"How to love yourself" The topic is perhaps very important and relevant. More than once I stop repeating that before you want something, for example, respect for others, you must first start with yourself. That is, start respecting yourself. I often hear things like: "How can you demand love from another person if you are unable to love yourself?" Therefore, today we will learn to love ourselves, because if we want to experience love for us from others, and indeed the love of our World, then we need to start, it would seem, from the smallest (and this is not so) - to love ourselves myself. And until we do this, it is unlikely that we will be able to feel that someone loves us.

Man does not know how to love himself. Why? Firstly, he has low self-esteem (read the article: "How to Raise Self-Esteem" and, Secondly People often confuse self-love with selfishness. Selfishness is when a person does everything exclusively for himself and cares about others, he categorically does not. Even to loved ones. Self love implies respect and enjoyment of one's own nature. Until we love ourselves, no one loves us. And even if he loves, we doubt it. In addition, we ourselves cannot adequately love someone. Why? Because we can't do it. Maybe this person is dear to you, but how much do you love him, if you cannot do even the most banal? Love the person you love the most - yourself!

When a person loves himself with the "right love", he is confident in himself. He has enough energy to give this love of his. And in return receives even more love from others and from the world as a whole. If you intend to become a self-confident person, if you want to live a free and wonderful life, if you want to have great relationships with loved ones, relatives, with your soulmate, it is important to love yourself.

How to love yourself?

Now let's move on to practical tips that will help you realize your Self and help you truly love yourself. The tips are not very simple and will require a little effort and time from you, but the reward will be great!

Tip #1: Stop beating yourself up.

Let's start with what you need to stop doing. Some people self-eat every day and do not notice how they exhaust themselves. If this has become a habit for you, you yourself noticed how you closed yourself off from the world, from those around you and from yourself. Literally every day you destroy yourself. For small failures, you are ready to humiliate yourself so that every time your soul is pierced by a sword with a sharp end. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but it will be clearer to you.

While you scold yourself, you won’t get rid of your suspiciousness, you won’t raise your self-esteem, you won’t open up to the world, you won’t do something sensible, you won’t love yourself, you won’t give your love to the world around you and nothing useful at all. Therefore, once again I remind you that the topic "How to Love Yourself" important and difficult. In this advice, you should just stop berating yourself for all the failures, small or big, for your character (work on it) and just become calmer (read the article: "How to become calmer. 5 ways").

2nd tip - be aware of yourself.

You must understand what you like in life. What do you love and what do you want to do? You must set yourself a goal. As long as you have at least one goal in life, life becomes more interesting. When a person knows what he is needed for, it becomes easier for him to love himself. After all, he is aware of his importance.

Maybe you work as a veterinarian, and every day you rescue and treat animals. It's already great!!! You love animals and give them your love and receive it in return. You may not notice it directly, but when you return home, you feel that you are satisfied with everything that happened that day. You have often heard thanks from a little girl for helping her kitten. And it brings you joy.

When we are self-aware, we can do good deeds and receive love in return. There is one exercise that helps to realize and find yourself in this life. Of course, this is difficult to do and it will not work the first time, but still, do it. Who knows what quick effect you can achieve?!

Take paper and divide it into two columns with a pencil. In the left column write:

  • Who am I?
  • What am I proud of?
  • What am I striving for?
  • What is the best thing I can do?
  • Who do I admire?

In the right column:

  • Why don't I love myself?
  • What do I not like about myself?
  • What do people not like about me?
  • What is the worst thing I do?
  • What am I avoiding?

By doing this exercise, you will get to know yourself even closer. You will have the opportunity to eliminate your shortcomings. In no case do not put up with them, because humility is just watching when you can correct. And you can fix a lot.

3rd tip - Point out your strengths.

This is the opposite of the first advice. Instead of humiliating yourself, you look for dignity in yourself. Every person has them, and everyone has had victories in their lives. Now is the time for us to remember them, and not just once, but every day to remember them.

Man is such a creature: he forgets his victories quickly, but he remembers his failures forever. Is this about you by any chance? All you now need to do is take the paper again and write down on it all the victories that you have achieved in life and all the qualities that you like in yourself. You can do this every day throughout the day. What did you manage to do today? Can you refer to this article? Hmm ... for me it's like a plus for starting a new life.

4th tip - start a new life.

There are two main things here: constancy and slowness. If you have begun to change yourself and your life, you need to do it constantly, and not quit right away. You want to change your appearance. Every day, step by step, move towards this dream, I understand that you need everything at once, but this does not happen. In addition, there is one nuance here as a plus: time flies quickly, and you will not notice how another year has already flown by. If you were to work on yourself this year, what would you be like now? Is it worth stopping then? Should we hurry if time is not kind to us anyway?

You have to figure out what you don't like about yourself and start changing it. This is how you start a new life. As you become better, you will praise yourself for your achievements, and, consequently, love yourself. Remember about time. You don't have to rush things.

Tip #5: Be kind to yourself and others.

Kindness is the light both inside and outside of you. Why don't you bring another light into this world? Start smiling even if the day is not good. Now you have to tell yourself 80% that everything is fine and life is beautiful and 20% already express your dissatisfaction (it is better to do this on paper). Why do I advise expressing dissatisfaction? The fact is that when a person expresses his dissatisfaction, he gets rid of it. This can be done at the gym, or while you're cooking. Openly expressing yourself alone is a useful thing, but only when it makes up no more than 20% of your life.

Now, when you go anywhere, put a smile on your face. I remember when I walked on the street, I smiled, because I had to do it because of this and the habit is already like that. I saw passers-by also begin to simply smile in response. How it lifts their spirits (although some only marveled at my smile). She's so contagious. As long as you smile - you look like the most attractive person, and life smiles at you!

6th tip - change the environment.

There are people who underestimate you. That's why you lose self-esteem, that's why you don't love yourself. There are such personalities in life - overwhelming . These are a kind of energy vampires that feed on other people's energy, as they quickly deplete their own.

If you have such people and you know them, you can just talk to them about it. If you love each other or are friends, then such a nuance from your life in a relationship will disappear. If not, end the relationship.

7th tip - new beliefs.

You should program yourself to love yourself. Affirmations about self-love will suit you. Every day in a state of meditation, you should listen to affirmations and feel with all your heart that this is so. Waking up in the morning, say the first words: "I love myself for who I am." After 90 days, these lines will settle down in your root, and you will no longer be able not to love yourself. No matter what they tell you, you will still love yourself.

These are all tips and methods that you should use. In order to fully love yourself, you need not so much time. When you do this, love yourself, you can succeed more in life and become a truly loving and happy person. Big love to you!!!

Popular psychology says that all you need to be successful is to love yourself. Like, do not expect sympathy from others if you yourself do not send joyful kisses to the reflection in the morning. A stream of inspirational quotes from Miranda Kerr's Instagram certainly sounds compelling. But what to do if the shape of your ears does not leave the slightest chance to experience an ardent feeling for yourself? Even when I turn to the mirror with the winning side (three-quarters) and look bold and defiant, Miranda Kerr is not visible. But there are vague associations with my aunt on my father's side. She, by the way, is paralyzed on the left side of her face.

Narcissistic symbolism

First advice: no criticism, only kind words addressed to you. Even if you ate brisket
after eight. But when I try to slap on myself the phrase “I am the most charming and attractive”, instead of the desired happiness, I feel only annoyance. “It is not surprising,” Oksana Timofeeva, a psychotherapist and coach, encouraged, “affirmations bring us closer to a hypnotic state, but do not affect unconscious processes. In other words, positive phrases will help to strengthen self-confidence a little, but will not solve a deeper problem. There is another, intricate way to be kind to yourself without these hypnosis tricks. “Be grateful for everything you have, and there will be more happiness in life,” advises Rhonda Byrne, author of the book Magic, in an article on the site with a flying Buddha. I immediately realized that this is not the best method to increase breasts, but I must try! Thank you, world, for sending me such willpower! And for the cat, by the way, too. The next day, something really arrived - cat hair on the carpet. Although after a couple of days I noticed that close attention to positive little things still cheers me up. Not too bad for a start.

To come to inner harmony, ask yourself: “What do I really want? What am I when I don't have to pretend? Does other people's opinion really matter?

Children's surprise

Another expert, psychologist and writer Ken Page, advises: identify the traits that you were ashamed of as a child and that you are ashamed of now, realize that they are the basis of your personality, and develop them. "What? Start biting your nails again? I wonder, but Ken seems to be hinting at charisma. He believes that we impress other people not by our appearance or behavior, but by our attitude towards ourselves and the world. Do you want to become a bundle of positivity? Dig out from the depths of your soul the real you, not clogged with parents, men, boss. Over lunch in a cafe, it occurred to me that childish spontaneity is an important part of my personality. I made a catapult out of a spoon and sent the beans to visit at the next table. It is a pity that the neighbor did not notice my acting charisma, and in general did not approve of the psychological recipe.


But I didn't give up. Moreover, Margaret Paul, psychologist and author of the book “Internal Communication”, also addresses the convenient topic of childhood: “Imagine that you are a baby and treat yourself like a child: listen carefully, immediately fulfill all his desires, remind him how he important to you
do not skimp on affection. My first need was to lie on the couch with ice cream. “Then you won’t get sweets for dinner!” I severely shook my finger at myself, but immediately corrected myself: “Ay-ay, who has such beautiful hands here?” The cat looked at me suspiciously. From now on, I decided to be more careful about showing my inner adult and child, and thanks to this, it turned out that when you pay attention to all your barely audible “I want” and “I won’t”, you feel a little more harmonious.

Charismatic Feeling

After a couple of weeks, the reflection in the mirror began to wink at me in the morning. Probably, the habit of thanking the cat for the torn sofa and not scolding little Inna for wanting to sleep until eleven had an effect. Or is it that the connection between our self-confidence and external attractiveness does not exist at all? This conclusion was reached about 20 years ago by researchers Edward Diener and Brian Volsik. Their experiment showed that even beautiful people sometimes consider themselves ugly ducklings, and those whom nature has not endowed with cuteness can feel like sex bombs.

But then why do we think of ourselves in this way and not otherwise? Experts believe that it's all about our habit of looking at others. From childhood, we believe everything our parents say and no longer question judgments about our appearance or character. But cognitive psychologist Oksana Fadeeva disagrees: “An adult differs from a child in that he can independently form ideas about himself. To do this, evaluate how useful each belief is for you, whether it helps you become better. If not, you don't have to accept it." Probably, psychologists do not eat their bread in vain. And let me still not
I dance with happiness in front of the mirror, yet I learn to forgive myself for minor weaknesses, not the most successful remarks on a date and that dance at a corporate party. After all, there is no other such Inna in the Universe.

You don't love yourself if:

  • You criticize your own appearance. You never get tired of scolding the reflection in the mirror even for minor flaws.
  • You constantly compare yourself to others. This is normal, but personal success should not seem unimportant "in the background."
  • Putting others first: "Julia is more beautiful", "Yura is smarter."
  • It's hard for you to express your opinion. Do you suffer from the little man syndrome? Bad sign.
  • You make decisions based on the wishes of others. You ignore interests, thinking about the benefits not for yourself, but for your parents, men, children, girlfriends.

How to learn to love yourself:

    Embrace your negative traits. Nobody is perfect, but everyone has the right to be themselves. For this we are born into the world.

    Don't twist. Don't take sadness to heart. What matters is not what happens, but how you feel about it.

    Develop patience. Healthy Zen doesn't hurt. Do not trade for irritation, save energy for joy.

    Love yourself now, not in the future. You can wait forever for the moment when you lose weight / become a star / boss. Don't live on a draft.

    Do not blame yourself. If you did wrong, take it as an experience.

Many people are interested in how to start loving and respecting themselves? Psychology is a rather subtle science that is not always amenable to study. However, only with its help a person can truly change himself and change his own life. Remember: everything that worries you is only in your head. If you find the strength in yourself to change your own thinking, then the world around you will change.

But how to do that? How to respect and love yourself and learn to live with yourself in peace? To get started, you just need to understand that you really need to change. Once you realize that your attitude towards yourself needs to be corrected, you can make every effort to change. And it will take a lot of effort. But first, let's discuss how to understand that you lack respect and love for yourself? Psychologists distinguish the following "symptoms".

Signs of self dislike

Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the degree of self-esteem. Often a shy and quiet person values ​​himself much more than a bright and attention-loving person. Natalya Priymachenko identifies 5 hidden signs of self-dislike.

  1. You eat even though you don't feel hungry. It doesn't matter in what situations it manifests itself. You can dine with friends for company, finish a sandwich after your child, or comfort yourself with cakes. However, at the root of all these actions lies the neglect of one's own true needs. After all, you are ignoring the body and mind, doing what you really do not want to do. Self-respecting people only eat when they are hungry.
  2. You buy a lot of cheap things. Self-loving people try not to make rash purchases and never save on themselves, because they know the golden rule - a miser pays twice. They are not sorry to spend on themselves, but they tend to purchase only high-quality goods. And it does not depend on the level of their wealth.
  3. You take a seat in the last row. Have you noticed that some people tend to be in the spotlight, while others avoid it in every possible way? Such behavior is rarely conscious. Most often, people with low self-esteem take seats in the last rows, although they can sit closer. Because they do not consider themselves worthy, they are in the first positions. They also cannot bring themselves to take part in the dispute, because they are sure in advance that the opponent will be more quick-witted and smart.
  4. You cannot deny yourself small pleasures. Although everyone vying with each other advises to pamper yourself more often, self-indulgence will not lead to anything good. When you treat your body and mind as precious, well-being becomes more precious than momentary pleasures. You begin to consciously choose what to fill your life with. Self-love gives freedom and independence from harmful weaknesses.
  5. You create too strict frames. Many fans of a healthy diet have psychological problems. Why? Because they are trying to follow the rules, not their own opinion. However, in reality, love and self-respect are built on a different principle. A person understands what is harmful for him and what will benefit his health. Too zealous adherence to restrictions indicates the presence of dislike for oneself.

Did you find examples of your own behavior in these paragraphs? But how do you love yourself and begin to respect? We will discuss further.

Consequences of self-loathing

They are detrimental to both health and personality. The problem of lack of confidence and self-dislike is now very relevant for almost every woman. Most often it stretches from childhood. Parents did not love, did not praise, did not understand. Often they make a huge mistake in relation to their children: they compare them with others. As a result, the child already at an early stage of personality formation develops self-doubt and dislike for himself.

In women, low self-esteem causes several types of behavior. As a result, we observe several scenarios:

  1. The woman becomes a bitch. She really satisfies only her needs, indulges her desires. She seeks to manipulate men and uses them for her own purposes. The downside is that such a woman cannot find happiness in her personal life. There is no harmony and understanding in a couple, there is only a consumer attitude.
  2. Takes the position of the victim. She never puts herself first, does not seek partnerships. She finds a man who can partially replace her father. He will protect her, tell her what to do and how to think. As a result, she will not be able to grow morally, because she will forever remain in the position of a little defenseless girl. And he will satisfy his own male ego thanks to her defenselessness and weakness. In addition, female victims are dependent on partners. And it leaves an imprint on their whole life.

How to learn to love yourself as a woman, we'll talk a little later. And what about the representatives of the stronger sex?

Men often strive to climb the corporate ladder in order to earn the respect of others. But at the same time, they themselves continue to treat themselves with prejudice and demand too much from themselves. Each of them constantly thinks that he is not good enough, that he needs to rise higher, reach the top of Everest. However, no amount of success will allow him to achieve self-respect. If self-love has a reason, it is not love.

If a person respects and loves himself, others will feel the same feelings for him. He will be able to develop spiritually and emotionally. So how do you learn to respect yourself? And how to love? And we will discuss this issue further.

Learn to love and respect yourself. How to do it?

William Shakespeare once wrote:

Self-love is not as condemnable as lack of self-respect.

Psychologists say that the biggest mistake most people make when trying to boost their own self-esteem is loving themselves for some reason. In fact, you don't have to look for it in order to learn to respect yourself. Love yourself simply because you are you and there is no one like you.

Dawson McAlister argues that healthy self-esteem is based on treating yourself in a positive way. He offers several principles to help you feel better about yourself.

Dawson McAllister Principles

The level of self-esteem cannot depend on the opinions of others. Many of us cannot form an opinion about ourselves without someone else's evaluations. This dependence on the opinions of others is formed in childhood. As a result, a person begins to feel worthless and unloved if he is not informed about this every second by others.

The whole point is also that in our society there is a clear division into the lucky ones and the losers, into the "normal" and the strange. However, the thing is that the concepts of "normal" and "loser" are very arbitrary. Are there normal people among us? We are all a little crazy, a little different from each other. There is nothing to be ashamed of here. The patterns set by society should not really have power over you. Will you be satisfied in the future that you followed the accepted standards, sacrificing your own happiness for the approval of others? Hardly. Every time you encounter internal limitations, remember that you have only one life. And she is very short. Therefore, you need to learn to live, not to exist.

Pay attention to whether you listen to the whispers of colleagues behind your back, the opinion of relatives and friends? No, constructive criticism has never hurt anyone, but you must forget the question: "What will people say?" Experience shows that the less you pay attention to the opinions of others, the less they notice you. Here's how to respect and love yourself. And you won't need any psychotherapists.

Don't talk bad about yourself. Focus on your strengths and focus less on your weaknesses. If you keep telling yourself that you don't deserve to be happy, you won't be able to become a happy person. Never talk about yourself in a negative way when talking to other people.

Take responsibility for your own life. She is only yours. You can't blame anyone for your own mistakes. Dawson advises starting with proper nutrition: give up unhealthy foods and drink plenty of water. He guarantees that this will significantly increase the level of self-esteem.

How can a woman learn to respect and love herself?

Stop comparing yourself to others and stop looking for flaws in yourself. A woman's own appearance is especially often scolded. But it is very important for them to know how to learn to respect and appreciate themselves. But they compare themselves to others and sadly realize that they are not perfect. But you must learn to love your own body. Be grateful to the Universe that you have arms and legs, you can see and hear - believe me, this is a real miracle. However, we are accustomed to neglecting what we got just like that.

Of course, if you are not satisfied with your own appearance, you can (and even should) make an effort to correct these imperfections. However, it should be noted that you cannot reproach yourself for those features of your appearance that you cannot change. For example, a small chest or a hooked nose. However, you can change your attitude towards them. Stop treating them as flaws, and treat them as cute features of your appearance.

Make a list of your best qualities and read it daily. It will help if it becomes difficult to maintain self-esteem at the proper level.

Stay yourself. Don't wear masks. Think about the fact that for some reason you came into this world with just such a set of personal qualities. Perhaps you need to improve them or slightly correct them. However, in no case should they be abandoned. A woman who pretends to be different cannot feel happy.

Respect your time. You should not spend it on unloved activities or helping other people to your own detriment. Treat yourself, your time, and your body with respect and people will start respecting you.

Learn to forgive

Start by forgiving yourself. Forgive yourself for all the mistakes, all the wrong decisions and the wrong questions. Forgive yourself everything, because you had and have the right to make mistakes. Here's how to start loving and respecting yourself - allow yourself to be wrong.

Don't judge other people's mistakes. Of course, this does not mean that you should encourage someone else to do bad things. However, you should not keep a load of resentment and hatred in your soul. They destroy you from the inside, but do no harm to your offenders. Consider that the people who hurt you in some way are not perfect either. Try to put yourself in their place and find in your soul the strength to forgive them and let them go in peace. You should not renew a relationship with them, because you will never be able to treat them with the same sympathy. But forgiveness will set you free and cleanse you spiritually.

Engage in self-development

A person who does not strive to develop intellectually and spiritually cannot cultivate self-respect. Answering the question of how to love yourself and respect a woman, experts in psychology give an unambiguous answer: do not forget about self-development.

Man, of course, cannot know everything. However, he has the opportunity to learn something new. Especially now, when all the information of interest can be found on the Internet. The more you learn, the stronger the thirst for new knowledge will become. At the same time, do not be afraid to show that you do not know something. Feel free to ask questions that interest you.

So, we discussed how to learn to love and appreciate yourself as a woman. However, most women are interested in the question of how to command respect from men. Well, everything is connected. Once you improve your own self-esteem, potential partners will also learn to treat you accordingly.

Make men respect themselves

Lyubov Kozyr once wrote:

Raise yourself like a block from the bottom of the sea, Learn by heart, keeping the posture of a lady: There are many men in the world, and you are alone at home.

Men "feel" a woman who loves and respects herself right away. She does not allow herself to be imposed already at the first stage of acquaintance. If a woman herself writes and calls first (and regularly), her potential companion is already certainly sure: the hunt is over, the object is completely in his power. He loses the passion of a hunter.

A self-respecting woman will not allow her companion vulgar jokes addressed to her and tactless questions. She would not, at his first call, cancel her affairs in order to meet with him. All these nuances will very quickly let a man understand that his beloved is a person, and not a girl with an attractive face. Respect for a partner is formed at the stage of acquaintance. If it didn't happen right away, it's useless to try to get it later. Therefore, the question of how to love and respect yourself should begin to excite a woman as early as possible.

material side

Women should learn one simple truth: you should not expect respect from men if you have not taken place as a person. A companion who has an independent character, on a subconscious level, causes respect in a man. He must feel: she will live without him.

Many women are ready to depend on their men financially. It seems to them that life is successful if there is an opportunity not to work and to take care of home and family. On the one hand, a man likes when his woman is at home and can spend all his free time with him. But on the other hand, he feels that she is completely in his power. And this does not contribute to the growth of respect. Moreover, being in the house in a whirlwind of household chores, women often degrade. As a result, they lose the respect of their spouses, who remain socially active.


So, today we discussed how to respect yourself and love yourself. And we hope that these recommendations were useful to you. Remember that self-respect has nothing to do with inflated self-esteem. This is a harmonious and calm acceptance of oneself and the world around. Love, respect and appreciate each other, treat the world with love and understanding. A person should be happy, but is happiness possible without inner harmony?

Many girls and women have a serious problem - they do not love and appreciate themselves enough. Some of them wonder why others have more luck in their personal lives and careers, and they are doing poorly, despite the efforts made. Most often this happens precisely because of dislike for yourself!

You won't love yourself, no one will love you

The golden rule has long been known that if you do not love yourself, then you have a very low chance that someone else will show this feeling to you. Of course, we are not talking about narcissism, but you should not forget about yourself either. As a rule, people who put themselves below others end up getting less, which means they feel disadvantaged, which is why they often sink into depression. Being in such a state, it is difficult for a person to arouse interest in someone, and even more so - delight. A depressed person is immersed in his thoughts, limiting himself in contacts, and, accordingly, in those people who could love them.

It's hard to argue with the fact that people who value themselves and love always find time to take care of themselves, treat themselves to something. Naturally, in this case, they usually always look good and are in a good mood more often than others, which undoubtedly attracts others. Self-love is a huge force, and many problems in life come precisely from the lack of this bright feeling for one's own person. Many breakups, conflicts, misunderstandings and disappointments can be avoided simply by learning to treat yourself with love.

What does it mean to love yourself

1. Take care of yourself

Self-love is manifested in many aspects, and one of them is a careful attitude to one's health, well-being, and so on. Often we are ready to make unjustified sacrifices, even at the cost of our health. An example is a woman who works hard to provide for her family, while her husband does not think to strain. Taking on such burdens, be prepared for not the most pleasant health consequences. Also a good example: a woman feels unwell, but is in no hurry to go to the doctor, hoping that everything will “dissolve itself”, and it is better to spend money on New Year's gifts. Remember that your health is very important, and inattention to yourself threatens to develop into really serious problems.

2. Comfort and soothe yourself

Don't wait for someone else to do it for you. Of course, such a development of events is not excluded, but you should always be ready to take care of yourself. Do it the way you would for a near and dear person. Your day went wrong, and the evening promises to be no less difficult - household chores and so on? Postpone all your worries for later, but for now, allow yourself to calm down after a hard day or an unpleasant trip. Take a bath, have a hot drink, watch an episode of your favorite TV series - in general, do something that usually helps you find your lost balance. Even if you think that there are more important things to do right now, you can probably wait with them.

3. Pamper yourself

If you are inherent in sacrifice, but at the same time you prefer to ignore your own needs, then this can become a serious problem for you, or maybe it has already become. Indulge your weaknesses sometimes. Buy yourself the goodies you love, indulge yourself with new cosmetics, beautician procedures, homemade personal care. Give yourself small and large gifts.

4. Accept yourself

Some people do not love themselves, believing that they simply do not deserve love because of some shortcomings. Perhaps these shortcomings are far-fetched, and perhaps the real essence does not change from this. If you don’t like something about yourself, and you can’t change it in any way, then the only sure way out is to accept your peculiarity and even love it! Are you unhappy with your height? Think about the benefits it gives you. And so on. It is worth noting that most of the shortcomings can still be corrected or corrected in a certain way. If a particular feature bothers you, try to find a way to fix it, it will really be easier for you to live and love yourself after that!

I don't like myself what to do

1. Love for no reason

Realize that you don't need a special reason to love yourself. Even if you do not excel in special achievements, do not have amazing talents and spectacular appearance - this is not a reason to treat yourself worse than anyone else. There is no one else like you in the world, every person is special, and you should appreciate your own uniqueness.

2. Forgive past mistakes

Come to terms with the past and realize what lessons you can learn from it. Some people are prejudiced against themselves because of the mistakes of the past. If you, too, often think about what happened once, then this is not a very good sign. Learn to let go of the past, taking out useful lessons from it, but not bringing it into real life.

3. Don't compare yourself

Do not think that someone is better than you just because they have more achievements in some area. Such comparisons can be made endlessly - both in your favor and in someone else's. Everyone has different abilities and abilities, and that's okay. The only person you have any reason to compete with is yourself. You can improve any skills, appearance, etc., but you should not do this by looking up to someone.

4. Don't overestimate others

Often, it is the fact that someone is more successful, more beautiful, and the like that prevents us from loving ourselves. This point follows from the previous one. Perhaps, in some ways, another person was more successful than you, but you probably have an advantage in another. And in general, should it matter more to you how others live than your own life?

5. Take care of your health

Taking care of your own health is one of the first steps on the path to self-love. Exercise, eat right, and be outside regularly. Do not forget to undergo regular examinations, protect yourself from cold and heat, thus you can avoid unnecessary problems later.

6. Don't hang out with people you don't like

If possible, minimize or completely eliminate communication with people who are unpleasant to you and undermine your faith in your own strengths and capabilities or somehow underestimate your self-esteem. Contacts with such personalities will definitely not benefit you, but will only spoil your mood.

How to learn to respect yourself - where to start

1. Increase self-esteem

The first step is to increase your self-esteem. Usually a person's self-esteem rises after some at least a small achievement. It can be a trip to the gym, 20 sit-ups at home, cooking a new dish, attending a master class. Be open to new knowledge and positive impressions, and this will have a positive effect on your self-esteem.

2. Always be a confident person

By boosting your self-esteem, you will undoubtedly be able to become more self-confident. Even if you have not developed this quality now, then learn not to show it. Try at least externally to keep yourself confident, and gradually it will become a habit.

3. Start appreciating yourself

Throw away all negative thoughts and censure at your expense. Accept that perfect people simply do not exist! Your life is given to you, and if you wish, you can make it happy and comfortable. Don't force yourself to do something you don't feel like doing to please someone. Your task is, first of all, to improve your own life, and not justify someone else's expectations.

One of the important points on the path to self-respect is to stop tolerating what makes you uncomfortable. For example, a friend likes to tell long and uninteresting stories on the phone for a long time, and with her reasoning "takes" the lion's share of your evening, after which you do not have time to do what you really needed. Realizing that now the telephone conversation is really distracting you, interrupt the narrator, for example, with these words: “Marina, I’m sorry, a neighbor came to me here, let’s call at another time.” Although you can tell the truth - you are going to take a bath, start cooking dinner, or even just take a nap! Don't think that your needs are less important than someone else's desire to speak out.

The same advice can be applied to those who can't stand smoke but put up with smoking in their car or kitchen, or those who are upset by unsolicited advice but continue to listen to it. Feel free to say what makes you uncomfortable.

How can a woman or girl develop self-love

Love yourself and your appearance for real

Even if you do not like some features of your appearance, you should not focus your attention on them. If there is an opportunity to fix something that you do not like, then do not neglect it, in case it really poisons your life. If this is not possible, then it is pointless to think about what cannot be changed. It is possible that your complexes are completely far-fetched, but now this is not about that.

Surely you have undoubted advantages that you can always emphasize. Think more about these features of yours. Learn to take care of your appearance, and over time, you will like your own reflection in the mirror more and more. Do not forget about home procedures for self-care, periodically visit beauty salons, where they will take care of your skin and hair. Do not forget about visits to the dentist, who will preserve the beauty of your smile and so on. If you have skin problems, then it is possible that they need to be solved not in the beautician's office, but by a dermatologist. Many girls and women suffer for years from a problem that can often be resolved in a few days. By taking good care of your appearance, you will surely love yourself more.

You have to accept yourself for who you are.

Do not try to meet someone's established beauty standards, remember your individuality. The same applies to character, place of work, and so on. Of course, all these aspects, if possible, should be improved, but only in order to make your own life easier, and not fit into someone else's ideas about the ideal. If you are quiet and modest by nature, then someone may consider you clamped and notorious, and to someone you seem charmingly shy. If you are a sociable girl, then someone may decide that you are the soul of the company, and to someone you seem like an upstart. It is impossible to please everyone, but you can learn to live in harmony with yourself.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start taking action

Self-pity is a very unproductive feeling that can do little to help. Of course, sometimes it is not superfluous to feel sorry for yourself and console, but this should not be limited to this. If you find yourself in a situation that causes you regret, then you need to do everything possible to get out of this situation, and try not to allow it again, then you can not feel sorry for yourself, but be proud of yourself.

Psychological technique - easy steps on the way to yourself

To love yourself, it is important to learn to listen to your desires and needs. If you often have to give in to someone to your detriment, then this does not bode well for you later. It can be any little things: the choice of a dish in a cafe, an inconvenient meeting time for you, constant lending money to an uneconomical girlfriend, an unloved job, and the like. If you regularly do something that causes you rejection, then this threatens you with at least a spoiled mood. Listen to your desires, and if you understand that you don’t want to do something, and in general you don’t have to, then you should listen to your desire.

Is it possible to teach a person to love himself and other people

Of course, in order to find inner and outer harmony, it is important to learn to love not only yourself, but also the people around you.

So, first start with loving yourself:

  • If something causes you anxiety, and in your thoughts you have already predicted the most unpleasant development of events, then you probably do this quite often and you need to fight it! Do not think about anything bad if you do not know exactly what happened. Hope for a favorable outcome. But even if something bad happened, then do not dwell on the negatives, but look for ways to solve the problem. If any unhappy thoughts come into your head, consciously change their direction and think about something pleasant.
  • Surely you have virtues that deserve praise. Remind yourself of them regularly, and you can even write them out on a piece of paper so that later you periodically remind yourself of your important qualities. For example: “I am lucky!”, “I am smart!”, “I am charismatic!”, “I am responsible!”, and the like.
  • You would probably be horrified if you counted how much time it took you to scroll through long-spoken dialogues in your head, imagine how you would answer now, and so on. Throw the unpleasant past out of your head! The moments that caused you pain or discomfort are not worthy of popping up again and again in your life. As soon as bad thoughts start creeping up on you again, think about something else, switch yourself to more pleasant thoughts. You can think about what to give a loved one for the next holiday, where to get out for the weekend or on vacation, and other pleasant moments.
  • By learning to free your mind from negative thoughts, you can not only be more loyal to yourself, but, most likely, change the way you treat people around you. What should be paid attention to those who experience a lack of love for others.
  • Don't expect from others what is yours. Everyone has the right to live the way he likes! For example, you are used to waking up at six in the morning, and you don’t understand how someone can sleep until ten in the morning, even if the person does not need to go anywhere before that time. Of course, you do not forget to periodically express your bewilderment and give advice on sleep patterns. Believe me, such advisers are very annoying. Take life easier, do not put someone hard limits just because you live differently. Understand that if someone does not follow the rules that you are trying to follow, then this does not mean that this person is bad - he is just different.
  • Even if someone unbearably annoys you, try to minimize this feeling. In addition, often the object of irritation may not be aware of your feelings, and with these negative emotions you only add unnecessary stress to your life. Think about what positive aspects this person has for which you can feel sympathy for him. If you believe that there are no such sides, then you have not looked for them well. Don't be prejudiced and try to see the good in others first.

Psychology: how to make yourself better and learn to live in joy for yourself

If you want to feel better about yourself, then you have to get better - as you can see, the pattern here is quite simple! At the same time, there is no need to chase after some mythical ideal and a far-fetched way - you can bring a lot of changes into your life without any losses, it will only be a joy for you. So where to start?

1. Sports

Probably, you have already heard that regular sports loads not only have a beneficial effect on health, but also contribute to the production of the “hormone of happiness”. Many people notice that no matter how bad the day is, an hour in the gym significantly improves mood and perfectly switches attention. Those who exercise in the morning tend to feel much better than usual during the following day. Of course, it is not necessary to go to the gym if you are not attracted to such a pastime - you can run in the park, swim in the pool, attend yoga classes, and so on. If you wish, you can choose something to your liking.

2. Enrich your knowledge

For many people, school and student years are the most active time for gaining knowledge, but it is important to constantly enrich yourself with new interesting information. If now you do not have lessons or lectures, this means that you yourself can choose the material that is interesting for yourself. Go to exhibitions, sign up for excursions, master classes and the like. Learning something new regularly will positively affect your self-esteem and make you a more interesting person to others.

3. Pay attention to others

It's hard to get better without caring about someone. There are many options! You can adopt, cure and raise a homeless kitten who will become your true friend. You can take an animal from a shelter or just periodically help some local organization to protect our smaller brothers. It is equally important to pay attention to close people - to please elderly relatives with visits and gifts, to make surprises for babies, and so on. The more goodness you give away, the happier you will start to feel - try it!

4. Don't spread negativity

It is important not only not to spread negativity, but also to stop it from other people, especially loved ones. If a person dear to you is worried and escalates the situation, do not support this, try to convince that everything will work out, switch your attention. You yourself, too, leave the habit of "crying" about your troubles. So you not only create an aura of negativity around you, but also spoil the mood of other people, and there is nothing good in this.

5. Set goals

Moreover, note that it is important not only to set goals, but also not to forget to achieve them. Would you like to finally go abroad? Write down on a piece of paper point by point what needs to be done for this - now this is your plan! Set deadlines for the implementation of your plan and act! Do the same if you want to lose weight, gain muscle mass, learn to dance, grow healthy and beautiful hair, and so on.

6. Don't put off problem solving

If you have any problem in front of you, then it is unreasonable in this situation to just think positively and do nothing. Remember that any small problem can grow into a big problem. Do not try to forget about unresolved issues by constantly moving them to later. It’s difficult just to start, but as soon as you get down to business and finish it, you can once again be glad that you have freed yourself from unnecessary thoughts and experiences that would still remain in the subconscious.

Reading time: 2 min

How to love yourself? Often this question is asked by people at consultations with a psychologist. After all, often in life you can hear the saying: "love yourself and your life will improve." Many individuals are absolutely not clear what kind of action this slogan calls for. So many people on this occasion think that to love yourself is to admire your own personality and rank your actions as the most correct. In fact, this is the behavior of spoiled individuals who often come to psychologists and complain about their unfortunate fate: loneliness, the bad attitude of other people towards them and their dislike. And the reason for everything is the inability to put your needs and desires below the interests of others, because who wants to endure absolute egoists next to them. But on the other hand, there are people who live by the principle "I am the last letter in the alphabet." Such individuals first think about others, and only then about themselves. Often there is no time, energy, or strength left for yourself. Such people are also very unhappy. And if selfish individuals only notice their ideal image, considering themselves the most intelligent, talented, kind, beautiful and best, and other people to blame for all their troubles, then in the second case, opposite beliefs about themselves prevail: I am stupid, unworthy, ugly, etc. .d.

So how do you love yourself? This simple expression has various meanings. To love yourself is to be able to take care of yourself and your needs, it is to internally accept your body, character, appearance, be able to defend your interests and rights, the ability to realize your desires and find a mutually beneficial compromise with family and friends.

How to love yourself and It is very easy to give advice, it is even more difficult to put it into practice, but psychologists do not recommend despair, but offer methods that will help you love yourself and raise self-esteem. First you need to check the level of personal self-esteem. To do this, draw a vertical line on a blank sheet of paper, then put a point on this line where the person considers it necessary, but first imagining himself as this point. If the point is placed on the line below the average level, then the individual does not like himself very much. If it is above the middle of the line, then the person adores himself. The most optimal option is a point placed in the middle of the line, since in this case the individual treats himself adequately.

If the result of this test is not very encouraging, then you should move on to exercises to raise self-esteem. The main thing that is needed in this matter is patience.

Exercise number 1 - sports. Work on the body, physical activity will raise self-esteem quite high.

Exercise number 2 - passing by the mirror, compliment yourself.

Exercise number 3 - always find something good in yourself and focus on it.

To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, divide it into two parts and in the first part write all your positive qualities, and in the second write those qualities that you would like to change in yourself. Further in the list, it is required to cross out each word with negative qualities, then cutting off this part of the sheet, and tearing it into small pieces, release it into the wind or burn it.

The next step is to memorize the remaining text and, repeating it regularly to yourself every day with the wording "I - ....". Then you should make it a rule to add one new positive quality to this list every three days.

Exercise number 4 - comparison.

It is performed every evening, tracking the positive dynamics. It is necessary to compare yourself not with other people, but begin to compare yourself with yourself, as you were yesterday, noticing everything in yourself, the good that you managed to do over the past day, even if these are minor trifles. Be sure to praise yourself and monitor the dynamics of the process.

Exercise number 5 - replacing the negative with a positive, is performed in stages.

Stage 1. Creating a positive self image. You need to present an image of yourself. To do this, you should think about your holistic image, demonstrating not only appearance, but also character.

Stage 2. Change of mood. Everything that appears negative in a personal image should be changed and these elements presented for oneself in a favorable light. For example, if a person sees himself as slow and difficult to start a new business, and also tends to put things off until later, then this same trait can protect him from impulsive behavior and allows him to weigh everything more carefully before taking action.

How to love yourself and accept who you really are? Psychologists advise to be guided by the principle that personal failures are actually successes, just a person looks at them from the wrong angle.

It is also very important to present a whole and complete image of oneself as a person sees himself at the moment of achieving the desired goal.

Stage 3. Movie viewing. Where am I - the image becomes a bright, attractive, voluminous, colorful, large and intimate film about your personality. This movie should be played in your head.

Stage 4. Feeling comparison. It is necessary to ask yourself what changes I feel when comparing the new created self-image with the one that was presented at the very beginning of the exercises. What is it for? Self-esteem strongly depends on the content and form of the self-image. Self-esteem rises when the self-image acquires positive content and takes on an intense form. How to do it? A person should always remember that there will definitely be people in the world who need him with all his advantages and disadvantages and who love him for what he is.

Therefore, in your practice to increase self-esteem, you should use exercises that contain certain positive attitudes that inspire the individual on their own. The best advice for gaining success, confidence and self-esteem is constant training. Even tiny successes can instill confidence in a person, and give him an understanding that he is doing well and moving in the right direction. It must always be remembered that in life the most important person is he himself and only his opinion is important. Therefore, it is necessary to accept yourself, love your individuality and try to enjoy every moment you live.

How to love yourself? Psychologists advise, first of all, to take care of yourself. What does it mean? Serve your body on your own, support yourself reassuringly in case of failure and not engage in self-flagellation. For example, “yes, I made a mistake, but I will try to avoid such mistakes in the future.” It is necessary to listen to personal needs, your own desires, attitudes, requirements, recognize your emotions and feelings, and also listen to your own body. The ability to take care of yourself is often a complex process, and doing it yourself can be quite difficult, because for years people do not hear themselves and repress their thoughts and needs. Relationships with oneself seem at first glance an incomprehensible thing, but the better they develop, the more chances a person has to succeed in everything.

People have illusions that they live and build relationships with husbands, wives, lovers, colleagues, friends, but in fact the individual lives with himself: "I was born", "I divorced" and they build relationships with themselves. For many, this turns out badly, because there is no love for oneself, and communication with others directly depends on the attitude towards oneself. If a person is not satisfied with a marriage partner, then you can divorce him. If the boss is not satisfied, then you can change jobs or try to be less visible to him, but if the individual is not satisfied with his personality, from which he cannot “leave”, then serious problems begin here. Yes, and you do not need to run away from yourself, you need to help yourself.

You should learn to build relationships with yourself in the same way as with another person. And there is such an opportunity to build other relationships with yourself, more productive and comfortable. So how do you love yourself? It is necessary to start with the fact that there will be no other self, and with the person who is seen in the mirror, you will have to spend a fairly large number of years. The almighty and infinite universe can give a person whatever he wants, but why then are many people unhappy. The main cause of the problems of all people are limiting beliefs, deeply embedded in the human consciousness and taking even deeper roots in the subconscious. For example: “I’m not beautiful”, “I’m not loved and understood”, “I’m not lucky”, “I myself am to blame for everything”. All these negative attitudes are laid down in a person from childhood and turn into barriers and obstacles on the path to happiness. Therefore, it is necessary to change the attitude towards oneself through the liberation from the burden of the past and the removal of a constant feeling of guilt. It is necessary to remember everything that was bad that was said about you, put it all in one "basket" - and mentally "throw it away", thus freeing yourself from the burden of the past, since someone's opinion is just someone else's opinion.

It is important not to forget about your unique personality, its merits. A person's life will then change when he realizes that he is unique, that there are no other such personalities, and the thought that he is worse or better is a world of only his own ideas. Therefore, most people who are ideal in our personal view become the most beautiful for us, although they are not at all. So, if a person has a desire to be sociable, happy, to feel attractive, you need to act exactly as if it already is, and all this is available at the moment. Each person can start right now his own reassessment of personality: give yourself a "plus", find positive qualities in yourself, praise yourself for certain actions and immediately the world will spin around him, because he began to love himself.