normally on a flat surface, but is not able to run and can only move up stairs with difficulty.

The medial group of the thigh consists of three adductor muscles - long, short and large, as well as thin and pectinate.

The posterior thigh muscle group combines the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles. Want to have powerful hamstrings? Try a workout from an expert on our site site!

All the muscles of the quadriceps provide the work of the knee joint. In addition, the rectus femoris, due to its location, provides flexion of the leg at the hip joint. All this anatomical information must be remembered when performing exercises on the legs. For what? To understand how to properly pump up your hips and get results! Now get down to business!

The best exercises for pumping up the hips

Now that you've learned a bit about thigh muscle anatomy and function, let's delve into what makes the quadriceps look prominent. These exercises and training program are designed to get the most out of every trip to the gym and quickly pump up your hips. Be aware of technique and do not work with excessively heavy weights to avoid injury.


To properly and quickly pump up the muscles of the thighs - squat. It is on the back that is the main exercise in gaining muscle mass. Stand in a power rack under the barbell and place it comfortably on your upper back, on the trapezius muscle. For stability, grasp the bar firmly with your hands and move away from the rack. Feet are shoulder width apart or slightly wider.

Extremely important!
The movement begins with bending the knees. At the very beginning, do not bend your hips or back, otherwise you may roll forward. Lower yourself until your hips touch or until you reach a comfortable range of motion. Raise the weight back through your hips first, then your knees. At the top point, the knees do not fully straighten.

Completely up to you. Full range work is ideal for any exercise, but squatting can cause knee and back pain. Lower yourself as far as possible, and then return to the starting position. The main thing is to constantly expand your comfort zone. The squat is a tough exercise, but the result is worth it - you will pump your hips into perfect shape.

To pump up the inner part of the quadriceps (vasus medial thigh muscle), squat with a wider stance and turned feet.

Deep squat with a barbell

To stand under and put it on the chest opposite the deltas. Cross your forearms - one on top of the other - and grasp with both hands. Keep your shoulders parallel to the floor and your head up. Grab the weight and step back, feet shoulder-width apart. The movement is the same as in a regular squat with a barbell on the shoulders. But here the back is held a little straighter. These squats are aimed at pumping up the legs and especially the quads, as opposed to regular squats, which involve the hamstrings more.

If you're new to the front squat, start with the Smith machine first, and when you're comfortable, move on to free weights.

If you are very tall and lean forward too much, or your heels are off the floor, place 2 or 4 kg plates under them for extra stability. This applies to all squat variations.

Hack squats

To work more on the outside of the thigh (latus lateral muscle) there is nothing better. With a weight that is comfortable for you, stand in the simulator under the stops, your feet are on the platform shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself as far as possible, and then return to the starting position. Don't make quick movements, so as not to add stress to your knees, it is better to work at a constant speed. The legs are not fully extended.

If there is no hack simulator?
Some halls do not, but do not despair, there is a way out. Simply place a barbell with weight behind the calves (a kind of deadlift but with weight behind the legs). The back is straight and the head is raised. Rise up until you are almost completely straight. The legs always remain slightly bent at the knees. Return to the starting position, but the weight of the floor does not touch. This exercise for pumping up the thighs requires strict technique, so until you get comfortable, work with light weight.

leg press

Another great way to build mass is at a 45-degree angle. Advantage: minimal load on the lower back, and maximum on the hips. Sit in the simulator so that you can work in full amplitude. Place your feet on the platform shoulder width apart. Push the weight while keeping your knees slightly bent. Slowly lower the weight with control. Get as low as possible and avoid half-range movements - you are just fooling yourself and not developing muscles. Proper execution is a guarantee that you are guaranteed to pump up powerful hips.

Straightening the legs on the simulator

For isolated muscle work while pumping up the hips, there is nothing better. Sit on the simulator so that the axis around which the movement occurs in the knee joint coincides with the axis of rotation of the load. The back is tightly pressed to the back. Place your ankles under the rollers. Lift the weight at a moderate pace and squeeze your quads at the top of the movement. Then lower and return to the starting position. Do not linger at the top so as not to create unnecessary stress on the knees and ligaments.

For a deeper pumping of the upper thighs, try this version of the extension. Perform the movement as described above, but this time, with your legs up, lift your back off the seat so that your hips and torso are 90 degrees or less. With this performance, take less weight, but, believe me, the muscles will burn anyway!

Barbell lunges

is a great formative exercise. They give an attractive rounded shape and bind together all the muscles of the thigh. Despite the fact that lunges pump up the entire thigh, in this article we will only talk about the effect on the quadriceps.

Place a relatively light barbell over your shoulders as in the squat exercise. Step back from the power rack and step one foot forward. Bend your leg so that your back knee almost touches the floor. And remember: the knee should not go beyond the foot, if it does, take a bigger step. When lifting back, push off with the working leg and return to the starting position, placing the feet together. Do the same with the other leg, this will count as one rep.

A great alternative to barbell lunges is Smith machine lunges. Do the required number of repetitions with one leg, then the second. After each lunge, do not come back, but simply continue to squat with one leg. Then change.

Many instructors prefer walking lunges to pump up the legs and especially the hips. Make sure your gym has room for at least 30 lunges. Take a lunge with one foot. Bring your back leg to the starting position and step further forward with the other leg.

Workout for pumping up powerful hips

Hip workout

For a more detailed study of the thighs, use these training programs: for the inner and outer thighs.

If you want to build your inner quads, squat with a wider stance and feet turned out.

As you work out, visualize your leg muscles building up and your hips getting bigger. Professional athletes say: such visualization sets you in the right mood and helps you achieve exactly the result you dreamed of!

You've already done a great job, it remains to make a small push and finish your regular full-body workout with this complex for the thighs.

That's the whole secret of powerful legs and pumped up hips - a super effective workout with the right technique! Control your body during each exercise and remember healthy habits when you finish working in the gym. Only complex work on yourself will bring you the long-awaited result!

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We swing our legs

Basic set

Extended set

Basic set

Basic set

Extended set

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TwinLab | Men's Ultra Multi Daily ?

1 capsule.

Designed specifically for men, Twinlab Men's Ultra Multi Daily vitamin and mineral complex contains the necessary set of nutrients and special matrices to improve prostate function, as well as antioxidants and tonic components.

Universal Nutrition | Ultra Whey Pro

1-2 measuring spoons are mixed with 200-250 grams of water or any other liquid.

Universal Nutrition | Amino 2250 ?

2 capsules before and after workout.