If you decide to use freshly squeezed juices for weight loss, then be prepared for the fact that a 200-gram glass is indispensable. Nutritionists recommend drinking at least 2 liters of a healing drink during the day with a juice diet. How to prepare and consume juices for weight loss?

  • You need to drink freshly prepared juice, mixed in half with clean water.
  • On fasting days, do not use anything except juices.
  • Fasting days to organize regularly.
  • It is useful to create cocktails by mixing different juices.

In addition, different juices have their own characteristics of preparation and dosage. Some use only in mini-doses: a spoonful once or twice a day.

Vegetable juices for weight loss

Vegetable juices for weight loss are a great way to lose weight "with taste" and pleasure. Vitamins and minerals, which abound in the gifts of fields and summer cottages, are indispensable products in the diet of a person who prefers a healthy diet. Vitamins are active participants in metabolism, they tend to be "washed out" from the body. Vegetables and juices from them replenish these reserves and thus contribute to an active metabolism.

The most popular juices for weight loss are made from ordinary vegetables growing in every garden: cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, carrots. These low-calorie drinks do their job perfectly.

  • Cabbage is considered an exclusively vitamin and healing vegetable. The fiber of the leaves does an excellent job of cleaning the intestines, the juice treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To get a glass of juice, you need to pass 2 - 3 heads of a white vegetable through a juicer.

Cucumber contains 96% water, in which trace elements are dissolved, in particular, potassium, which is necessary for the functioning of the kidneys and heart. Acts as a mild laxative and diuretic.

A drink made from celery stalks has a diuretic and laxative effect, cleanses toxins, and stimulates fat burning. It normalizes blood sugar levels.

Carrot juice is a real storehouse of useful components. Contains antioxidants, phytoncides, improves eyesight, removes toxins, resists stress.

Tomato juice for weight loss

Orange juice for weight loss

Orange is a delicious and satisfying citrus. Like its counterparts, it contains especially a lot of vitamin C and P, as well as fiber, potassium and folic acid. It improves digestion, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removes harmful substances, improves tone and mood. A glass of natural drink is able to saturate the body with a complex of vitamins for the whole day. Juice is also used: for weight loss, as well as for hypertension, atherosclerosis, as a prophylactic against rickets, scurvy, constipation, caries, neoplasms.

Orange juice for weight loss is included in the menu of various citrus diets. The fiber of the juicy fruit contributes to weight loss, which swells in the stomach and maintains a feeling of fullness for about four hours. Red oranges are especially useful for weight loss. With the help of a juicer, they make a great smoothie. Juice with a pleasant citrus flavor can be used to overcome the less pleasant taste and smell of juices from kale, spinach, and other vegetables.

A single serving of fresh - 50 ml. The optimal time of admission is between breakfasts. Drinking juice on an empty stomach causes irritation, after eating - fermentation in the stomach.

Frozen orange juice for weight loss lends itself to freezing, and pieces of popsicles are an exquisite addition to fruit and vegetable smoothies.

The drink contains enough sugar, which can be dangerous for diabetics. Also, juice is not recommended for inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, during pregnancy and a tendency to allergies.

Pomegranate juice for weight loss

Pomegranate juice for weight loss is an indispensable tool. It regulates appetite and functions of the stomach, has bile and diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effects, effectively increases hemoglobin. Ruby seeds of the red fruit are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, organic acids, minerals, anthocyanins. All these components are very necessary for a losing weight organism, weakened by diets.

When using this juice for weight loss, one should also remember its negative properties, namely, a high concentration of acids that destroy tooth enamel and irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Therefore, pure juice is mixed with boiled water before drinking.

The same qualities do not allow prescribing pomegranate juice for gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis and ulcers. In these cases, the drink is diluted with water or other juice. The most useful cocktail is pomegranate-carrot.

People who regularly consume pomegranate juice not only eliminate excess weight, but also feel younger, get rid of asthma, anemia, and atherosclerotic changes.

Pineapple juice for weight loss

Pineapple juice for weight loss is rich in antioxidants that prevent aging, thrombosis and atherosclerosis. The enzyme bromelain breaks down proteins, so the juice is very useful to drink before meals. Bromelain is able to block the intake of cholesterol with food, has a beneficial effect on the functions of digestion.

  • Pineapple juice for weight loss is more useful with pulp. It is very tasty, rich in vitamins of groups C, B, beta-carotene, minerals. In a glass of fresh drink - the daily norm of these substances.

However, everything is good in moderation, and this also applies to juices for weight loss. You can not drink pure pineapple juice daily. And in general, it is better to combine fresh pineapple with vegetable or less acidic fruit. It is "friends" with many juices, and is also suitable for making salads, jellies, yogurts, quenching thirst and increasing the effectiveness of other ingredients. For example, a pineapple-carrot drink perfectly cleanses blood vessels and the liver. The joint use of juice with animal proteins, legumes and starch products is not recommended.

Pineapple smoothie is prepared using a juicer, crushing juicy slices of pulp. The drink quickly loses its beneficial properties, so you need to drink it immediately. The daily rate should not exceed 0.5 liters. The drink should not be consumed with individual intolerance to the components.

Viburnum juice for weight loss

Sung in folk songs and fairy tales, viburnum is a unique berry. This is the first remedy for colds, coughs, hypertension, gum disease, bleeding. Viburnum juice perfectly cleanses and whitens the skin, effectively fights cellulite. Frozen juice cubes do an excellent job with acne: you need to wipe the skin with them in the morning, before washing, leaving for a few minutes to act.

  • Is viburnum juice good for weight loss? Yes, because when taken internally, it activates the metabolism, normalizes digestion, and eliminates toxins. And for external use, juice for weight loss is used in the form of body wraps. Before the procedure, viburnum is mixed with honey and rosemary oil, applied to problem areas and wrapped with cling film. After an hour, the residue is washed off.

The use of viburnum juice also has contraindications. It is not recommended for hypotensive patients, pregnant women, kidney disease, gout, thrombosis. An overdose of juice can provoke a gag reflex or allergic manifestations.

Watermelon juice with pulp

Watermelon is often considered a dessert and consumed after a hearty feast. And watermelon juice is generally not listed among healthy drinks. It turns out that this is wrong, and watermelon is clearly an underestimated berry in this sense.

Fresh watermelon juice with pulp retains all the useful qualities of the fruit:

  • refreshes;
  • quenches thirst;
  • beneficial effect on all organs and systems;
  • facilitates the course of many diseases;
  • removes excess liquid and slag;
  • activates metabolism;
  • strengthens the defenses.

Watermelon juice is considered dietary, and one of the best, because it saturates the body with easily digestible components, removes cholesterol and neutralizes excessive acidity. It is successfully used in unloading diets as juice for weight loss.

Juice can be mixed with apple, currant, cranberry juices; a prerequisite - the drink prepared in the morning should be drunk completely before the end of the day. And, most importantly, the watermelon must be ripe and free of nitrates.

The drink helps to recover faster after operations and serious illnesses, protects against tumors and stress. In pregnant women and during menstruation, it eliminates bloating, pain and discomfort. In men who regularly consume the drink, sexual activity increases.

chestnut juice for weight loss

Chestnut juice for weight loss refers to the fat-burning supplement Liquid Chestnut. The preparation includes active ingredients guaranine, theobromine, theophylline and excipients. The effectiveness of this kind of juice for weight loss is based on their properties. In particular, guarana:

  • accelerates metabolism, waste elimination and energy consumption;
  • reduces appetite and stimulates physical activity;
  • improves memory;
  • has no side effects.

Due to these properties, guaranine is included in many weight loss drugs. The remaining active ingredients enhance the action of the main substance, while stimulating metabolism and energy consumption.

Despite the safety of guarana, "Liquid chestnut" should not be used by people with heart problems, epilepsy, hypertension, mental disorders. It is not combined with antidepressants, psychotropic and sedative drugs. In the presence of any other diseases, a doctor's consultation will also not be superfluous.

Contraindications for watermelon juice are diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, flatulence, phosphate kidney stones, prostate adenoma, intestinal adhesions.

Due to the low calorie content of juices, a few days spent on them will give you a plumb line of 3-4 kilos. For such fasting days, the body will only thank you, because by taking juices, you normalize blood pressure, treat the kidneys, liver and cope with much more complex problems. In addition, fresh juices perfectly help get rid of toxins, normalize digestion and speed up metabolism.

How exactly to use juices in order to lose weight? To begin with, juices are unlikely to be able to saturate enough. For this reason, the use of such drinks is more like fasting than a balanced diet, and you should not abuse this diet.

Nutritionists offer several schemes for drinking juices in order to lose weight.

The first option involves adding fresh juices to the usual diet. This will not bring immediate results, but in the long term it will enrich the body with vitamins, restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and speed up metabolism. Naturally, when introducing juices into the diet, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of flour and sweets, not to abuse alcohol and, in general, not to overeat.

If you would like to lose weight more actively, it is acceptable to replace breakfast and dinner with juice. Lunch in this case must be left, focusing on vegetable dishes.

The most complex and at the same time the most effective scheme for losing weight on juices will require you to have great stamina. We are talking about several fasting days, during which you can drink only fresh juices. The duration of such a diet is from two to three days, and the amount of juice consumed is about a liter per day. If it's hard for you, you can reduce the number of fasting days to one or two per week. Kilograms at the same time will go a little slower.

There is a weekly version of weight loss on juices. In addition to fresh juices, this diet includes lean meats, proteins, vegetables or fruits in moderation.

Before you switch to juices, you need to prepare the body. Otherwise, most likely you will feel bad, fatigue, swelling, nausea and headaches will appear. A few days before the start of the juice diet, give up heavy meat, flour and sweets. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet.

An important component of losing weight on juices is the subsequent consolidation of the result. Since several days of fasting will become a stressful situation for the body, the latter will store nutrients as soon as it begins to receive food. So that the weight does not return and does not become even more, after fasting days, you need to follow a low-fat diet for several days and drink at least two liters of pure non-carbonated water.

The benefits of juices are scientifically proven. Since liquid foods are absorbed faster than solid foods, vitamins and minerals from fresh juices will enter the body in the shortest possible time. Daily consumption of juices significantly reduces the risk of developing obesity and diabetes, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, stomach, intestines, kidneys and liver. Many fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of vitamin C, which actively fights stress and boosts immunity.

It should be noted that only natural juices are useful. The last of the supermarkets contain a lot of fillers, sugar, starch, many additional and most likely harmful substances. In addition, fresh juices quickly lose their useful properties, they should be drunk immediately after preparation and not cooked for future use. Do not use metal utensils, this will destroy a number of vitamins. Do not strain the juices, the pulp will help cleanse the intestines and give a feeling of satiety. Do not add salt and sugar to the drink. Acceptable seasonings will be pepper, cinnamon, ginger.

Vegetable juices for weight loss

For those who can not eat vegetables in their pure form, vegetable juices will be a real find. Such fresh juices have all the useful properties of the products we are used to. You can make juice from one vegetable, or you can mix cocktails. This is not only useful, but also very interesting. The taste of such juice is also many times better.

Beet juice

Beetroot juice normalizes the liver, prevents blood clots, lowers cholesterol and speeds up fat metabolism. In addition, beets contain a lot of fiber, which will allow the body to burn a lot of energy for processing. Beetroot fresh must be infused for about 20 minutes and it is advisable to dilute it with water in a one-to-one ratio to avoid stomach problems. You can add juice to vegetable cocktails. It is not recommended to drink more than 50 grams of pure beetroot juice at a time.

cabbage juice

Cabbage accelerates the breakdown of fats and perfectly removes toxins. Cabbage juice has a very specific taste, so it is better and more pleasant to take it as part of a vegetable cocktail. Be careful, fresh cabbage can cause fermentation and bloating.

Carrot juice

Carrots are rich in vitamin A. Taking carrot juice, you will not only put your body in order, but also take care of the beauty of your skin. Carrot juice is low in calories and is included in many diets.

Tomato juice

Fresh tomatoes will speed up metabolism and, as a result, help get rid of extra pounds and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Seratonin contained in tomatoes, paired with vitamin C, actively fight stress and help not to break down during diets. Tomato juice perfectly drowns out the feeling of hunger.

Celery juice

Celery is one of the most powerful fat burners. It is filled with vitamin C, normalizes and speeds up metabolism, removes toxins and toxins. Celery juice is a fairly strong diuretic. To maintain your weight, you can consume 3 tablespoons of juice half an hour before meals. To reduce weight, juice should be included in the composition of the cocktail and taken in a glass of drink in the same way.

Aloe juice

Aloe is famous for its healing properties and is often used not only in folk, but also in simple medicine. Aloe juice should not be consumed in large quantities and is best added to a vegetable smoothie. The result of its use will be not only weight loss, but also a cleansed intestines, blood vessels and the body as a whole.

pumpkin juice

Specific pumpkin juice has an invigorating effect, lowers cholesterol, removes toxins, excess fluid and salt. An interesting fact is that pumpkin contains more carotene than carrots. Remember that pumpkin juice is known for its mild laxative effect.

Fruit juices for weight loss

Fruits contain more sugar and calories than vegetables. Therefore, fruit juices should be consumed in smaller quantities. Fruits have a high vitamin value and excellent taste, and also go well with vegetables in various cocktails.

Lemon juice

It would seem that sour lemon juice, although rich in vitamin C, should irritate the mucous membranes very much. When drinking juice in its pure form, it is so. But by diluting a spoonful of fresh juice in a glass of water, you will get a healthy drink that will help in the fight against fats. The pectin contained in the lemon coats the intestinal wall and slows down the absorption of sugar. Lemon juice speeds up the metabolism, removes toxins and dulls the appetite.

grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice has all the properties of this fruit. It speeds up metabolism, regulates digestion, takes care of cholesterol levels and cleanses the body. Grapefruit juice should be drunk in a glass before meals. If you don't like the bitter taste, just add the juice to a fruit smoothie.

pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice has long been considered medicinal and is prescribed for those who suffer from anemia. The iron-rich fruit will also help with weight loss. It normalizes and speeds up metabolism, eliminates excess fluid and toxins, prevents the formation of fat cells, especially in the abdomen. In addition, pomegranate juice will be a great helper when going through diets. Taking such a fresh, you will feel much better and more cheerful. Pomegranate juice is not recommended to drink in its pure form and is suggested to be diluted with water in a ratio of one to one.

Pineapple juice

To all those who have ever wondered about losing weight, pineapple is known as a strong fat burner. A fruit rich in vitamins and nutrients will cleanse the body of toxins, speed up metabolism and normalize digestion. In addition, pineapple juice is incredibly tasty.

Juice from oranges

Orange juice has a fairly low calorie content, it is tasty and rich in vitamins. However, if you chose this particular juice, dilute it with water to avoid stomach problems. Orange juice will cope with stress, give a feeling of cheerfulness and increase immunity. Like any citrus, an orange actively fights fat deposits and removes toxins.

Apple juice

Like orange, apple juice has a bad effect on mucous membranes. By diluting it with clean water in a one-to-one ratio, you will avoid possible problems. Try to make fresh from sweet varieties of apples, but do not forget that they are more high-calorie.

blueberry juice

Blueberries are known for many health benefits. So, for example, this berry perfectly restores vision. Blueberry and juice can play an important role in the process of losing weight. Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber, the berry will start the metabolism and normalize digestion.

Contraindications and precautions

If you decide to use juices for weight loss, do not forget that they have calories. Carefully calculate the energy value of products. Otherwise, the diet can not only become a waste of time, but also add a couple of kilos.

It is advisable to drink juices through a straw. The acids found in fruits and vegetables can damage tooth enamel.

There are more serious contraindications to taking juices. You should not start a diet if:

  1. you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers);
  2. you are allergic;
  3. you are pregnant or lactating.

Such healthy juices can cause serious harm to the body. Before starting a diet, it would be good to consult a specialist. If you feel unwell during unloading on juices, stop using fresh juices and consult a doctor.

You will appreciate the changes that will happen to you while taking natural juices. Skin, hair and nails will noticeably improve, you will feel a surge of energy and it will be easier to get up in the morning. These are just a few of the nice bonuses that can be obtained in addition to significant weight loss. Therefore, think about the use of juices in order to lose weight and improve the whole body.

Currently, there are a huge number of different ways to reduce weight. And often different diets completely contradict each other. For example, some nutritionists believe that carrots are very useful for weight loss, while others recommend excluding this vegetable from the diet. Therefore, let's try to figure out whether it is worth eating this product for those who want to lose weight.

Benefits of eating root vegetables for weight loss

First of all, you need to figure out what carrots are good for:

Cons of eating root vegetables for weight loss

Now you know how carrots are useful for losing weight, it's time to talk about its disadvantages, however, it is only one. Nutritionists say that eating boiled carrot dishes for weight loss is not very good.

When you eat a root crop after heat treatment, your blood sugar level rises sharply, and this provokes an uncontrolled appetite.

True, there is a way out of this situation - a properly composed menu. For example, stewed carrots can be eaten with sea fish, and root cutlets with cottage cheese. Only with the right combinations with other products can you eat a boiled orange vegetable and lose weight.

Therefore, for those who love the root crop and dream of losing weight, it is recommended to eat it raw. But for those who like boiled "beauty", it is important to learn how to correctly include it in the menu.

diet on carrots

As mentioned above, raw carrots are good for weight loss and the body as a whole. Therefore, those who decide to reduce weight with the help of this vegetable will be able to become a little healthier by cleansing their intestines and improving metabolic processes.

If you want to get rid of 1-3 extra pounds before an important event, you can try making a carrot salad for weight loss. Such a diet will last 4 days, and the visual effect will be very good.

To prepare a vegetable snack, you need to grate carrots on a fine grater, and then sprinkle with lemon juice. This dish is the basis of the menu for weight loss. For a change, once a day, it is recommended to add a grated apple or citrus fruit to the salad.

Now let's talk about the approximate diet for 4 days:

  1. Breakfast: boiled carrots, kefir - 150 ml;
  2. Lunch: root vegetable salad (possible with an apple or orange);
  3. Afternoon snack: favorite fruit;
  4. Dinner; root salad;
  5. 30 minutes before bed: kefir - 150 ml.

There are no restrictions on the size of a salad serving, eat until you are full. And do not forget to drink kefir, it will facilitate the process of digestion of food.

Dishes from carrots for losing weight

If you love an orange vegetable and follow proper nutrition, then you will need a couple of recipes with the addition of carrots, which contain a minimum of calories, but are very tasty and healthy.

The first recipe is beet and carrot salad for weight loss.

To prepare a snack, take:

  • two small beets;
  • large carrots;
  • about 50 g of black radish;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • favorite greens;
  • for refueling - 1 tbsp. l. pumpkin oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop all vegetables on a large shredder;
  2. Pass the garlic through the press;
  3. Stir the dish, season with oil and, if desired, add finely chopped greens.
  4. In this salad, beets can be cut into small cubes, it will also turn out very tasty.

The second recipe is cabbage and carrot salad for weight loss.

To prepare a tasty and healthy dish, take:

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the cabbage into medium-sized pieces, and grate all the other vegetables on a coarse grater.
  2. Lightly rub the ingredients with your hands so that they release the juice, especially the cabbage.
  3. Add finely chopped prunes to the plate, sprinkle everything with lemon juice, season with oil.
  4. Mix the salad and eat. By the way, this dish is suitable for fasting days: tasty, healthy and satisfying.

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An integral part of diets is a large number of drinks, which include clean drinking water, freshly squeezed juices and green tea. Other drinks during the diet are not recommended. All vegetable juices are rich in useful trace elements, but there are those that will help our body get rid of excess fat faster.

The main difference between fruit juice and vegetable juice is the presence of sugar or glucose. Fruits increase insulin levels, vegetables lower them.

Anyone who wants to lose weight without harm to health should combine the chosen diet with the use of vegetable juices, because they have many useful properties:

  • Weaken and cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxins, which will have a good effect on your well-being. This will save you from extra centimeters at the waist and rejuvenate your face;
  • The diuretic effect will remove excess water from the body - puffiness will decrease, bags under the eyes will disappear;
  • The presence of a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Diets involve limited nutrition, due to which the body lacks many substances. Juices, in turn, nourish the body with them;
  • Many vegetables suppress appetite. A glass of juice will fill the stomach with healthy and low-calorie contents.

It is very important to consume juices immediately after preparation, before they lose their beneficial properties. Exception- beet juice. Its harmful substances cease to act after interaction with air.

It is worthwhile to competently approach not only the choice of vegetables and fruits, but also the process of preparing juices, which is quite realistic at home. Below are descriptions of juices, their benefits and recipes that will help you avoid starvation on the way to a slim figure.

You will need:

celery juice

Celery is rich in calcium, carotene, oxalic acid and many vitamins that normalize cholesterol levels, water metabolism and metabolism, enhance immunity. It also has a good effect on the production of sperm in men and serves as a prophylaxis for prostate adenoma.

  • To enhance the beneficial properties and give a special taste, celery drink can be combined with oranges, grapefruits, honey or watermelon.

Cooking method:

You can use a juicer. But since it is harmful for health to consume more than 3 tsp. half an hour before a meal, it is enough to grate and squeeze the juice through gauze.


It is a source of potassium, lycopene, and vitamin C. It will help remove excess fluid, reduce appetite, and strengthen immunity. With the constant use of tomato juice, cholesterol in the blood is regulated, metabolism improves. It will be an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and oncology.

How to cook:

  • Take a few tomatoes, wash them well.
  • Cut off the stalks, and make cross-shaped incisions.

Dip the tomatoes for a few seconds in boiling water - this will make it easier to remove the skin.

  • When you get the tomatoes, peel them off and chop finely.
  • Place food in a blender or grate. Pour the resulting mass into a glass container.
  • When the pulp begins to collect at the bottom, cover with cheesecloth and pour into a decanter. Add salt, oil and spices to taste.


It will cleanse the vessels of excess potassium, remove toxins, regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland and intestines, and improve well-being.

Adversely affects the work of the heart, can cause dizziness or even nausea, so it is not recommended to take more than 50 ml of juice at a time. Best paired with other drinks.

Cooking method:

  • Take the fruit of a bright red hue, it is desirable that it be oblong in shape.
  • Rinse, cut off a quarter of the top.
  • If you have a juicer - use it, if not - scroll in a blender or grate.
  • As in previous recipes, filter with cheesecloth. Let it brew for two hours so that harmful enzymes evaporate.
  • Remove the foam formed on the surface.

Aloe juice

It cleanses the body, breaks down accumulated feces, eliminates toxins, and reduces weight. Helps the stomach cope with heavy meals.

Do not use with exacerbation of stomach diseases, with cystitis, pregnant women, hypertensive patients and with bleeding.

How to cook:

  1. Take the leaves of a three-year-old plant and leave for two weeks in a dark, cool place (or in the refrigerator).
  2. After that, rinse the aloe, finely chop and squeeze through cheesecloth.
  3. Boil the resulting liquid for three minutes in a water bath, after which it can be drunk.

Drink half an hour before meals, three times a day, no more than one teaspoon.

from cabbage

It will improve digestion and metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins, but occasionally it can cause bloating.

Cabbage decomposes decay products, which causes the formation of gases. In this case, a cleansing enema may be indicated.

It is contraindicated for diabetics, people with high stomach acidity, kidney dysfunction or pancreatic diseases.


  • A finely chopped head of cabbage is passed through a juicer.
  • It is recommended to drink 2 glasses a day. Pairs well with carrot juice.

You can find out how else you can by clicking on the link.


It will become a source of the daily norm of magnesium, calcium, iron. Low-calorie, removes excess water from the body, cleanses the intestines, normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder. Helps those who suffer from constipation.


Boil diced pumpkin until soft, then use a blender or rub through a sieve. Can be mixed with lemon or tomato juice.

If you have diabetes, you should choose unsweetened varieties of pumpkin.

Drink one glass in the morning before breakfast. A drink can replace an afternoon snack.

Ginger juice

Improves the protective functions of the body, speeds up metabolism, digestion, regulates blood pressure.

Contraindicated in the presence of inflammation of the digestive system, with hypertension, during pregnancy and lactation.

Recipe (with lemon):

  1. Cut the ginger root and half a lemon, squeeze the juice from the second half.
  2. Put the chopped root in a separate container and pour over the lemon juice. You can add other citrus fruits to taste.
  3. Pour boiling water over (a small piece of ginger will require a liter of water). After 10 minutes you can drink.


Accelerates metabolic processes, cleanses the intestines and liver, prevents constipation.

To prepare the drink, it is enough to grate the potato, then squeeze the liquid through cheesecloth into a glass.

If you want to change the taste, you can mix it with carrot juice.


Increases immunity, nourishes the body with vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Contraindicated for ulcers, diabetics, with exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Without fat, it is poorly absorbed, so you should add butter or cream to the juice.


  • Carrot 1 kg
  • Warm water 500 ml
  1. Peel and cut carrots. Grind in a blender, add a little water.
  2. Dilute the resulting mass with warm water, mix.
  3. Let the mixture stand for 20 minutes. Remove the pulp by passing through a sieve.
  4. Can be mixed with orange or apple juice.

You should drink no more than 2 glasses, so as not to provoke nausea, vomiting, headache.

from radish

Useful for diseases that make breathing difficult, atherosclerosis, kidney stones. It cleanses almost all organs, and even joints without harm to health, which has a positive effect on both the figure and well-being.

It is contraindicated to use ulcers, with gastritis and those suffering from colitis.


  • Black radish 10 kg
  • Water 3 l

After washing the radish, cut off the spoiled places and place in the juicer.

Drink 30 ml one hour after meals.


Zucchini is low-calorie (only 20 kcal per 100 grams), rich in sulfur, iron, zinc, aluminum, magnesium, sodium salts, vitamins A, B1 and B2. With the help of its diuretic effect, it removes excess water, unnecessary cholesterol, relieves edema, cleanses the blood. Juice helps burn cellulite.

Do not use for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder.

How to cook:

  • Peel the zucchini from the skin and seeds;
  • Squeeze the juice with a juicer or grater;
  • Put the puree on cheesecloth and squeeze the liquid into a glass.
  • You can add a clove of garlic or dilute with other juice.

Drink juice should be a glass before dinner during the diet.


Quench thirst, relieve heartburn, remove toxins, excess water. Cucumbers will reduce the level of acidity in the stomach, pressure, improve metabolism. They will clean the kidneys from sand and small pebbles.


3 medium-sized cucumbers will make 2 cups of juice.

  1. Peel the fruit from the peel, get rid of the tips, finely chop. Grind in a blender.
  2. Pass the resulting mass through a sieve. The drained liquid can be drunk.

It is enough to drink half a glass twice a day.

parsley juice

Parsley is a storehouse of vitamins A, B, C and magnesium, potassium and zinc. Low-calorie, rich in fiber, improves natural metabolic processes. Removes excess water, regulates the hormonal background of the body, lowers glucose levels, improves vision.

Do not take juice with kidney dysfunction, it can cause nausea, dizziness.

Parsley juice is very effective with the addition of cucumber. To prepare, peel it, wash the parsley, and chop in a blender. Add other vegetables or herbs of your choice.


Removes toxins and toxins, dulls the appetite. Lemon contains pectin, which slows down the absorption of sugar.

How to cook:

  • You will need 2 lemons that you need to wash, cut into 2 halves and squeeze the juice. The drink is almost ready.

Do not take it in its pure form, it can adversely affect the acidity of the stomach.

  • Dilute the juice with warm water in a ratio of 1:3 or other juice. A pleasant taste will come from mixing with an orange, carrot or apple.

Drink no more than 50 ml of lemon juice per day.


One of the most effective juices for weight loss.

Do not take in parallel with drugs that lower blood pressure, this can increase the duration of the effect of medications.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse 2 fruits, they should make about 200 milliliters of juice.
  2. Prepared in the same way as lemon.

Drinking juice before meals for 3-4 months, without changing your eating habits, will help get rid of 5 kilograms.

Drink through a straw. Grapefruit juice can damage tooth enamel.


Oranges are rich in vitamins A, B6, C, E, folic acid. They have a beneficial effect on all systems: endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular. Improve digestion, tone up.

You can not drink a drink for patients with diabetes mellitus, ulcers with gastritis.

Prepared in the same way as lemon and grapefruit juice.

Drink on an empty stomach no more than 50 milliliters. You can mix with other fruit juices to taste.


Cleanses the body, regulates the functioning of the intestines. Very useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases, for smokers.

Contraindicated in people with chronic stomach diseases.

How to cook:

Peel apples, remove seeds, cut and squeeze in a juicer. Tastes well with carrot juice.


It will help to fill the lack of many substances in the body, prevent anemia, reduce the amount of fatty acids, and prevent the appearance of fat on the waist and abdomen. Pairs well with carrots.

Cooking recipes:

Option 1

Crush the washed berries in a garlic press.

Option 2

Cut the pomegranate in half and squeeze out the juice with a citrus juicer.

Drink before meals half a glass twice a day. Mix with carrot or beetroot juice.


It has a healing effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

It is better to drink with pulp, which contains beneficial enzymes that break down proteins and burn fat.

Many have heard about the benefits of carrots since childhood. This affordable and popular vegetable in our country has a rich vitamin complex, useful, easily digestible sugars and fiber, ensuring the normalization of digestion and the removal of residual fats from the body.

Recently, many began to talk about juice diets, which help cleanse the body and get rid of extra pounds. Here are some arguments for and against this approach.

Cons of juice diets

Before you plunge headlong into trendy recipes, consider what the proposed diet can lead to. After all, often, when talking about the pros of any diet, they forget to mention the side effects.

  1. Refusing to consume solid foods, you will feel hungry throughout the day. The body will quickly absorb the liquid and digest the fruit sugar, after which the empty stomach will begin to beg to let it work. In this regard, juice diets are very ineffective. Include healthy juices in your diet, but be sure to eat low-fat protein foods, fiber, and some natural oils for normal brain activity.
  2. The transition to any one component greatly impoverishes the diet, no matter how useful this product may be. Regular meals should be balanced. However, a wellness course of drinking juices with a light meal will help restore the lack of vitamins in the body, cleanse the digestive tract and remove toxins from the blood and skin cells. Carrots are rich in carotene, antioxidants and valuable minerals, so if you add carrot juice to your diet for a while, it will help improve eyesight and skin condition, rejuvenate the body, eliminate toxins and salts, which will be an excellent prevention of urolithiasis and joint diseases. However, do not "stay too long" on a one-sided diet, satiety of the body with the same components reduces their active effect and healing properties. The body, as it were, adapts to a new diet and ceases to absorb those substances that are already in excess.
  3. Rich in pectin and fruit acids, juice with pulp affects the body of different people in different ways. For some, fresh juices awaken a brutal appetite. Therefore, the transition to an “empty” juice diet is dangerous by disruptions to more high-calorie food, which you easily refused with a normal diet. The ideal option would be to introduce juice into a complete diet. It will stimulate a healthy appetite, promote the breakdown of adipose tissue and the removal of toxins, and will also allow you to look great and make up for a vitamin deficiency during malnutrition.

Carrot juice, containing a complex of vitamins and minerals, especially carotene, tocopherol, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium and iodine, helps to improve and cleanse the body:

  1. Stimulates the proper functioning of the intestines, removing underdigested proteins and fats that clog the villi and prevent the absorption of nutrients.
  2. It has a slight diuretic effect, normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and the removal of excess salts from the body, maintains the flexibility of the joints.
  3. It generously saturates the skin, nails and hair with vitamin A, maintaining a healthy complexion and fighting pigmentation, restores vision and skin elasticity. Prevents dehydration.
  4. Fights the negative effects of free radicals, rejuvenating cells.
  5. Stimulates the proper functioning of the heart and purifies the blood.
  6. Useful fructose allows you to maintain normal blood sugar levels during a carbohydrate-free diet.

Important! Carrots are rich in fat-soluble vitamins, the absorption of which is impossible without the use of oils. Drinking "empty" juice will not bring the desired result if you do not add light unsaturated fats to the diet. Nutritionists recommend adding some coconut or almond milk to your carrot juice. And if you are on a carrot diet and eat a fruit with pulp, add some crushed nuts to a salad or eat boiled fruits with a creamy sauce.


Remember that every organism is unique. Often one has to deal with such a phenomenon as individual intolerance. In the case of plant components, this is an allergy to certain substances that irritate the body and are not absorbed by the body of a particular person.

Before including carrots in your diet, make sure you are not allergic to them. After all, a sharp depletion of the diet and an increase in the use of an allergen can cause a violent reaction even in an organism that previously had an allergy in a latent form. If you feel fever, malaise, itching, severe flatulence, increased hunger, skin rashes, red spots on the body, it is better to urgently review the diet and eliminate the irritating component.

2 options for a harmless juice diet with carrots

You can arrange a cleansing of the body. To do this, do not use fatty, sweet, starchy foods and alcohol for a couple of days. After that, you need to spend a few days on the juice. Drink several glasses of fresh juice from carrots and other plants a day. Recommend a combination with cabbage, beetroot and spinach juice. Apple and grape juice will also enrich the diet and satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Along with juice, you need to eat some fiber and protein foods to maintain bowel function. It can be bran porridge or a few nuts. After 2-3 days of this diet, replenish your normal protein intake - start eating lean meat and light cottage cheese with fruit, continuing to drink juice until the end of the week. Such a diet will help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, free the body of toxins, rejuvenate cells and replenish vitamin starvation. But do not get carried away too much, hypervitaminosis is also harmful!

Another program involves introducing juice into a balanced diet. Experts recommend drinking a glass of fresh juice on an empty stomach half an hour before taking a light breakfast, as well as drinking juice in the afternoon. At the same time, maintain a low content of bread carbohydrates and unhealthy fats in the diet.

In this case, the juice will “even out” a healthy appetite, prepare the digestive system for the absorption of useful elements, help restore normal microflora and absorb more vitamins. This does not promise magical burning of extra pounds, but it will provide recovery and getting used to proper nutrition. And this is the key to further weight loss.

Video: benefits and uses of carrot juice