In this article, we will talk about such an important point as opening and maintaining a dispute (dispute) on Aliexpress. And we will try to understand the following questions:

In general, we will figure out what needs to be done in order to win a dispute on Aliexpress and get your money back as quickly as possible.

It's no secret that goods from Aliexpress may not arrive in good condition, with defects that do not match the description, or they may not arrive at all, lost somewhere along the way. Things happen.

The money for the defective goods has already been paid, the seller is in China - what to do?

It is to resolve such situations that the Aliexpress administration introduced such a tool as Dispute or Dispute call it what you like, it makes no difference.

A dispute with the Aliexpress seller will allow you, firstly, to inform the seller that his goods are not working or have not arrived, and secondly, to demand a refund of the money paid.

In principle, this is the simplest dispute dispute on Aliexpress. You told the seller that his product was broken, and he returned your money (or part of the money) for this. And quite often it happens that everything happens (especially with cheap goods). The seller does not want to waste time arguing with the buyer, even less does he want to shine in front of the Aliexpress administration, so he simply offers to return the money for the goods in exchange for a good review from you. I think everyone noticed that 98% of all reviews on Aliexpress are positive, although products with jambs are not so rare.

The situation is more complicated with more expensive goods or simply stubborn sellers. In such cases, the return of money can be another headache.

First, you will be taken to the order information page. At the very bottom of this page there is another link “Open a dispute”, click on it, and start filling out something like a questionnaire. And the first thing you need to specify is what exactly you want from the seller.

Reasons for opening a dispute on Aliexpress

  1. Problems with the delivery of goods
    • Order protection is already expiring, but the package is still on the way
    • The transport company returned the order
    • No tracking information
  2. Problems with customs
  3. The seller sent the order to the wrong address

After choosing a suitable reason, all you have to do is write a small comment to the seller and (for now, if you wish) attach a couple of photos or even a video.

What can be demanded from the seller in a dispute on Aliexpress?

The choice here is not large, you have only two options:

Refund- you demand that the seller refund your money for the goods. You do not want to return the item to the seller. The best option, believe me, you do not want to send the goods back to the seller.

Return of goods and money– you want to return the money for the goods and are ready to send it back to the seller. Not the best idea - shipping to China costs money, something around $ 20. Parcels from Russia to China go no faster than from China to Russia. And you will receive a refund only after the goods are returned to the seller.

The situation is a little easier with sellers who have a so-called « » . Here you need to pay for the delivery of goods only to the seller's warehouse in Russia (usually Moscow). And the seller will pay the costs of shipping the goods to China.

Well, the money will be returned to you as soon as the goods arrive at the warehouse, and not in China.

All sellers have a local return, as well as simple sellers who have such a guarantee:

On the one hand, when returning goods and money, the seller breaks down less and willingly returns the money. On the other hand, you spend money on sending the goods back to the seller and wait a month or even more until the package arrives (and God forbid something happens to it on the way). Which option to choose is up to you.

What to write to the seller in a dispute?

What should we write in a dispute on Aliexpress? Yes, not much at all. In just a few words, describe what you ordered, what you received, and why you want a refund. Specify the shortcomings of the goods , again without any detailed descriptions: the smartphone does not turn on, there is a bad smell from the T-shirt, there is a crack on the screen, the case is scratched, and so on.

You do not need to crucify in front of the seller, as you are very upset by a low-quality product. He does not care.

It is also worth uploading a couple of photos of low-quality goods . Take a close-up photo of scratches or cracks. If your smartphone does not turn on, connect it to the charger and take a picture that nothing is happening.

In general, if even at the post office you suspected that something was wrong with the parcel (shards ring, for example), Can you make an unboxing video? . This is the best variant.

At first, this is more than enough. Open a dispute and wait for the seller's response. Depending on what he answers, we will think about what to do next.

In what language should I correspond in a dispute on Aliexpress?

Well, in general, you will receive all messages from Aliexpress and from the seller in English. You can also express your requirements in English. Although there will be no difference if you write in Russian. That you will translate your message in the translator that the seller, all the same.

During subsequent correspondence with the seller, if any, you should refrain from rudeness, obscenities and other nonsense. Yes, the seller will put pressure on pity, demand proof, offer their own solutions to the problem, etc.

We remain calm and carefully read everything that the seller writes to us. If he asks for any evidence, we present it. Again, everything is within reasonable limits - a video for 3-5 minutes, normal quality is enough, no need to shoot blockbusters.

If the seller requires some kind of dance with a tambourine during this video that you cannot perform, just write to him - that it is not possible to fulfill the request. If anything, you can always wait for the intervention of Aliexpress, where the evidence requirements will be more adequate.

If you shed a tear after the seller’s pitiful story about his plight and are already thinking about canceling the dispute, think again if you live well enough to essentially just give the Chinese the Nth amount of money. In addition, if you opened a dispute in the last days of the Buyer Protection expiration, it will no longer be possible to open a dispute again.

And again, be careful with what the seller offers you. You don't have to take the seller's word for it, never. Do not close the dispute because of the promise of a refund bypassing Aliexpress or some good discounts.

The seller may offer you to repair the goods at his own expense and pay the cost of the repair. Do you need it?

The seller can accept the dispute, but at the same time change its conditions - instead of "Refund" put "Return of goods and money". Double-check before agreeing to his offer.

And now let's talk in more detail about the timing when opening a dispute on Aliexpress.

Terms of opening and conducting a dispute on Aliexpress

As mentioned above, you can open a dispute on Aliexpress:

Not earlier than 10 days from the date of shipment of the goods- namely sending, the time of verification and processing of the payment is not taken into account.

And no later than 15 days from the date of confirmation of receipt of the goods It doesn't matter when you received the item in the mail. The time will start counting only when you confirm receipt of the goods on Aliexpress.

There are cases that Aliexpress does not allow you to open a dispute if the goods are not received. In this case, users receive messages like:

According to our records, your package has already arrived in the country of destination. She will be coming to you very soon! Most parcels are delivered within the time specified by the seller. If you do not receive your package by ****-**-**, open a dispute and we will help you find a solution.

In the message, you are offered to wait until the deadline for the delivery of the goods and only then open a dispute. That is, you have only 15 days to open. An unpleasant rule, you will agree.

However, there is a small life hack:

  • First you need to open a dispute
  • Disable internet
  • And then, in the “Did you receive the goods” garf, select “No”. In this case, the system, instead of the specified message, will allow you to fill in all the other fields.
  • Turn on the Internet and click the "Submit" button

While it works.

This is with regard to the timing of the opening of the dispute. Now let's look at the terms that apply when conducting a dispute on Aliexpress.

7 days- that is how much is given to you with the seller to resolve the dispute. The countdown starts from the moment the dispute is opened, regardless of whether the seller accepted it or not.

During these 7 days, you will find an exciting or not very correspondence with the seller. As I said, some sellers will by hook or by crook convince you to close the dispute, change the reason, reduce the shipping amount, etc.

After 7 days, the dispute will escalate and the Aliexpress administration will deal with your problem.

5 days- if 5 days have passed since the opening of the dispute, and the seller has not accepted it (just scored, did not answer), the dispute is automatically closed and the money is returned to you.

Perhaps the best scenario. But this is rare.

15-60 days- this is how long it can take to consider an aggravated dispute by the Aliexpress administration. Do not be afraid of the figure of 60 days, it is rather a reinsurance in case of particularly difficult situations. Usually everything is considered in a couple of weeks, or even faster.

5-15 days- this is how much the process of returning money takes in the event of a positive decision by Aliexpress.

Exacerbation of the dispute on Aliexpress, perhaps better for you than for the seller. Whatever they say, the administration prefers to side with the buyer. The main thing here is to provide them with all the necessary evidence.

Related video:

Exacerbation of the dispute on Aliexpress

The aggravation of the dispute occurs automatically, after 7 days from the date of its opening.

How to aggravate the dispute on Aliexpress yourself?

No way. It used to be possible, but now it's gone. So before aggravating the dispute, you have to wait a week.

Attracting Aliexpress to the dispute

And now the omnipotent administration of Aliexpress intervened in your dispute. What's next?

The first thing Aliexpress will do is consider your evidence provided earlier. At the same time, your correspondence with the seller will not be taken into account when resolving the dispute, no matter what you agree on there, no matter what stories you tell each other.

And here is the first important point. If Aliexpress considers your evidence insufficient, and most likely it will be. You will receive a message with the following content:

Don't worry, no one has thrown you. This is just a suggestion, for now. But in the details of this message you can find interesting information about what evidence you need to provide in order to return the money.

Usually these are photos and videos. It would seem, why not immediately send all this evidence when opening a dispute?

It’s just that usually Aliexpress has certain requirements for this evidence, for example: you need to shoot a video where your smartphone is connected to a charger and does not show signs of life, and another device is connected to a nearby outlet, which is charging normally.

This is done to make sure that the goods are not working properly, as well as to exclude the option of falsifying evidence.

Requirements change periodically from case to case. So it’s better to find out exactly what Aliexpress will require from you specifically.

Yes, you have a specific time frame for providing evidence(usually 3 days) so don't miss it.

Then, for some time, Aliexpress will consider your evidence and make a decision.

There may be several solutions. For example, I had two for a faulty smartphone:

1 solution- partial refund, about 90% of the order value. Apparently they deducted the cost of shipping, a gift case, etc. The phone remains with me.

2 solution- a full refund, but subject to sending the phone back to the seller.

I made the first decision, the seller made the second. After a couple of days, Aliexpress took my side and decided on a partial refund.

It may also be possible that the seller himself agrees to return the money to you.

And there are times when Aliexpress decides not to return anything to you, declares you a fraudster and blocks your account. Yes, that happens too. But this happens mostly really with scammers who have open disputes for almost every order. Allegedly, all goods are defective, etc.

In general, the decision of Aliexpress on your dispute depends primarily on your evidence and the evidence of the seller, your reputation with him and the history of previous purchases are also taken into account. If in a relatively short period of time you have opened several disputes (no matter for what reasons), then problems may arise.

In general, you should not worry about the fact that you had to open a dispute on Aliexpress. If you are right and they really sent you a low-quality product or did not send it at all, they will refund your money without any problems. You just have to spend a little time.

How to change and edit a dispute on Aliexpress

If you made a mistake when specifying the reason for the dispute, or the seller still told you to change it, you agreed with the seller for a different refund amount, and in general, if you need to change something or add to the dispute, you can do it without any problems.

To do this, just press the button "Change" and make the necessary changes.

In fact, you will be prompted to fill out the same questionnaire again as when opening a dispute.

Specify another reason for the dispute, change the refund amount and confirm.

You can't change an aggravated dispute.

Refund from Aliexpress

We won the dispute, when will the money be returned and where?

Everything is simple here. Money from Aliexpress is returned to the details from which you paid for the order. They paid with a bank card, money was returned to it, etc.

As for the terms of the refund, they are as follows:

In my case, the money was returned 12 days after the decision was approved by the Aliexpress administration (returned to the Sberbank card)

The dispute on Aliexpress is a guarantee of the trading platform for the buyer that in case of receiving a substandard product or not receiving it at all, he will be able to return his money and defend his rights. But most often, sellers are in no hurry to agree to the terms of the dispute. And then it's time to aggravate the dispute.

What does exacerbation mean

Aliexpress is a direct intermediary between the buyer and the seller. Sellers place their goods on the site, buyers choose and order.


After placing an order, the amount paid does not go directly to the seller, but remains blocked in the Aliexpress system. The seller will receive money for the goods only when the purchase reaches the addressee (and he will be completely satisfied with the package) or the buyer's protection time ends.

If the customer is not satisfied with the quality or did not receive the goods, he opens a dispute. If during the dispute the parties cannot come to a unanimous decision, then Aliexpress employees connect to them and the dispute goes into the aggravation stage.

Is it possible to do without exacerbation at all

An open dispute does not always end in an aggravation. There are several options when you can avoid this not very pleasant and sometimes quite long procedure.

1. When the customer opens a dispute, the seller is given 5 calendar days to decide on the further outcome of the situation.

- The seller can accept the terms and then the dispute will be closed in favor of the customer, and the amount paid will be returned to the account.

- The seller will ignore the discussion and at the end of the period given to him, the dispute will be closed automatically in favor of the buyer.

2. The seller does not agree with the terms of the dispute. The dispute moves to the next stage. The Aliexpress administration allocates 15 days for the parties to come to a common decision through discussion.

At this stage, you can make changes and edit the parameters of the dispute. This can be done an unlimited number of times.


When the dispute escalates, the ability to make changes will not be available.

When to escalate your argument

The dispute is open, there is a discussion with the seller. He does not agree to the terms of the buyer in any way. When does the “same” moment come when you can aggravate the dispute?

  • If the store owner's arguments initially seem unconvincing or completely delusional, you can immediately move on to the aggravation stage.
  • If the second party is clearly fraudulently trying to put pressure on the opponent and force them to close the dispute.

Such actions are often practiced by Chinese merchants. They tearfully beg to close the dispute and put 5 stars in the review, offering to transfer money bypassing the site, promising incredible discounts on future purchases, promising to send the same or similar product, but only if the dispute ends.

  • If the seller offers conditions that do not suit the buyer at all.

For example, a defective product arrived. A blouse with missing buttons and threads sticking out everywhere and crooked seams. The buyer wants to return 50% of the value of the goods. And the seller, in turn, offers only 10% or send the blouse back and then he will return the money.

In this case, sending back does not make sense, since it is paid by the customer and it is not cheap at all, and can often exceed the cost of the ordered item. But you obviously can’t put on such a product and you won’t go out in public in it. Thus, the return of half the amount will be fully justified.

But the parties still cannot agree on a single decision, and then we can proceed to aggravate the dispute.

How to escalate a dispute on Aliexpress

After the dispute has moved to the discussion phase and a period of 15 days has been set, the button "Exacerbate the dispute" appears. By clicking on it, the data is updated and the dispute moves to a new stage.

If there is no “Exacerbate Dispute” button, then the seller has not yet confirmed his participation in the dispute.

The administration of Aliexpress is connected to the dispute. The review can take anywhere from a few days to several months.

The status of the time changes to "The dispute is aggravated - consideration."

Controversy escalated, what's next

At this stage, you need to constantly monitor the state of the dispute, since the administration can enter into a dialogue at any time, start asking clarifying questions or request additional evidence.

Evidence can be:

- Photo.

Qualitatively and accurately removed defects of the goods.

- Video recordings.

It is best to start shooting from the moment you open the packaging of your purchase.

— Screenshots, letters.

If there are correspondence with an opponent, track code tracking or some other information that can serve as evidence, you need to take screenshots and attach to the discussion.

Details of the status of the dispute can be seen by clicking on the highlighted link that says: "Dispute Details". A similar report will be sent to the e-mail attached to the site.

During the aggravation, the seller, as before, can offer ways to resolve the dispute. At any time, you can agree to its terms, or vice versa, reject and continue to defend your interests.

When the administration of the trading platform is involved in solving the problem, the status of the dispute changes to "Waiting for a response from the parties." Each side is given a certain time to answer each other (usually 2-3 days). If information is not received within this period, the dispute is closed in favor of the opposite party.


At the stage of the debate of the parties, even if all the weighty evidence and arguments have already been exhausted and indicated, it will be correct to repeat and send them again and again. Any uncertain answer or hesitation can affect the loss in the dispute.

Completion of the dispute on Aliexpress in your favor

The administration can end the dispute in the following cases:

The parties have come to a compromise.

In this case, the buyer himself can confirm the end of the dispute by clicking on the "Accept" dispute button. Also, at any stage, you can cancel and then the dispute will be automatically closed without the possibility of renewal.

— One of the parties did not give an answer during the debate. The dispute is closed in favor of the opposite side.

- The administration independently made a decision in favor of one of the parties during the discussion.

If the decision is made in favor of the buyer, the status will appear with the end of the dispute. And in the tab with financial information, a column with a note on the return of funds will appear. Approximate return times will also be visible.


A decision may be made to refund an amount that is not at all the amount requested by the buyer or seller. Aliexpress administrators have the right to make their own decision on the amount of the refund.

If the decision is made in favor of the seller, the status of the dispute will change to completed and the funds will be transferred to the account of the winning party.

If the administration decides that a return of the goods is necessary, then a line for entering the track code will appear, and within 10 days it will be necessary to send the unsuccessful purchase back to China.

Information about completed disputes can be found in the Returns and Disputes tab.

The decision made by the Aliexpress judges is unequivocal and cannot be challenged. This means that before the start of the dispute itself and its aggravation, it is necessary to prepare weighty, high-quality evidence and indicate really important reasons for arguing.

The aggravation of the dispute is the involvement of the Aliexpress administration to resolve the conflict situation between the seller and the buyer. If earlier it was necessary to press a special button for this, without being late in time, then, in 2019, the dispute interface no longer provides for the “call” of mediators. The disputed transaction passes into the hands of arbitration automatically if, after a certain time, the parties failed to agree amicably.

As you know, the Aliexpress platform does not sell goods itself, but acts as an intermediary between sellers and customers. Until the closing of the transaction, the money is in the company's accounts, and in disputable cases, it is she who takes on the functions of an arbitrator. It is important to understand that mediators have a lot of work to do, and they make their decisions based on the information that is at their disposal at the time the dispute escalates. Therefore, if you and the store cannot reach a compromise, be sure to prepare evidence of your case and do not forget to upload it to the dispute form. Later, you may not have this opportunity.

You can read . Let's say you have already opened it and are negotiating with the seller. For example, the phone you bought does not work properly, and you want to get money back for it, while keeping the purchase. Pay attention to the timer, which shows how many days your dispute will go to Aliexpress for consideration.

Typically, this period is a week. Within 7 days, you and your opponent can make proposals to each other to resolve the conflict, in fact, bargain. Having received from the store an option that does not suit you, you must reject it and, if desired, form a counter.

Be careful! If you click the "Accept" button, the dispute will end there and the transaction will be considered completed. In this case, you can no longer count on a refund.

In our example, the seller does not agree with the claims and believes that the goods were sent in working condition. His decision is no return. At this stage, you have 3 options:

  1. Press the "Reject" button and wait for the mediators to join the dispute.
  2. Continue the dialogue if time permits. To do this, click "Reject", then "Edit" - edit your proposal.
  3. Add another solution option (the "Add a return of goods and funds" button) so that the seller has a choice.

The second party, in turn, can also put you a few offers. It is not necessary to agree with them: if you are not satisfied, reject and wait for arbitration. As soon as the set date arrives, the decision will pass into the hands of the administration.

The entire dialogue with the seller is conducted in the dispute interface, however, it will not be available to Aliexpress administrators. If the correspondence contains important information, for example, the seller admitted his guilt, be sure to take a screenshot and attach it as evidence.

The procedure and terms for considering an aggravated dispute

As soon as the dispute on Aliexpress is aggravated, the parties to the conflict can only wait for the verdict. The dispute takes the appropriate status.

How long does this stage last? Approximately one week is set for the decision on the transaction, but in practice it can fluctuate both up and down. If the situation is simple and clear, for example, the client has not received his package, the return can be approved literally in a matter of hours.

If the administration offers to wait a few days in the hope that the order will still reach the recipient, it does not matter what the end date of the negotiations is in the description of the dispute. The transaction will not be closed “automatically” on this day, the dispute will continue as usual.

Complicated conflicts often drag on for several weeks, when opponents begin to change their proposals and upload more and more new evidence. In addition, according to the new rules, the verdict of the mediators is not final and irrevocable - the parties have the right to disagree, and the process begins anew. A solution from Aliexpress appears in the dispute interface.

In our case, it is half-hearted: the buyer can keep the product and receive a refund of half of its value. And who needs a broken phone? It is logical if the dispute does not end there, and the person will seek a 100% refund. However, before rejecting the offer, you need to look at the details - go to "Aliexpress Solution Details".

As you can see, the mediators recognize the validity of the claims, but consider only 2 options: either the client receives half of the money, or the entire amount, while sending the thing back at his own expense. In this case, if the buyer decides to take his part of the money immediately, he must accept the offer. In case of refusal, the decision will change to an alternative. The parties have 4 days to "think".

Let's say you agree and click "Accept". Aliexpress warns that it will be impossible to undo this action. To confirm, click the "Submit" button.

For the decision to take effect, the consent of the seller is also required. If the opponent accepts this offer, the indicated amount will be returned to the buyer in the same way as he paid it, within 1 to 15 days. However, the store may not be satisfied with this option, then the dispute will again go to work with mediators. The re-consideration is unlikely to last long: Aliexpress will choose one of the previously indicated solutions and forcibly close the dispute.

Conducting an aggravated dispute

So that the aggravation of the dispute does not lead to the loss of money, you need to take a responsible approach to opening it and providing evidence. Many Aliexpress customers still naively hope that any conflict will always be resolved in their favor. This has not been the case for a long time, the system of secure transactions protects not only buyers, but also sellers from those who like to demand a refund on every occasion.

How to behave in order not to lose arbitration on Aliexpress:

  1. When opening a dispute, choose the reason for the application correctly. For example, at some point in your package, the track has ceased to be tracked. Then it is better to indicate “Order protection is expiring, but the order is still on the way”, and not “The track is not tracked”, since the latter option is, in fact, not true. If you believe that the product arrived with a manufacturing defect, do not put the reason "damaged" - because it only refers to problems that appeared during the shipment.
  2. Provide evidence, and they must match. If the thing turned out to be broken, be sure to take a photo and video of the damaged packaging, the opening process, ask the postal workers to draw up an act. If the product is intact, but simply does not work, the photo of the parcel will not help you - it’s better to stop trying to turn on your device.
  3. Leave all comments in English, this will greatly facilitate the understanding of your claims and speed up the resolution of the issue. This applies to both correspondence with the seller and explanations for mediators.
  4. Respond promptly to requests and solutions on behalf of Aliexpress. The faster you respond and provide the information you need, the sooner you will receive your money. Remember that according to the rules of the dispute, a certain period is given for each reaction. And if you do not answer within the specified period, the administration will regard your inaction as a refusal to further dispute. Link a valid email account to your Aliexpress account in order to receive all notifications in time.

Communicate politely! Even if you think that the seller is deceiving you, and the administration has made an unfair decision, this is not a reason to be rude, let alone use obscene language. Try to arm yourself with weighty facts and state them without unnecessary emotions.

What to do if you are not satisfied with the decision

If, despite all the efforts and evidence, the dispute was not decided in your favor, there is still a chance to correct the situation. Within seven days, you can appeal a closed dispute by filing a complaint with the Aliexpress administration.

  1. In the list of disputes in the "My Aliexpress" section, we find the necessary dispute.
  2. Click the "Submit Complaint" button.
  3. In the questionnaire that opens, we put down the reason for the new aggravation of the dispute: dissatisfaction with the result of the previous one or the work of mediators.
  4. We describe the problem in detail and patiently.
  5. Click on the "Submit request" button.
  6. We are waiting for the administration's decision.

If Aliexpress finds that the review procedure was violated against you or your arguments were ignored, the appeal may be satisfied.

Is it possible to refuse to continue the dispute? The initiator always has this opportunity: both at the stage of negotiations with the seller, and after the escalation. If your missing package suddenly showed up in the tracking system or you came to a mutually beneficial compromise with the store, the dispute can be closed. The main thing to understand is that this is justified only when there is still time to protect the order or the sender agrees to extend it. If necessary, the dispute can be resumed.

In any case, it is unreasonable to rely solely on the words of the seller, while Aliexpress has developed and made available to customers a well-functioning system of secure transactions.

And after another day, the dispute was forcibly closed, with the decision to return half of the amount paid to me.

Throughout the dispute, at the bottom of the page, a chronology of events is kept. Here is how events unfolded in my dispute. Blue marks the actions of the buyer, red - the seller and green - the administration of aliexpress.

Thus, the whole system of disputes is based on "suggestions". The buyer offers to return the money to him (in whole or in part) and if the seller agrees (presses accept under the buyer's offer), then the dispute will immediately close without involving the administration. Or in response, the seller can offer his own solution (for example, a partial refund or a full refund, but with the return of the goods), and the buyer will either accept or refuse such a decision. Both the buyer and the seller can offer solutions multiple times (and edit them). But if within 7 days you do not come to a mutual decision (either the buyer clicks "Accept" under the seller's decision, or the seller clicks "Accept" under the buyer's decision), then the aliexpress administration will connect to the dispute, study all the evidence provided and offer its solution. In any case, the dispute will be closed with some solution and it will not necessarily suit both sides of the dispute.

Therefore, always describe the problem as accurately and clearly as possible (preferably without emotions, politely) and provide as much evidence as possible that you are right. in this case, the probability of resolving the dispute in your favor will tend to 100%.

1.5 Making an appeal

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the resolution of the dispute and want to file an appeal, then you just need to click on the "Submit a complaint" button (by the way, in the old dispute system it was much more difficult to file an appeal and not everyone could do it).

The appeal button is available within 7 days after the dispute is closed. Don't miss this time.

When you file an appeal, you will be asked to complete a standard form. There is nothing complicated in it, choose what you are not happy with and describe the situation (as always, as detailed and polite as possible). If you are lucky, the aliexpress administration will change its decision regarding your complaint.

1.6 Refund

Refunds based on the results of the dispute take several days (3-5 business days), sometimes longer, depending on the payment method and the bank. The money is returned to where it was paid from. If you paid with a card and the card became invalid at the time of the return, the money is returned to the bank account and you can get it with your passport at the bank branch, or transfer it to another (valid) card via the Internet bank. Please check with your bank for more details, as rules may vary from bank to bank.

The return stage can be viewed in the order details on the "Payment" tab.

2. Non-receipt dispute

Next, consider a simpler example. Dispute over non-receipt. Item paid for but not received on time. It's been over 90 days. I am patient and do not open a dispute to the last, allowing the seller to extend the term of the transaction. But when it becomes clear that the goods will not arrive, I still open a dispute.

2.1 Opening a dispute

To start the dispute process, you need to click on the "Open dispute" button in your aliexpress account, in the order properties. First, of course, you need to write your claims to the seller, in case he wants to settle them without opening a dispute.

Since the item was not received, I select the "Refund Only" claim. That is, the goods have not been received, which means that it is not necessary to return it. But the money should be returned to me, because I did not receive the goods.

From the drop-down list of problems, I choose that the track number is not tracked (because the track number is not actually tracked). And I describe my problem (in English). You can also attach photo and video evidence, if any (for example, a screenshot of the fact that there is no information on the track number).

2.2 Handling a dispute

The dispute procedure itself does not differ from that described in the first part of this article (section 1.2).

2.3 Dispute resolution and refund

My dispute went as quickly as possible (lucky, one might say). The seller did not answer anything (the seller's store was already closed, and the seller himself seemed to have abandoned his business on aliexpress) and the dispute was automatically resolved in my favor. And a few days later I received the money back.


In this article, I tried to tell only about the "mechanics" of processes. I did not touch on the topics of how to behave in a dispute, how long to open, what can be required in a given situation and other issues related to the "details" of specific cases. There are a lot of situations and it will not be possible to give a universal answer to each, especially within the framework of one article.

I remind you that questions about disputes are best asked on the forum in the section Disputes on aliexpress, for example, in the topic Dispute on aliexpress, help is needed. There you will be answered faster and the communication itself within the framework of the forum format will be more convenient.

You may also be interested in other articles on the topic of disputes on aliexpress:

Thank you for being with us, happy shopping and less disputes!


An important addition.
When considering a dispute, aliexpress mediators do not see your correspondence with the seller. If you need to show the correspondence to mediators, then you need to take a screenshot of the correspondence (if necessary, highlight important information on it) and attach it as evidence.

In this article we will talk about how to aggravate the dispute on Aliexpress.

Disputes on Aliexpress today is not uncommon. The reasons are different, but since the site is an honest arbiter, it is still safe to buy goods no matter what and much cheaper than regular stores.

Sometimes the buyer and the seller cannot find a common solution and the latter asks either to wait a little longer, or to compensate for part of the total amount. What to do in such a situation?

  • Accept seller terms
  • Change the terms of the dispute
  • Cancel dispute
  • escalate the dispute

How to escalate a dispute on Aliexpress: step by step instructions

  • Login to your page Aliexpress
  • Pass in
  • Select

  • Go to open dispute
  • Select

Before pressing the button, make sure that all evidence is attached and the description of the situation is detailed. If you want to change something, then do it now, because after the escalation of the dispute, you will not be able to do anything.

  • Click "OK" and you will receive information about the successful aggravation of the dispute
    Here is the tab "Status" where you can see the decision of the Arbitration on your dispute

Where is the button to aggravate the dispute on Aliexpress?

After you have opened a dispute, the seller has 5 days to give his answer. This period allows both parties to agree on their own without representatives of the online store. Therefore, immediately after opening the dispute, there will be no key to aggravate it.

Why is there no "Exacerbate Dispute" button on Aliexpress?

Only after a response to your claim will the key appear "Sharpen the Controversy". If necessary, edit the conditions, add evidence and check the data, as you will not have the opportunity to change anything later. If you don't have a button yet, then the seller may not have rejected your claim yet. Maybe you have already talked to him about this, but the decision has not yet been finally made.

The seller aggravated the dispute on Aliexpress: what to do?

As a rule, the dispute is aggravated by the buyer after three days, if he understands that there is no way to agree with the seller. Or it happens automatically if there is no response from the seller within 5 days.

Although, the seller can put forward his own conditions, which are not always beneficial for the buyer. In addition, he can edit the terms of the dispute, so it is worth checking them periodically.

It is immediately worth aggravating the dispute if the seller offers you completely wrong solutions, for example, close the dispute and return the money bypassing the system. This is considered a scam.

How to cancel an aggravated dispute on Aliexpress?

If you have already aggravated the dispute, but changed your mind, then you can cancel it. After that, you can start a new dispute if necessary.

You must take into account one point - if the protection of the order ended during the conduct of the dispute, then when it is closed, the order will immediately close.

If the order is closed, then you have 15 more days to open a new dispute.

What will happen after the decision is made by the administration?

When the administration decides on an aggravated dispute, it goes into the status "Closed", and the order receives the status "Completed". In favor of the buyer, the decision is usually made if he agrees with the terms of the seller or the administration decides that he is really right.

If the decision is made in favor of the buyer, then the refund process will begin.

Where will the money be returned after the dispute is over?

Money is returned within 7-10 days. They are credited to the place where the payment was made. You can track the return process in the details of the dispute on the tab "Payment".

  • open

  • Select the item you want next to "More"

  • Next, go to the tab "Payment"

  • Information about the movement of funds will be indicated here

Video: Aggravation of the dispute on AliExpress. The product did not arrive. Step-by-step instruction.