Immediately after the joyful news of an interesting situation, a woman begins to worry and take care of the developing baby. Doctors come to her aid - at the end of the first month of bearing a child, an ultrasound can already see a fetal egg. Changing its size by weeks allows you to draw conclusions about whether the pregnancy is proceeding correctly.

Fertilized egg: what is it and why follow it?

A fertilized egg is a fertilized egg surrounded by membranes. It is constantly dividing - first into 2 parts, then into 4, etc. As a result of this process, the size of the embryo is constantly increasing. Before fixation in the uterus, which occurs 7 days after conception, the fetal egg receives the necessary substances from the yolk sac. The term "gestational sac" is replaced by "fetus" at the end of 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.

Tracking the size of the fetal egg by weeks is not a whim and not a reinsurance of scrupulous physicians and their patients. This information helps:

  • determine the duration of pregnancy;
  • name the expected date of birth;
  • make sure that the growth of the embryo is normal;
  • detect the appearance of pathologies;
  • prevent involuntary termination of pregnancy, that is, miscarriage.

Do not put off an ultrasound examination until later. After all, the woman herself, who is preparing for imminent motherhood, is interested in obtaining the above information, first of all.

What numbers create a "portrait" of a tiny embryo?

Medical science has long known the norms of various indicators of the development of the fetal egg in the first 3 months of expecting a child. Examining the embryo, visualized on the monitor, the doctor will first of all pay attention to its shape - at the minimum time it resembles a circle. Next, you need to measure the inner diameter of the fetal egg and tell the woman how long the long-awaited "resident" is inside her. But this diameter is not the same for everyone, since it depends on individual features organism. Therefore, if, when establishing the time elapsed after conception, rely only on this indicator, an error of 1.5 weeks is possible.

Thanks to modern transvaginal ultrasound devices, it is possible to detect a fetal egg measuring 2-4 mm. What period confirms this measurement? No more than 2-3 weeks after the onset of development and 5-6 weeks from the day of the last menstruation.

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How will this figure change in the future? We offer a small "cheat sheet", which indicates the period of development, and in brackets - the period since the last menstruation:

  • 5 (8) weeks - 6 mm;
  • 6 (9) weeks - 11-18 mm;
  • 7 (10) weeks - 19-26 mm;
  • 8 (11) weeks - 27-34 mm;
  • 9 (12) weeks - 35-43 mm;
  • 10 (13) weeks - 50 mm.

But what women hear during an ultrasound scan is not always found in the standard list of sizes. Therefore, expectant mothers often have questions - for example, if the fetal egg is 5 mm, what is the gestational age? It's about 5 weeks. And what is the period if the fetal egg is not 5 mm, but 8 mm? Then pregnancy 5 weeks and a few days. During the day, the egg cell surrounded by a membrane will grow by an average of 1 mm, and after crossing the line at 15 weeks, the fetus increases daily by 2-2.5 mm.

To make sure that everything is fine with the future baby, in addition to these data, the area and volume of the fetal egg, as well as the diameter of the yolk sac, are measured. The norm of these indicators for weeks is different.

Not less than important information is KTR and BPR. How to decipher these abbreviations?

The coccyx-parietal size (KTR) is the length of the embryo from its top to the coccyx. Such measurements make it possible to determine the time of pregnancy as accurately as possible, because the indicator is almost identical in all patients.

The biparietal size of the fetal head (BDP) is the area from the surface of the upper border on the outside to the surface of the lower border on the inside between the parietal bones. BDP is measured starting at 6 weeks after conception.

To understand how the results of ultrasound correspond to the norm, the following table will help.

Weeks since last menstrual bleeding

weeks after conception

Yolk sac diameter

When is women's excitement justified?

A woman who recently learned about her new position does not always hear on ultrasound good news. What can overshadow her hope for a prosperous motherhood?

wrong shape

Before the onset of 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor sees the fetal egg in the form of a rounded figure. But when the baby's gestation period approaches 2 months, with a longitudinal scan, the embryo will look oval, although it will remain rounded with a transverse one. Other deviations from the normal form are also possible. This pathology most often develops in the presence of neoplasms in the uterus or partial detachment of the placenta.

Placement violations

The fertilized egg must be fixed in the bottom of the uterus or on its back wall, less often in the internal pharynx or in the upper part of the organ. If the embryo is located differently, the doctor assesses how dangerous it is and decides on future fate crumbs.

size pathologies

If the egg in the shell is smaller or larger than the above values, this indicates possible developmental disorders. But since these indicators can fluctuate during the normal course of pregnancy, only a specialist concludes how significant the deviations are.

False fertilized egg

In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the doctor can still see a fetal egg in the uterine cavity. But in fact, this formation consists of an accumulation of mucus and the secretion of the glands of the fallopian tubes. You can recognize the “deception of the body”: from a normal fertilized egg, this egg will differ in wall thickness and shape.

Empty fertilized egg

At 1-2 weeks, the fetus is not yet noticeable, so it will not work to understand whether it is developing. But an empty egg at a later date is a warning sign. Most likely, a medical termination of pregnancy will be required. Among the reasons for such a sad situation are the woman's age, genetic disorders, medications that are contraindicated for pregnant women.

fertilized egg 1 mm small size, and what significance does this bubble already have! Depends on how much a fetal egg mm has correct definition gestational age in the first weeks, diagnosis of miscarriage, determination of the state of the embryo in dynamics.

When the expectant mother first comes for an ultrasound scan, she is usually given an “early pregnancy” conclusion and is recommended to undergo a re-examination in a month. At the same time, such a parameter as the size of the fetal egg may already appear in the conclusion. It is on him that the ultrasound doctor is guided in determining the gestational age - after all, obstetricians will count the period from the first day of the last menstruation, and ultrasound sometimes indicates the period from conception (i.e., the age of the fetus).

It should be remembered that we are all different, and the development of pregnancy is also different for everyone. Therefore, the article provides averaged data, which may differ slightly from the real ones.

A fetal egg of 1 mm is determined already at the fourth obstetric week of pregnancy - at about this time the next menstruation should have occurred. Thus, mommy may not yet be aware of the birth of a new life, and she can already be seen on an ultrasound scan. Usually, when a 1 mm fetal egg is detected, it is recommended to undergo a second examination in a couple of weeks - it will be possible to assess the dynamics of its growth, see the heartbeat and establish exact date pregnancy.

A fetal egg is 3 mm - it acquires such dimensions in just a couple of days of development. By this time, the yolk sac is already beginning to form, which is clearly visible on ultrasound - it allows you to differentiate a 3 mm fetal egg from a fluid bubble in the folds of the uterine mucosa. Thus, a 3 mm fetal egg in the uterine cavity allows you to accurately determine the presence of pregnancy.

If a 3 mm fetal egg is found on an ultrasound, but the embryo is not visible, do not panic, at that time it simply did not have time to develop, and it should not be visible. Literally in a few days, the fetal egg will increase in size, not only the embryo, but also its heartbeat will become noticeable.

If pregnancy is diagnosed by ultrasound, a 4 mm fetal egg will be visible by the end of the fourth obstetric week. The rudiments of the fetal organs begin to form - the liver, pancreas, lungs. Most main body, which is laid at this stage of pregnancy (fetal egg 4 mm) is the heart. In just a couple of days, the heart will begin to beat, and it will be possible to state with relief that the fetus is developing, the pregnancy is progressing!

The fetal egg is 5 mm - it reaches these sizes to last day fourth week of pregnancy. At this stage, sometimes it is already possible to see the embryo by ultrasound, although its size is no more than a millimeter. A fetal egg of 5 mm is the edge of the transition from the fourth to the fifth week of pregnancy.

The fetal egg is 6 mm - it is precisely this size that indicates that the fifth week of pregnancy has begun. At this time, two important events occur - the heart and blood vessels of the embryo are actively formed, the laying of nervous system. The embryo reaches a size of 1.5 mm, sometimes at this time the beating of a tiny heart is already noticeable. Thus, a fetal egg of 6 mm is a reason to talk about a developing pregnancy.

A fetal egg of 7 mm is approximately the middle of the fifth week of pregnancy. The fetal egg and embryo grow quite quickly, increasing daily by at least 1 mm. A fetal egg of 7 mm indicates that the embryo is also growing, its organs are being formed. If a 7 mm gestational sac is described in the ultrasound report, this usually corresponds to about ten days of delay. However, do not worry if you have a delay of more than two weeks, and the fetal egg is 7 mm - most likely, ovulation occurred with a delay, which means fertilization too.

Literally in a day, an ultrasound scan will already show a fetal egg of 8 mm - this is about 5 obstetric weeks and four days. The baby continues to grow with his shells, soon he will have limbs. A fetal egg of 8 mm is an indicator that in a few days the sixth week of pregnancy will come.

A 9 mm fetal egg can be distinguished by ultrasound at 5 weeks and 5 days. Thus, a 9 mm fetal egg is determined by the end of the fifth week of pregnancy - at this time, the germ cells continue to actively divide, forming the laying of future organs.

A 10 mm fertilized egg is found at the very end of the fifth week. By this time, the embryo already has a neural tube with a thickening at its end - this is the future brain. A fetal egg of 10 mm indicates that the formation of the heart and blood vessels is almost complete.

A 12 mm fertilized egg is the beginning of the sixth week of pregnancy. At this time, experienced uzists can already determine the fetal heartbeat, although its size is only 2 mm. A 12 mm fetal egg is an opportunity to catch the pulsation of your baby's formed heart on ultrasound.

A 13 mm fetal egg is visualized at six weeks and three days. By this time, the baby's heart rate is at least 150 beats per minute. A fetal egg of 13 mm usually allows good visualization of the embryo.

The fetal egg is 14 mm - it reaches this size by the end of the third day of the sixth week. The baby begins to appear arms and legs, while in its infancy. A fetal egg of 14 mm usually allows you not to worry about the presence of a missed pregnancy - the embryo is actively developing.

A 15 mm fertilized egg is visible at 6 weeks and 4 days. The crumbs form the brain, nerve fibers. If the fetal egg is 15 mm, a face is already forming, indentations form in place of the eyes, and folds form in the region of the nose and mouth.

Fetal egg 16 mm - corresponds to a period of six weeks and five days. By this time, the formation digestive system, rudiments of cartilage and spleen. The fetal egg is 16 mm - with this size, the embryo already has three intestinal loops, the rudiment of the esophagus and stomach.

A fetal egg of 17 mm indicates the near end of the sixth week. If an ultrasound scan reveals a 17 mm fetal egg, the embryo begins to form the rudiments of fingers.

A fetal egg 18 mm is determined at the very end of the sixth week. Usually, by the time a fetal egg of 18 mm is formed, muscle tissue is formed in the fetus, it begins to respond to external signals.

The fetal egg reaches 19 mm by the first day of the seventh week of pregnancy. A 19 mm ovum usually contains a fetus measuring at least 5 mm, clearly visible on ultrasound.

A fertilized egg 20 mm is the second day of the seventh week. The baby's brain is actively developing, a genital tubercle is formed (genital organs will form from it in the future). The fetal egg is 20 mm - usually at this moment the mouth and nostrils become visible.

Fetal egg 21 mm - continues to form the face of the fetus, the brain. A fetal egg of 21 mm indicates a fetus size of at least 8-10 mm.

A fetal egg 22 mm - the middle of the seventh week of pregnancy. Visible gestational sac 22 mm allows you to stop calling the baby a fetus - now it's a full-fledged fetus!

Of course, one of the most beautiful life segments of a woman is carrying a baby and waiting for his birth. However, things don't always go smoothly.

AT recent times representatives of the weaker sex are increasingly faced with various problems associated with reproductive system. One of the worst situations that a woman can face during pregnancy is without an embryo. This pathology, like any other disease, has its own causes, symptoms and various diagnostic methods. Such a defect must be subjected to medical correction, since it will not lead to the birth of a child, and the decomposition of a non-developing fetal egg in the uterine cavity can lead to serious complications and long-term treatment later.

Where does it all start

When a woman is planning a pregnancy, she cannot even imagine a fertilized egg without an embryo. However, often the representatives of the weaker sex have to deal with this problem.

At the time of ovulation, the female cell leaves the follicle - the place of its development. Heading to the uterine muscle through the fallopian tubes, it meets with the male sex cell. At this point, the sperm cell fuses with the egg, resulting in the formation of a zygote. Continuously dividing and multiplying, the cells move towards the uterus, where they are firmly attached to the walls for all subsequent months of pregnancy. With normal development and proper growth of the embryo, a happy couple will see their baby after forty weeks of pregnancy.

Attachment of the fetal egg can occur both to the anterior wall of the uterus and to the back. This will not affect the course of pregnancy and the birth of a baby.

Possible pathologies

During pregnancy, various situations may arise when the state of the embryo is incompatible with life. Let's consider the most common of them.

For example, if there was an attachment of the fetal egg outside the uterine cavity, then this is called ectopic pregnancy. This condition can cause a threat to the life of a woman, so it should be diagnosed and corrected as soon as possible.

Also, a woman may experience an arbitrary miscarriage for one reason or another. In this case, the lady also needs urgent medical care.

Another pathology is a fetal egg without an embryo. This condition has been occurring quite frequently lately. Out of a thousand pregnant women, one hundred do not have an embryo.


Such a diagnosis can be made to a woman when the fetal egg develops and grows by weeks, but does not have an embryo.

Under the influence of certain factors, cell division stops at a certain level, and the embryo stops growing. In this case, its size is so small that even an ultrasound machine is not able to fix it. Then the doctor announces to the woman this terrible diagnosis: a fetal egg without an embryo.

There are also cases when the embryo not only stopped its development at the very initial stages, but was completely absent. Then the pregnant woman is also diagnosed with anembryony. With this type of pathology, the fetal egg for weeks may not correspond to the deadline or develop and increase without content.

A fertilized egg without an embryo: why does this happen?

The reasons for the development of anembryony are still not fully understood. However, there are several prerequisites that can provoke the death of an embryo on early dates his growth.

Bad habits

This item includes nicotine addiction, excessive consumption of alcoholic products. Harmful harmful substances enter the fetus through the blood of the expectant mother and have an irreversible effect on it, as a result of which development stops.

genetic abnormalities

A fertilized egg without an embryo may be due to initial disturbances in cell division after fertilization. In this case, the woman is unable to influence the situation and somehow warn herself against such a pathology. It is also possible to develop a similar defect if fertilization occurred with the cells of a blood relative.

Hormonal disorders

When stopping, the size of the fetal egg usually does not correspond to the term. The reason for this may be a lack or excess of certain hormones in the female body. Only that representative of the fair sex, in whose body the production of hormones is in perfect order, can bear a child.

A fertilized egg without an embryo: signs of pathology

On the initial stage the development of pathology, the woman does not experience any discomfort. With the development and growth of the fetal egg, a certain hormone is produced in a pregnant woman. Under his influence, a woman experiences all the "charms" of pregnancy. She may be tormented by morning sickness, intolerance to certain smells, the desire to eat something "such". The absence of an embryo in the egg does not affect these signs in any way. Therefore, a woman may not be aware of anembryony until the last.

For some of the fair sex, everything happens the other way around. The body, realizing that the state of the embryo is incompatible with life, begins to reject the fetal egg. At this point, the pregnant woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen, as well as observe red or brown discharge from the genitals.

Diagnosis of pathology

If a woman is not bothered by any symptoms, then she will find out about anembryony at the next examination using an ultrasound sensor. The doctor discovers that the size of the fetal egg does not correspond to the deadline.

If there are signs of an abortion that has begun, then usually the woman herself turns to a specialist. To begin with, the obstetrician-gynecologist conducts a physical examination on the gynecological chair and notes the condition of her cervix. After that, the patient is assigned an ultrasound examination. The doctor captures the fetal egg on the screen - what it looks like, what size it has - and notes the absence of an embryo.

If a woman doubts the competence of a doctor, she can undergo a second examination in a few days. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the intensity of the discharge and exclude bleeding. If the re-diagnosis also shows a fetal egg without an embryo - a photo of an empty ring is visible on the screen - then there is no doubt about the assumption of anembryony.

After the diagnosis is made, a woman needs medical correction.

Treatment of anembryonia

There are two ways to correct this pathology.

Medical treatment

If the gestational age has not reached six weeks, then the patient may be offered. In this case, the woman drinks the necessary medicine under the supervision of a doctor and waits for cramping pains to begin. The contents of the uterus are rejected and come out.

The patient should be under the supervision of a doctor for a few more days, until the bleeding ends. Next, the woman is examined by a doctor using an ultrasound sensor and determines the purity of the uterine muscle.

Surgical intervention

In most cases, doctors choose this particular method of treatment, since during its implementation it is possible to thoroughly clean internal cavity uterus without complications.

The doctor puts the patient to sleep using general anesthesia and begins the procedure. Such manipulation lasts from five to twenty minutes. With the help of special tools, the gynecologist scrapes out the upper uterine layer with a pathological fetal egg. Within a few hours after such a manipulation, a woman can be discharged.

After finishing spotting an ultrasound should be performed to make sure that no parts of the fetal egg remain in the uterus.

Clarification of the cause of the pathology

The material obtained after the cleaning is always sent by the doctor to It is there that they find out whether there was an embryo at all, at what time it stopped its development, and what caused this.


After the treatment, the patient is always prescribed anti-inflammatory, as well as antibacterial drugs. In the presence of hormonal problems, restorative drugs may be recommended.


During pregnancy, you need to pay special attention to your well-being. Find out what a fertilized egg is, what it looks like and what it is for.

For any symptoms of the absence of an embryo in the fetal egg, contact your doctor for advice. Take care of your health!