Alcoholism is a serious disease that affects the person himself and the people who surround him. Terrible behavior, sudden attacks of aggression, inability to control oneself - all these signs arise spontaneously and bring continuous problems to others. The detrimental effect of the decay products of ethyl alcohol on the body leads to the development of pathologies that will be impossible to cope with. But alcoholism can be cured if the patient's condition is not started to become extremely difficult.

It is simply impossible to overcome the disease on your own. Addiction therapists use a variety of treatment methods. Often practiced different torpedoes in the subcutaneous layer, reception effective pills and solutions. But there are also folk remedies, some of which are very effective.

Coprinus is a dung fungus. Such vernacular name he received. Many believe that this mushroom is a truly miraculous remedy that helps fight alcoholism.

And this is not far from the truth, because in fact, koprinus is much more effective than a variety of medicines that can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. All kinds of tablets have many contraindications, unlike the dung fungus.

it folk remedy promotes:

  • Decreased craving for alcohol.
  • Removal of alcohol dependence.
  • Cessation of prolonged drunkenness and binges.
  • The emergence of a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages.

Koprinus can be considered a completely safe mushroom. The only thing is that it is forbidden to use it in combination with alcoholic beverages. Then the reaction can be extremely negative. Dung mushrooms are quite tasty and nutritious. Just eating it won't do any harm. There are many varieties of coprinus.

The effective effect of this folk remedy is observed due to the fact that the dung mushroom contains a component that causes disgust for alcoholic beverages. This substance called coprine leads to the oxidation of alcohol in the human body. As a result, acetaldehyde is formed, which is a toxic substance.

Acetaldehyde leads to:

  • Increased heart rate.
  • An increase in body temperature.
  • The occurrence of severe dizziness.
  • Speech retardation.
  • Temporary visual impairment.
  • Heartburn, nausea and vomiting.
  • Disorders in the digestive system.

If an alcoholic eats dung mushrooms for some time, acetaldehyde will accumulate in his body, causing aversion to alcoholic beverages.

Such an action of coprinus in most cases leads to a positive result - a person stops drinking.

The more alcohol a person consumes, the more sensitive the body becomes to it. If drinking in excessive quantities continues for a long time, a person becomes an alcoholic. In this case, addiction to alcohol can no longer be avoided.

Many medical experts believe that it is methylsalsolinol, which appears in the body due to the use of alcoholic beverages, that leads to alcohol dependence. This means that the treatment of such a disease is quite possible.

When using a dung fungus, a person will be able to give up alcohol after a while. It will not be possible to immediately get rid of the addiction, but the action of coprinus will gradually have an increasing effect on the body, causing an aversion to alcohol. A person will think that it is alcohol that is to blame for such a difficult state of health and will gradually give up drinking himself.

The course of treatment with dung fungus can last from one to three months. It all depends on:

Treatment must necessarily occur anonymously - this is precisely its whole point. An alcoholic should not guess that coprinus is added to his food.

Some people grind mushrooms themselves, while others purchase them from a pharmacy. The dose should not be less than two grams per day. If within a few days a positive result is not noticeable, you will need to increase the dosage.

During treatment with coprinus, it is not recommended to scold the patient for drinking. It doesn't hurt to even offer an alcoholic a drink. After one or two weeks, the patient himself will refuse alcohol, as he will be extremely frightened by such a negative reaction of the body and a terrible state of health.

But this is not a reason to stop adding dung mushroom. If you interrupt the course of treatment, after some time the person will again take up the bottle. If the treatment is continued, he will again experience the discomfort of alcohol and stop drinking.

Currently, it will not be difficult to purchase a dung mushroom in a regular pharmacy. It is sold in already crushed form. But such a powder will be less effective than self-collected or purchased, fresh mushrooms.

For the treatment of alcoholism, you should choose one of four types of dung fungus. For example, gray coprinus is most effective. It causes speech and vision disorders, severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

A person will not have such a violent reaction to eating other varieties of dung beetles. But they can also be used to treat alcoholism.

It is recommended to start preparing the medicine almost immediately after collection. Fresh mushrooms should not lie for more than three hours. The fresher the koprinus, the more expressive its action. This mushroom has a very negative appearance, but on his palatability it is not reflected in any way. It is quite suitable for food. Koprinus is a nutritious and healthy product. It can be safely eaten without fear of harm to the body. Only the mushroom does not combine with alcohol at all.

There are two main methods of preparing dung mushroom. It all depends on when you plan to eat it. It is better to prepare more coprinus in advance for future use, so as not to do this every day. But there are times when it is urgently required not to a large number of this mushroom. Then you should use the recipe for immediate preparation.

Instant Recipe

The dung beetle is nutrient mushroom with excellent taste. It is somewhat reminiscent of champignons, so it will not be difficult to quickly cook koprinus.

It is necessary to heat the pan well and put a few tablespoons of butter or vegetable oil. Mushrooms should be washed and the caps should be separated from the legs. Then the hats should be thrown into the pan, salted and simmered over low heat. Adding water is not required, as the dung beetles themselves are very juicy. They will stew in their own juice. In about forty minutes, the dish will be ready. These gentle and delicious mushrooms can be consumed hot with sour cream or served with soups, stews and other dishes.

To prepare a medicinal potion, you will need to carefully grind the pulp of the coprinus and fry in a shallow frying pan. Just drying them will not work because of the unusual structure of the fungus.

In the process of frying, it is necessary to constantly stir the pulp. Cooking may take a little longer, as you need to wait for the liquid to completely evaporate. Then the resulting mass will need to cool and grind into powder. After that, the drug is removed into a jar of dark glass and closed with a lid.

You can add a small amount of the drug to the food or drink of a person suffering from alcohol dependence. He will not even taste any taste and will not guess about the anonymous treatment.

What is a dung mushroom and how does it help fight alcoholism, where does it grow, how to collect and cook, medicinal properties fungus and how to use it correctly to get rid of addiction.

The content of the article:

Mushroom-dung beetle is conditionally edible agaric, which owes its peculiar name to the fact that it grows on well-manured lands, where it appears in large colonies. Since ancient times, it has been successfully used to combat alcoholism, and today we will talk about how to prepare a miraculous cure for addiction to alcohol based on dung beetle.

Description and distribution area of ​​the dung fungus

The dung beetle mushroom is very peculiar in appearance, moreover, it often grows on garbage lands, therefore ignorant mushroom pickers mistake it for a toadstool. Procurers do not really appreciate it and refer only to the 4th category.

Mushroom-dung beetle (Latin Koprinus - Coprinus) belongs to the Champignon family (Agaricaceae). The two most common varieties are white and gray, although scattered and shimmering dung beetles are found. In appearance, they are all similar, but there are some differences.

White dung beetle, the largest of the whole family, is also called shaggy mushroom. When it ripens, the cap unfolds, its edges are torn and become disheveled. A kind of shaggy man on a high white leg with a fibrous ring and a thickening at the base. With snow-white, no juice, and sweet-tasting flesh.

Gray looks more neat - the edges are not at all disheveled, but smooth. Appears in the usual places of growth much later than its white counterpart, in fact, this is an autumn variety of Koprinus. The cap can be gray, silver-gray or brownish in color, the stem is white, cylindrical, tuberous at the base.

The overgrown dung beetle has black plates, therefore its second name is ink or tar fungus.

All types of dung beetles contain a large amount useful substances. These are vitamins of groups B, C, E, D1, D2, K1, amino acids necessary for the body, nicotinic acid, glucose and fructose, calcium, iron and phosphorus, fiber and much more. Proteins and carbohydrates per 100 g - 46% and 49%, respectively. There are very few fats - 5%. Calorie content - from 16 to 22 kcal.

Widely distributed in Europe, Asia, can be found on other continents. Grows from June to October.

Where the dung mushroom grows - says its very name. This homebody settles not far from a person in places rich in humus. You can see it on garbage and dung heaps near stables and farms, under the fence and even in the garden. He is one of the fastest growing among his brothers in the mushroom kingdom. Only rain pellets can compete with him in height.

It is familiar to all villagers, but they disdain to take it, since it cannot be compared with a real fragrant mushroom from a birch or pine grove. Hence such a dismissive attitude towards him: if it does not grow where it is supposed to be a real mushroom, then it is a toadstool; appearance also does not inspire much confidence.

Although in vain did inexperienced lovers of "quiet" hunting have such an opinion. "Unsuccessful" habitats of the dung fungus do not affect its taste at all. Italians, Germans, French are not embarrassed by the "dung" name, treat the mushroom with respect and appreciate its delicate taste.

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Features of the use of dung fungus from alcoholism

Mushroom-dung beetle from alcoholism began to be used in ancient times. He really had an effect on drunkards, if they drank alcohol after a dish with this delicacy, it became bad: the face turned red, nausea and vomiting appeared. Such a state quickly passed, but I wanted, for example, to drink again in the morning, and the poisoning repeated.

Noticing such an unusual property of dung beetle, sorcerers and healers began to add the dried mushroom to various specially prepared drugs, and the wives imperceptibly added it to the dishes of their husbands, suffering from an uncontrollable craving for strong drinks. Such an unusual property of Koprinus was later noticed by physicians and introduced it into their practice. For example, in the last century, a dung mushroom for alcoholism was effectively used in Czechoslovakia.

It should be noted that the gray dung beetle is more toxic than its white counterpart, and therefore much more effective. And today it has not lost its significance, in many countries it is used to treat not only those addicted to alcohol, but is part of many medicines for other diseases.

Those who still want to treat alcoholism with Koprinus at home should know some of the features of its use, which can be short-term and long-term. Short course is designed for 2 weeks, and if alcohol has been consumed for a long time and the consequences of “libations” are severe, the duration of the procedure increases to 3 months. Mushroom powder in a small amount (2 g) should be added to food, if the effect is not noticeable, the dose can be increased to 5 grams.

There is a common opinion that treatment should be carried out in secret from the patient, pour mushroom powder into his food. He, as usual, will take a glass before eating, and such an unexpected reaction for him that, in the end, will scare him away from alcohol.

This is fundamentally wrong, treatment should be carried out consciously, otherwise, when a person realizes that he was simply “fooled”, the opposite effect of such “underground” healing may occur - scandals in the family, relations will only worsen. As if in retaliation to his loved ones, the "recovered" will continue drinking in the company of his friends, telling with indignation "how they wanted to poison him."

Another statement that the ink fungus that has already undergone heat treatment loses its anti-alcohol properties is also erroneous. After all, for a therapeutic effect, it is added to hot first and second courses.

If it is not possible to collect and cook yourself medicinal mushroom, in pharmacies you can buy drugs that contain dung fungus. This is the well-known Coprinus (powder, drops, extract) and a newer medicine for a long time. Russian production"Fungo-Shi Koprinus". For the treatment of these medicines at least three packs are required, provided that it is to be taken 1 time per day with food.

The instructions for Koprinus indicate that contraindications are: hypersensitivity to the drug, diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy and lactation - when the mother is breastfeeding.

There is no absolute certainty that the drunkard will stop drinking, but it is quite possible to count on some success, since the anti-alcohol effect of the dung fungus long time persists in the body even after discontinuation of its intake. If a patient with alcoholism is treated consciously, there is hope that he will develop a strong aversion to alcohol and he will return to healthy lifestyle life.

Note! The opinion that dung mushroom can be secretly added to food is not very correct. Such a dangerous initiative can harm the health of a Bacchus lover.

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How to collect dung mushrooms

First of all, you should definitely find out what the dung mushroom looks like at different stages of its growth, if you do not want to get poisoned. You need to have a knack to collect these early ripening mushrooms.

A small white egg suddenly appears on the humus, grows rapidly, turns into a ball for 2 days, which stretches into a tall thick bell with snow-white brittle plates. The leg can grow up to 35 cm, the bell-shaped hat is up to 10 cm in volume and up to 15 cm high. And now a mushroom flaunts on humus, with a dense trumpet hat and darkish scales of white (gray) color on it.

This is the time of collection, only very short. It is necessary to collect dung mushrooms when the hat has not yet unfolded and its plates are white.

On day 5, the bell cap unfolds and the plates turn pink. The mushroom itself gives a sign to the picker that it is no longer possible to take it. It has outgrown, toxic substances have accumulated in it, which means that you can get poisoned. The dung beetle quickly ages, self-destruction begins, the plates and the annular film become inky.

Already at home, mushrooms need to be sorted out, even in a basket they quickly turn black, if more than 2 hours have passed after picking, they turn into mucus. Mushrooms with pink and blackened plates should be thrown away, it is worth leaving only the hats intact with the lower white color, remove the film and carefully clean the leg.

Recipes with dung mushroom from alcoholism

Cooking dung mushroom is a rather troublesome business. This is also one of the reasons why he rarely hits the table. But well-cooked dung beetles are very tasty, it is not for nothing that they are considered a delicacy among the French and Swedes, they are readily eaten by the Germans and Italians.

Fried dung mushrooms

There can be no unambiguous recipe here, because there are no comrades for the taste and color. Everyone adds the herbs they like. The easiest cooking method is frying.

Ingredients for fried dung beetles:

  • Mushrooms - 500 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - at least two tablespoons (34-40 g);
  • One large onion, more can be;
  • Salt, black ground pepper- taste.
First you need to thoroughly wash, separate the leg from the cap and cut into several parts. Very young fry whole on sunflower oil, it needs quite a bit, since in the process of stewing the mushrooms themselves release juice.

Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, when it warms up, add mushrooms, chopped onions, pepper and salt. There is no need to add water, the dung beetles release juice. Stew, stirring, over low heat, after 45-50 minutes the dish is ready. It can be served at the table as a separate dish, and if for treatment - pour in small portions into the first or second.

  • Article

Dung beetles, or Koprinus (Сorrinus), are mushrooms that most often grow in manure and belong to the fairly common Champignon family (Agaricaceae).

Small or medium-sized fruiting bodies of a cap-pedunculate type, with a centrally located leg. The cap is bell-shaped, conical or convex in shape, sometimes opening to a flat appearance. The surface is bare or covered with scales and flakes. The thin flesh of the cap is complemented by a fibrous, smooth, cylindrical in shape, elongated and sometimes hollow stem.

Lamellar-type hymenophore, represented by thin and frequent plates, light staining, but at the stage of aging naturally blackening. The residual veil may have the appearance of a flaky or scaly coating on the cap. There may also be a narrow membranous ring on the stem. The spore powder has a very characteristic black color for the species.

Dung beetles of all kinds belong to the category of saprotrophic fungi growing on nutrient substrates enriched with nutrients. Also, fruiting bodies are formed on manure heaps, humus, fertile and humus-rich soils, rotting wood waste and plant remains.

Where does the dung beetle grows (video)

Types of dung beetle

A significant part of the species growing on the territory of our country are too small in size and have very thin pulp, and some belong to the common category of slightly toxic mushrooms.

Gallery: dung beetle mushrooms (25 photos)

dung beetle

Сorrinus сinereus has become widespread in our country. and is found almost everywhere. The cap-leg fungus has an elliptical, covered with a white felt coating, or bell-shaped, with uneven and cracked edges, the shape of a grayish or grayish-gray color with a brownish apical part.

Dung beetle flickering

Сorrinus misaceus is a fairly common mushroom, which has an ovoid or bell-shaped hat of a yellow-brownish coloration characteristic of the species with a tubercle in the central part that is quite intense in color, a striated surface type and medium-sized granular scales with a micaceous sheen.

Dung beetle flickering

Dung beetle gray

Сorrinus atramentariaa is a common variety of the cap mushroom, with an ovoid or broadly bell-shaped hat, the surface of which has a grayish or grayish-brown color. Characteristic is the presence of cracked edges and small, darkish coloration, quite numerous scales.

Сorrinus somatus is a common species of Koprinus, belonging to the category of cap mushrooms. It is characterized by the presence of a white, grayish or brownish cap, abundantly covered with rather thick and fibrous scales. There is a brownish tubercle in the central part of the cap. In some European countries refers to vegetable delicacies.

Description of the beneficial properties of dung beetle

Mushroom pulp has sufficient nutritional value, as well as It is characterized by properties useful for the human body, represented by:

  • improving digestion;
  • appetite stimulation;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • antibiotic effect;
  • decrease in blood sugar levels;
  • antitumor effect;
  • hemostatic ability;
  • bactericidal effect on harmful pathogenic microorganisms;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • antioxidant effect.

The mushroom pulp contains koprin, which is incompatible with alcohol and can cause severe poisoning when used in combination. That is why folk remedies based on dung beetles are often used to get rid of alcohol addiction.

The chemical composition of dung beetles

Features chemical composition pulp of Koprinus is the presence of a large number of useful components, represented by:

  • vitamins of group "B";
  • vitamin "C";
  • vitamin "E";
  • vitamin "D1";
  • vitamin "D2";
  • vitamin "K1";
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • choline;
  • betaine;
  • tocopherol;
  • tocotrienol;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • glucose;
  • trypsin;
  • fructose.

Non-essential and non-essential amino acids, including nicotinic, pantothenic and folic acid. Wild species are rich in tyrosine and histidine, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Wild-growing species of dung beetle are rich in tyrosine and histidine, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids

Nutritional value and taste

100 g of edible mushroom pulp contains approximately 20-22 kcal. For every 100 g of product, there are 3.09 g of protein, 0.34 g of fat, 3.26 g of carbohydrates and 1.0 g of fiber. For all its consumer and taste characteristics, as well as nutritional value, almost all types of dung mushrooms belong to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms of the fourth category.

The reason for this classification is excessive indicators of fragility, not too big sizes fruiting body, as well as similarity to inedible and poisonous mushrooms. As before, and at the present time, dung beetles are not popular with domestic mushroom pickers.

Dung beetle mushroom in the fight against alcoholism (video)

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

For medicinal purposes, fruiting bodies are most often used in powder form. Processing of the collected fruiting bodies should be carried out as much as possible short time, which is due to the susceptibility of such fungi to the process of natural autolysis. Without processing, freshly harvested or frozen fruiting bodies become very dark within two or three hours and quickly disintegrate.

It is necessary to collect only young fruiting bodies for harvesting medicinal raw materials, which are characterized by the presence of unopened hats and white plates. You only need to collect mushroom caps, and the presence of a pinkish, yellow or grayish tint on the plates indicates the unsuitability of the dung beetle for harvesting.

Drying the collected hats is carried out in a frying pan. Pre-cleaned fruiting bodies must be thoroughly washed and dried, then put in a pan. Roasting is done over low heat, with occasional stirring without oil. During the drying process, a sufficiently large amount of liquid is released, so the drying process takes a long time. Completely dried mushrooms must be ground to a powder using a coffee grinder or kitchen blender. This powder can also be used as an aromatic spice.

When coprinus enters the body of a person who has taken alcohol, a fairly rapid interaction occurs active substance coprine and the oxidation process occurs with the formation of acetaldehyde

The use of dung beetle mushroom for the treatment of alcoholism

If for the purpose of culinary use the powder is made from white Koprinus, then crushed fruiting bodies of gray Koprinus should be used to treat alcohol dependence.

Features of treatment

When coprinus enters the body of a person who has taken alcohol, a fairly rapid interaction of the active substance of coprin occurs and an oxidation process occurs with the formation of acetaldehyde. Side effect from such interaction is a sharp deterioration in well-being, whose symptoms are:

  • an increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of a feeling of heat and "hot flashes";
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • increased heart rate;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness and fainting;
  • dysfunction of the stomach and intestinal tract;
  • the appearance of pain in the stomach;
  • heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

Subject to the rules of treatment, the craving for alcoholic beverages and the appearance of a persistent aversion to any alcoholic beverages are reduced. Important to remember that the process of treatment with toxic components should be carried out under mandatory medical supervision.

For medicinal purposes, fruiting bodies are most often used in crushed form.

The dung fungus got its name from the habitat where it appears in large colonies (land well fertilized with manure). Koprinus, another name for it, is a conditionally edible agaric fungus, belongs to the Champignon family. From alcoholism, the dung beetle mushroom has been used for many centuries, proving its effectiveness. The photo shows what Koprinus looks like.

Today, you can find the powder of this mushroom in almost any pharmacy chain. The price of such a drug allows anyone to buy it. However, you should buy it only after consulting a specialist who will help you choose the dosage and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

There are several types of mushroom:

  1. A white or shaggy koprinus is a fringed bell hat. At the very beginning of the white color, which becomes brown or gray with time, the middle is brown. The pulp has white shade, tasteless and odorless, not juicy.
  2. Gray dung beetle (also called ink fungus) is a gray hat with scales. At young mushroom the plates are white, the old ones are black. The leg can be up to 20 cm long. The flesh is also white, but there is a sweetish aftertaste.
  3. Common coprinus is a cylinder-shaped hat, which becomes bell-shaped as it matures. Then it gradually turns black and decomposes, the leg is up to 10 cm in length.

The effect of the mushroom on the alcoholic

Traditional healers have used Koprinus for many centuries as a powerful drug against cravings for alcohol. And the thing is that dung mushroom and alcohol are incompatible. This allows you to achieve a lasting effect during patient therapy.

At the same time, medicine prepared from Koprinus can be given to the patient without even notifying him about it. Many deny the problem and do not want to resort to therapy, so this moment is very important. On the net and in various forums there is great amount positive opinions and stories about the experience of using the tool in question.

Koprinus helps to overcome cravings for alcoholic beverages, and the alcoholic, in the future, always feels disgust for alcoholic products. This can be done even without his consent, simply by mixing medicinal product him for food.

Coprinus powder does not give any aftertaste and does not change the color and structure of the food.

Dung beetle has the following effect on the body of a person who is addicted to the bottle:

  • reduces craving for alcohol;
  • destroys alcohol dependence of a person;
  • able to stop drinking;
  • causes aversion to alcohol-containing products.

The fungus is harmless to humans until alcohol enters the stomach with it. Then the substances contained in the dung beetle oxidize the alcohol component of the alcoholic beverage, turning it into a toxic substance - acetaldehyde.
Formula of acetaldehyde

There is a serious intoxication of the body and, in an alcohol addict, the following symptoms are observed:

  • there is a feeling of heat, the face turns red (hyperemia);
  • heartbeat accelerates;
  • there is severe dizziness;
  • the patient is thirsty;
  • temporary impairment or loss of vision occurs;
  • the patient's speech becomes inhibited, incoherent;
  • there are signs of nausea and vomiting, as well as severe heartburn;
  • sometimes the patient has indigestion and loose stools.

If you give an alcoholic a mushroom, then, over time, he will develop a persistent aversion to alcohol due to the regularly recurring painful symptoms of the disorder. The effectiveness of the course depends on the duration of alcohol dependence. Sometimes, in order to completely give up alcohol, the patient has to undergo an intensive course lasting several months or repeat several courses.

Collection method

The fungus that will help fight drunkenness grows on well-fertilized soil, hence the name. Before collecting it, you need to study the appearance and structure, so as not to run into a toadstool, which can lead to serious poisoning and death.

First, a small white ball appears from the ground, which on the second day turns into a ball of large diameter, and then stretches into a tall bell mushroom. The leg of the dung beetle can grow up to 35 cm. These mushrooms are distant relatives of champignons and taste a little like them. The taste is very delicate and pleasant, it goes well with various products in dishes. Life cycle it is very short, so mushroom pickers, as a rule, do not collect it.

It is necessary to collect gray dung beetle, which will effectively help from alcoholism, as soon as it has grown, until the hat unfolds.

Important! On the 5th day, the mushroom cap opens, and the scales turn from gray to pink. This suggests that the fungus has already outgrown, accumulated toxic substances and is a danger to life.

It ages quickly, the plates and the annular film become inky and spread in an unpleasant black puddle with spores.

Upon arrival home, the basket of mushrooms should also be sorted out. They spoil very quickly and if more than 2 hours have passed since the moment of collection, then it is quite possible that a part will have to be thrown away.

Brute force features

  • Need to check inner part mushroom caps, if present pink color, then they will need to be thrown out.
  • Mushrooms covered with black mucus are also to be destroyed.
  • The rest are peeled off the film and the leg is thoroughly cleaned before cooking.
  • You can independently grow a mushroom on your own land plot. It always appears in well-fertilized areas, so it should be looked for near a dunghill or silo. They grow in several pieces, they are often found in groups in varying degrees of growth.

Cooking Methods

Among the folk recipes, there are two ways to prepare dung fungus. In the reviews, those who have tried this folk method talking about good result about keeping it for years to come.

Important! Preparing the mushroom is quite simple, but it is important to start as soon as possible after cutting the mushroom, best within 2-3 hours, as the product is very perishable.

Fried mushrooms

To cook the dung mushroom, simply put out the appetizing hats in a hot frying pan, oiled, after salting them. Mushrooms are juicy, so you don’t have to add liquid to the pan. Extinguishing will take no more than 30-40 minutes and mushroom dish ready. They are served as an independent dish, fried in sour cream, and it is also possible to use them as an additive in soups, stews and other dishes.

Anyone can use such a mushroom product, it has a pleasant delicate taste, reminiscent of champignons. The dish is incompatible only with alcoholic beverages. When used simultaneously with alcohol, it will cause unpleasant and painful reactions of the body, described earlier.

dried mushrooms

The second prescription for alcoholism involves drying Koprinus to obtain a powder from it. Drying this mushroom is radically different from drying other mushroom cultures due to its special structure. An attempt to repeat such a procedure will result in the loss of the product.

  • Cooking the product will take a little longer.
  • Mushrooms are finely chopped and loaded into a saucepan without oil and salt. Until the liquid from the mushrooms evaporates, do not remove from the fire.
  • It is important to mix the mushrooms thoroughly, repeating this action as often as possible.
  • Then the mushroom mass is allowed to cool and grind it into powder.
  • The powdered composition is added, if possible, to dishes that an alcohol-dependent person eats.

The powder does not change the taste and color of food and drinks, so it will be invisible to the patient, whose treatment takes place without his knowledge.

Treatment and dosage

For the safety of the patient, the treatment schedule and the required dose should be clarified with the doctor. Inconsistency and uncontrolled use of the powder can threaten the life of the patient.

There are two ways to take Koprinus:

  1. the usual course of 2 weeks;
  2. intensive course, for a period of 3 months (for people suffering from alcoholism for a long time).

It is good if a person is aware of his addiction and is ready to accept treatment. But, in the absence of desire, doctors still allow treatment without the knowledge of the patient. Although, of course, in the beginning it is advised to seek help from a psychotherapist.

The mushroom is taken at a dosage of 2-3 g per day (taken every two days).

After the course of treatment, the patient himself will refuse to drink alcohol, as he does not want the repetition of negative consequences. Adverse reactions from the simultaneous use of Koprinus with alcohol are so unpleasant and even painful that the patient develops a persistent aversion to alcohol. And when the symptoms recur regularly, the dependence on alcohol gradually fades away.

Today Coprinus powder can be found in open sale in almost any pharmacy. Anyone can buy a dung beetle mushroom from alcoholism at a very affordable and affordable price (about 300 rubles per pack). The finished powder should be taken in the same way as the above scheme.

During treatment, the patient should not be limited in the use of alcohol. On the contrary, you can even offer an alcoholic a drink so that the effect of the drug taken comes faster.

If the drug does not have the expected effect, the dose can be increased to 5 grams at a time. But do not exceed this maximum dosage. An overdose of the drug causes serious intoxication of the body, and is fraught with the death of the patient.


Mushroom Koprinus can be a good alternative to hospital treatment and expensive procedures. However, it is important to consult a doctor before use, so as not to harm the already weakened body of an alcoholic.

White shaggy dung beetle in the photo
(Coprinus comatus) pictured

Dung beetle white shaggy (Coprinus comatus) grows in small groups on manured soils, in meadows, pastures, vegetable gardens, in abandoned greenhouses, flower beds, lawns, basements, near manure and compost heaps, in places rich in humus. Grows near cattle pens, on the lawns of cities in connection with the passion of the townspeople for domestic dogs. It occurs often, in small groups, from May to October.

The cap of the shaggy white dung beetle is 5-10 cm tall, 3-6 cm in diameter, cylindrical, then bell-shaped, half-opened white, shaggy, the upper tip and flakes in the upper part of the cap with an ocher tint. The plates are white, later pink, after maturation the spores turn black and blur into black mucus. From which the lower edge of the cap also becomes black. Leg white, 8-15 cm tall, 1-2 cm thick with a disappearing ring. The pulp is fragile with a mushroom smell and mushroom sweetish taste.

The mushroom is only edible young age until its plates are pure white. At the slightest darkening of the plates, it is impossible to use dung beetle for food. After collection, it must be cooked immediately - it does not withstand even a short storage.

These dung beetles are edible - young mushrooms can be boiled, fried, pickled and dried, but when eating them, you should not drink alcohol - this can cause poisoning. For this property, white and gray dung beetles are even used as anti-alcohol agents.

The dung beetle mushroom can be confused with the ink fungus (Coprinus atramentarius), which is poisonous if consumed with alcohol, but the ink fungus is neither white nor shaggy.

Dung beetle scattered in the photo

Dung beetle scattered (Coprinus disseminatus) is inedible. Grows in large dense groups. The caps are small, 1-2 cm in diameter, constantly bell-shaped, first ribbed, then folded. First pubescent, then smooth. Young mushrooms are white, then white or with an ocher hue, more mature mushrooms are light gray or gray. The plates are frequent, lilac-gray-brown when ripe, do not blur into a black mass.

As you can see in the photo, this dung beetle fungus has a whitish stem, initially pubescent, 3-5 cm long, 1-2 mm thick, without a ring:

It grows in the forest on stumps, in gardens and parks, on the lawn in places where there was woodworking during construction or cutting firewood.

Fruiting from June to October.

The scattered dung beetle is one of the smallest dung beetles. Has no twins.

Spore powder. Black-brown.

similarity. It can be confused with small mycenae and negnyuchki, but the black color of the plates in mature mushrooms is characteristic.

Use. It has no nutritional value due to its meager size.

Below is a selection of photos and descriptions of dung beetle mushrooms of other species.

Dung beetle and woodpecker

Common dung beetle in the photo
(Coprinus cinereus) pictured

dung beetle (Coprinus cinereus) is a rather rare edible agaric that grows singly and in small groups from late May to mid-September. It is necessary to look for it on fertile soils in gardens and orchards, as well as in light forests, fields, rubbish heaps and along roadsides. It grows in the forest, in lawn gardens, on fertilized beds and on manure heaps.

The common dung beetle mushroom is edible at a young age. Attentive people noticed how a tall, tender mushroom sometimes grows among the lawn grass, outwardly similar to a dandelion, from which the wind has blown upper part ball. First, the common dung beetle is a narrow, acorn-shaped, white or light gray hat with a brownish top, no more than 3 cm in diameter and up to 8 cm high, with a short stem. The leg stretches in length, reaching a height of 10-25 cm, the cap opens, cracks radially and is a translucent delicate white or grayish umbrella up to 6 cm in diameter.

The surface of the cap is dry, radially ribbed, with fibers separated by cracks, painted in a bluish-gray color. The plates are frequent, free, first white and then black. The leg is round, thicker at the base, hollow inside, about 10 cm high and about 0.5 cm in diameter. Its surface is dry, dull, fibrous, painted white.

The pulp is thin, brittle, odorless, white in color, which in old mushrooms changes to gray.

Common dung beetle belongs to the fourth category of mushrooms. Only caps of young mushrooms are used for food, which can be used for cooking first and second courses. Pre-culinary processing must be done very quickly, since the mushroom quickly ages and loses its taste.

Fruits in spring, summer and autumn.

The common dung beetle has no poisonous counterparts.

Common dung beetle - edible mushroom(In young age). Its mass is not large, but in some places you can collect quite a lot of young fruiting bodies.

Woodpecker dung beetle in the photo
(Coprinus picaceus) pictured

Woodpecker, Motley dung beetle, Magpie dung beetle (Coprinus picaceus) has a cap with a diameter of up to 10 cm, initially ovoid, later bell-shaped. The skin of young mushrooms is covered with a flaky white veil. As the fungus grows, the cover breaks into separate flakes, which, in combination with a black or dark brown hat, form a motley "bird" color. The plates are not adherent to the stem, at first white, later grayish-ocher and finally black, watery. The flesh is white, brown under the skin, without much taste and smell.

Leg. Height up to 25 cm, diameter up to 1.5 cm, cylindrical, tapering upwards, smooth, scaly, brittle, whitish.

Spore powder. Brown.

Habitat. AT deciduous forests with calcareous soils, can grow on rotten wood.

Season. Autumn.

similarity. It is difficult to confuse this outwardly colorful mushroom with other mushrooms. But inexperienced mushroom pickers may confuse it with gray dung beetle, or ink fungus (Coprinus atramentarius).

Use. The mushroom is slightly poisonous, according to some sources, slightly hallucinogenic. There is information about the painless eating of it by some people. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to abandon dangerous experiments on its use for food purposes.

Gray dung beetle in the photo
(Coprinus atramentarius) pictured

Dung beetle gray (Coprinus atramentarius) is well-known, but little loved in the villages of Russia. It is little loved for a simple reason - it causes poisoning (small, but unpleasant), if combined with alcohol. Therefore, in middle lane In Russia, it is called mother-in-law's mushroom. He also has other names - koprinus (Coprinus atramentarius), ink mushroom, blasphemy, stove, sage.

The generic name of these mushrooms - koprinus - comes from the Greek word "kopros" (copros), which means "dung". Hence the second very common name of this genus - dung beetles. Mushrooms that settle on manure are called coprophiles. To this environmental group mushrooms include many coprinus. In total, the genus includes about two hundred species. They are cosmopolitan and distributed almost all over the globe. Species of this genus settle on the manure of herbivorous animals, well-fertilized soil, on decaying stumps and other plant debris.

Therefore, they are often found in gardens, kitchen gardens, on garbage heaps, near livestock farms, in meadows where cattle graze. These mushrooms also settle in cities (they are in abundance in parks, on the lawns of public gardens). They are also found in the forest, especially on the edges, where livestock enters when grazing. Smaller species (eg Coprinus dissiminatus) cover half-decomposed stumps abundantly.

Among fungi, they are ephemera. They grow and ripen so quickly that not a single mushroom can compete with them in this. The life of small species is extremely short. Seen in the evening, having lived only one night, they disappear by morning. Development over large species, such as white dung beetle (Coprinus comatus), takes a little longer. But even in 48 hours after the formation of the fruiting body, the hat turns black and blurs into a black liquid mass containing numerous spores. This phenomenon is called autolysis.

Hat. Diameter 5-10 cm, in young mushrooms ovoid, later bell-shaped, quickly opens. The edges of the cap are ribbed, when ripe they break and spread in the form of ink. Color from light gray to brownish, darker in the center. The cap of the gray dung beetle mushroom is covered with glossy scales. The plates are free, at first grayish, flaky-pubescent, quickly blacken when the fungus ripens. The pulp is light, without a special smell, the taste is sweetish.

Leg. Height 8-20 cm, diameter 1-2 cm, cylindrical, naked, with whitish or grayish flesh, with a silky sheen.

Spore powder. Black.

Habitat. In gardens, parks, along old forest roads, at the stumps deciduous trees. Grows in bunches.

similarity. According to the description, this dung beetle fungus is similar to other types of koprinus, in particular, it is similar to the magpie dung beetle, or woodpecker (Coprinus picaceus), which has a variegated black and white color. This mushroom is found in autumn in the forest and is considered inedible or slightly poisonous.

Use. Tasty fried, but only young specimens can be used as food. It is necessary to avoid the use of alcoholic beverages simultaneously with mushrooms, as well as a day before and within a day after eating mushrooms. Dung beetle contains a substance similar to Antabuse, used to treat alcoholism, which prevents alcohol from oxidizing. Previously, gray dung beetle was used in the manufacture of ink used to write especially important papers, since the spores of the fungus formed a unique pattern that could not be faked.

medicinal properties. There are reports of Czech scientists about the use of dung beetle in the treatment of alcoholism.

Sparkling dung beetle in the photo
(Coprinus micaceus) pictured

Dung beetle sparkling, red (Coprinus micaceus) has a cap with a diameter of 2–4.5 and a height of 2–3.5 cm. The cap is bell-shaped or cone-shaped, yellow-brown, darker in the center, radially ribbed, folded, blurs when ripe. On young specimens, a light granular coating is clearly visible, which disappears with age. The plates are whitish at first, then yellowish-brown, blackening with time. Leg 3-11x0.3–0.7 cm, cylindrical, hollow, smooth, whitish. The flesh is pale.

Growth. Grows in forests, gardens, parks on decaying wood or humus soil.

Fruiting. fruit bodies forms in May - November.

Usage. Used fresh at a young age, with alcohol can cause poisoning.

Here you can see photos of dung beetles, the description of which is given on this page:

Motley dung beetle in the photo

Magpie dung beetle in the photo