Proper nutrition in most people is associated with the process of losing weight, following certain diets that ensure weight loss. However, it is intended proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. The consumption of certain foods and drinks direct impact on the human body. Some serve as a source of useful substances, as well as elements, contributing to growth, normal development, and human life. Others negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to various disorders, metabolic disorders, and more.

Healthy eating has three key benefits:

  1. A person who eats properly does not experience hunger even with a very active lifestyle.
  2. Self-planning of the diet for each day.
  3. There are no hard food restrictions.

The relationship between proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle is manifested primarily in good health. In this case, there is no pain in the stomach, headaches, fatigue, as happens with starvation or diet. The existing recommendations on proper nutrition allow you to avoid any restrictions, diversify the menu according to personal preferences. An important point At the same time, there is an understanding that proper nutrition is necessary not for weight loss, but for a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, you should constantly adhere to a healthy diet, develop a kind of habit of eating right throughout your life.

Basic rules of healthy eating

In an effort to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Quantity, time of meals. This is the first thing you should pay attention to when eating right. The development of a certain regimen entails a restructuring of the entire digestive system, as a result of which the distribution of calories in the body occurs evenly. In this case, the risk of obesity, as well as various weight problems, is significantly reduced. The recommended number of meals consisting of small portions ranges from 3 to 5, depending on the availability of snacks. Such fragmentation is typical for healthy eating, and for weight loss, as well as for various diseases. The time interval between doses is 4-5 hours, and if there are snacks, then 2-3 hours.
  2. Avoid skipping main meals. At the stage of getting used to a kind of meal schedule and in the future, it is important not to skip breakfast, lunch or dinner, regardless of the lifestyle that a person leads. This is due to the fact that, firstly, with a regular violation of the regimen, the body is depleted, ordinary life a person often feels tired, and secondly, the feeling of hunger entails overeating during the next meal. The habit of unlimited eating or overeating should be avoided. A large amount of food negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system. She, experiencing a serious load in such a situation, begins to actively work in relation to easily digestible micro- and macroelements, as a rule, carbohydrates, while there is no absorption of vitamins and minerals. As a result, there is a violation of metabolism, the vital activity of internal organs.
  3. The key to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is also the technology of cooking and food processing. It is known that food is not recommended to be subjected to the process of frying. It is best to use baking, stewing or boiling when maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is also important to pay attention temperature regime, which should not exceed 50 ° in order to avoid the evaporation of many useful substances. For the same purpose, it is best to use various products in their natural form.
  4. The last rule of a healthy diet and lifestyle is related to the process of eating itself. Very often eating modern man accompanied by reading a book, newspaper, watching TV or talking. healthy image life, proper nutrition eliminates this. In addition, the atmosphere at every meal should be calm.

Adhering to proper nutrition with a healthy lifestyle, you must follow a number of recommendations such as:

  • Reducing the amount of sugar and salt consumed, since in large quantities salt increases blood pressure, provokes kidney and joint diseases, and sugar causes diabetes. Sugary carbonated drinks should be excluded from your diet. With a healthy lifestyle, mineral water can serve as an alternative.
  • Limiting the intake of fats, especially of animal origin, the excess of which leads to disruption of the liver and pancreas.
  • Exclusion from the diet of fast foods, as well as other fast food, which a person often resorts to in everyday life to satisfy hunger. Such food not only does not enrich the body with vitamins, minerals, but also adversely affects the work of the entire digestive system.
  • Compliance with the drinking regime. Ordinary water at room temperature is designed to maintain a normal water balance in the body.

Foods needed in a healthy diet

A healthy lifestyle involves a careful choice of foods that form the basis of the diet.

  • Meat, fish products

Much attention must be paid to the choice of meat. Lean beef or poultry is recommended.

Various smoked products, sausages and semi-finished meat products should be limited to begin with, gradually eliminating. A special place in the diet of a healthy diet is occupied by fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to the prevention of heart disease. Vegetables can serve as a side dish for various meat and fish dishes.

  • Vegetables fruits

Thanks to vegetables and fruits containing a large number of vitamins and minerals, the risk of heart and vascular diseases is significantly reduced. In addition, they have antioxidant and detoxifying effects. They are best consumed raw, seasoning dishes prepared from them with olive oil. They will retain useful substances during cooking or stewing.

  • Whole grain products

Whole grains are a source of complex carbohydrates, containing B vitamins, minerals and fiber. In this regard, it is useful to eat wholemeal bread, various cereals, and pasta.

  • nuts

A healthy lifestyle cannot do without nuts rich in vitamins and minerals. Their use also helps to reduce the risk of various diseases of the heart and blood vessels, normalize cholesterol and sugar levels.

Eggs play an important role in a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Their protein is quite comparable to meat and dairy, while it is characterized by rapid absorption. The yolk is rich in potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, fatty acids, and various vitamins. There is no doubt that the inclusion of such a useful product in the diet is mandatory.

  • Dairy, dairy products

Dairy and sour-milk products are rich in calcium, vitamin D, amino acids, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the body. Natural milk has a bactericidal effect, contributes to the neutralization of radiation, toxic substances and heavy metal salts. Fermented milk products have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing the digestive system.

At its core, the transition to a healthy diet is a message to the whole body about the need for some restructuring in connection with a change in the usual, but not entirely healthy diet. At the same time, it is important to take into account the gradual results of such a transition to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Compliance with recommendations, proportions, a balanced diet - all this contributes to the fact that a person becomes more energetic, gets rid of chronic fatigue. As a result, general well-being improves, the work of the digestive organs normalizes, sleep is restored, and immunity increases. It also reduces the risk of various diseases associated with malnutrition. Proper nutrition is not a weekly or monthly diet, it is a lifestyle that should be followed constantly.

That is, in principle, we can safely say that a healthy lifestyle is fully aimed at maintaining the health of the body and strengthening the immune system. Generally enjoyable side effect This position becomes: a strong and young body, positive emotions, beauty.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle originates in our head.

The first thing we do is form an idea. If, for example, you quit smoking every Monday, start losing weight, or decide to switch to a whole natural healthy diet, then your desire is equated to the desire of a beggar to become rich.

But, one “want” is not enough for dreams to come true. We need to act! And then, even the poorest person can become a billionaire! All power in principle is the goal and its achievement!

If you lead a healthy lifestyle (you were instilled with this concept from an early age, you independently changed the course of your life “ship” and headed for a successful voyage), then I bow to you. You are a strong willed person! You will not be convinced by the words: "Let's smoke a cigarette" or "Let's have a bite of fast food." You are adamant in your convictions and do not succumb to temptations.

What to do if you only want to get on the path of a healthy lifestyle?

Each of us has two choices in life - strive for the best or go downhill. What will you choose? Do you love yourself? It is strange when people say: “I love myself”, but at the same time they continue to destroy their body with bad habits. In fact, a person seems to love himself. But! The one who loves himself does everything to be healthy, beautiful and happy, and also self-sufficient.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is an expression that has long been settled in our minds. He was not heard only, probably, by an alien.

Such is our life! It is made up of movement. Even a tender sprout with a thirst to live breaks through the thick and stony soil, breaking out into the sun and wind.

Healthy lifestyle and its components

  • Healthy complete.
  • .
  • .
  • Rejection of everything that harms the human body.
  • Acceptance of everything that makes the human body healthy and beautiful.

These are the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. Without these factors, you will not be 100% healthy. Of course, there is still an impact environment, living conditions. But there is always a way out. For example, you are a clear supporter of a healthy lifestyle.

You use only natural products, you give your body proper care, do morning exercises or go to a sports club, visit the pool, or maybe you are an activist in life, you are fond of extreme sports. But! Do you live in an area with high level radiation, polluted air and a generally terrible climate. Yes! Undoubtedly, the risk of developing disease in the body increases with environmental pollution. But, you can just change your place of residence.

Or here's another example. You are not rich at all and even below the poverty line. You cannot afford to eat fruits and vegetables every day, the prices of which are high for you in supermarkets. But! Having your own house and garden, you can grow vegetables, plant fruit trees. Why don't you healthy food? And you don’t have money for all sorts of fitness clubs. But! What's stopping you from doing it yourself? One, two, three, four, arms higher, legs wider. Pumped up the press, squatted, stretched, stretched. Now you are on your way to health.

It is a myth that healthy food is expensive. By no means! Can't you afford cereals? And you can grow vegetables and fruits in your own garden!

Rules for a healthy lifestyle

  • Wholesome meals at certain times of the day (for example, breakfast at 8:00 am, lunch at 12:00 pm, and dinner at 6:00 pm).
  • Refusal of bad habits (alcohol, drugs (God forbid)).
  • Lead an active life (roller skating, cycling, skating, walking more often, doing any sport, running in the morning, hardening the body, hiking and traveling, etc.).
  • Develop your mental and creative abilities.
  • Smile more often. Remember that negative thoughts do not make us healthy, but anger and hatred destroy the body. Be kind even to those who are negative towards you. Their negativity is their personal problems, perhaps everything in a person’s life is completely bad. One can only sympathize with him. It doesn't concern us. We are fine!
  • Support other people and help them get on a healthy path in life. The desire to help others and motivate them is a fat plus in your piggy bank. Just don't force yourself! Imagine a fly. Here it is buzzing in your ear, buzzing. And you drive her, drive and explode. Take a cracker and try to kiss the fly so well. Don't be like a fly. If a person is not interested, leave him alone.

We approached the main topic, which was casually voiced, but not yet disclosed. And sorry for the humor.

How to eat right?

“We are what we eat,” Hippocrates, the “father of medicine,” once said.

There is a certain formula for competent nutrition:

  • Calculation of calories that are required by the body per day, taking into account the energy consumption of the body.
  • Selection of competently combined products, the use of dishes in limited quantity at a fixed time of the day.
  • Food composition and control chemical elements to prevent deficiency in the body.

Do not confuse and. The diet is aimed at losing weight or prescribed for the sick, and a healthy diet is a personal choice for the health of the body.

What should you prefer? This, of course, fruits and vegetables, lean meat, whole grains, fish, legumes, low-fat dairy products, nuts, dried fruits (relevant in winter). Your food should have an approximate ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates 1: 1.2: 4.6.

Control fried, smoked, starchy foods. Treat such dishes with caution and very limitedly.

Try to adhere to the principle: "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy."

It is important that your diet is complete and tasty. Below we have provided an approximate daily diet for you.

  • Breakfast

Drink a glass of crystal clear cool water 30 minutes before your meal. your digestive system needs to be run. You can eat oatmeal with fruit, drink tea with honey (no sugar).

  • Dinner

Ukha, borsch, vegetable soup, hodgepodge - this is what you need for lunch. Boiled or stewed fish with vegetables, meat will be just right. You can drink this delicious lunch with a glass of fragrant and freshly squeezed juice.

  • afternoon tea

You can have a snack with dried fruits, kefir with biscuits, yogurt. This will satisfy the feeling of hunger.

  • Dinner
Remember, you can’t eat and go to bed! You must have dinner at least three hours before bedtime. Stewed vegetables, buckwheat porridge with a slice of bread will be just right! Mineral water will contribute to excellent digestion!

You can find menus of healthy meals in books. We recommend that you purchase a multicooker. The food in it turns out to be complete and healthy, not fatty, without loss of nutrients.

From TV screens and computers, from the pages of newspapers and magazines, talk about a healthy lifestyle is flying to the masses. About the dangers of alcohol and tobacco products, about the need for walks in the fresh air, observing the regime of day and night, and physical activity. But besides this, there is another point that people forget about when trying to join the healthy lifestyle society. A healthy lifestyle cannot be imagined without proper nutrition. And since it is talked about less and less often than about the other components of this program, you will have to find out what kind of animal it is and what it is eaten with. Or, rather, what is eaten according to his rules.

Healthy nutrition, or, in other words, proper nutrition is maintaining the water-salt balance and harmony between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Among other things, most of the products of natural origin should be present on the table. And also such a diet focuses not only on the suppression of hunger, but also on the improvement of the body as a whole, ensuring its vital activity and development. With strict adherence to the rules of a healthy diet, a person steadfastly withstands shocks from the environment, and is less likely to be exposed to diseases. In addition, he retains good spirits, general tone and an excellent figure. So, after such tempting prospects, how can you not want to learn more about the mysterious proper healthy eating?

So, what are the basic rules of a healthy diet are the most important?

  • Natural products. This, perhaps, is the first commandment that should never be let out of memory. For maximum understanding, one can imagine an agrarian society that did not have machines capable of producing secondary products. What did they eat? What grew on the ground, grazed in the fields and meadows, swam in the rivers, was found in the forests. And what could be collected from livestock and birds. That is, this includes not only vegetables and fruits, but also cereals, and meat, and dairy products. But their division in the daily diet is another matter.
  • The predominance of plant products over animal products. Despite the fact that proper healthy eating does not suggest eating only "grass", vegetables and fruits are the basis of the daily menu. It is desirable that three hundred to four hundred grams per day be eaten fresh or steamed. So beneficial features product is preserved to the maximum. Heavy meat - beef, pork - is allowed up to two times a week, light - chicken, turkey - up to four to five. Fish can be consumed daily, as well as other sources of protein that are easily absorbed by the body: eggs, legumes.
  • Keep track of your daily calorie intake. This does not mean that now all those products that have an energy value above a certain bar are mercilessly swept aside. Although “empty and heavy” cream cakes will have to say a firm “no”. Calorie control implies the use of exactly the number of kilocalories that are burned in the process of daily activity. And the formulas for calculating the individual daily calorie intake and food calorie tables will help in this.
  • The naturalness of the product also refers to the way it is processed. For example, you should choose grain bread, because the flour in it is not polished to the point where most of the vitamins and minerals flew into the bucket. So, with equal calorie content, unlike premium wheat rolls, rye grain bread will have a beneficial effect on the body. Particularly in the digestive tract. The same goes for cereals, especially rice. Sahara is brown instead of white. But ideally, sugar should be supplied to the body only from fruits and other natural sugar-containing foods.
  • In accordance with the rules of healthy eating, the correct menu should be divided into three to five meals. This is done in order to convince the body that it will not be starved and will save it from an acute desire to eat an elephant in one sitting. In addition, such a system accelerates the metabolism and does not overload the gastrointestinal tract. The latter is achieved through small portions. In a proper healthy diet, “first, second and compote” are absent.
  • Dairy products in the absence of lactase (lactose) deficiency are required in the daily diet with a minimum percentage of fat. They supply the calcium necessary for bones, teeth, hair and nails, which is especially important during growth. But, of course, it should be natural dairy products, and not teeming with chemical additives.

Approximate diet for the day

On the one hand, all the above principles are clear and do not require further study. You just need to delve into them, and then bring them into memory. But in practice, sometimes there are stumbles. To avoid them, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the example correct menu healthy food, scheduled for one day.

  • Since the metabolism picks up in the morning, but digestive process just emerging from sleep, at this time it is allowed rich in carbohydrates food, but not hard to digest. Do you want something sweet? A little in the morning is allowed. Even starchy bananas are not forbidden. But the best breakfast- oatmeal. Or a couple of boiled eggs with cereal bread and herbal tea.
  • During the day, a thorough reinforcement is required, allowing you to hold out until dinner. Soups in meat or vegetable broth, stew or baked meat, vegetable stew, cereals, pasta. If potatoes, then separately from meat. And all the dishes included in the menu of proper healthy eating are cooked either steamed, or in the oven, or in a slow cooker, or by boiling or stewing.
  • In the evening, when the metabolism slows down, and the body adjusts to a night's rest, food is needed hearty, but light. Vegetables and unsweetened fruits, cottage cheese, dairy group, low-fat steam fish.

Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle before each meal includes a glass of warm water to stimulate digestion. As well as maintaining the water-salt balance. Lots of water, little salt. This ensures not only the smooth functioning of the kidneys, but also prevents many other problems.

Even the ancient Greeks, the founders of the Olympic Games, who created the cult of a beautiful body, took up issues of healthy nutrition and, it is worth noting, achieved excellent results.

These Mediterranean wise men have left recipes for proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle to posterity. They made delicious bread from wholemeal flour, their diet was rich sea ​​fish, olives and red wine.

We are lucky to see the revival of the cult of the body on Russian soil, let's try to collect all the secrets bit by bit.

Basic principles of proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle

Principle of timeliness

Open your mouth to eat food only when you receive a brain signal in the form of a feeling of hunger.

Principle of moderation

Even though grocery stores are encroaching on the city, wrapping it in a gastronomic web, control yourself. Prepare small portions for one meal.

Buy only the essentials, and returning from the store will not be like the attempts of a pack animal to carry an unbearable load home. And even a life partner who is tired after work can be left on your favorite sofa.

Carefully! In the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, gluttons on the third circle of Hell, under hail and snow, get stuck in the mud.

You need to leave the table a little hungry, because the signal of saturation through the neurons reaches the brain only after half an hour.

The principle of slowness

No need to eat in a hurry. Chew food thoroughly. Remove additional sources of fussiness: turn off the TV, do not read while eating, put your smartphone and tablet away. Do everything consciously!

One of the principles of proper nutrition is the principle of moderation, in other words, you can’t overeat.

Compatibility Principle

Taste preferences, like all our habits, come from childhood. Someone eats sausage with cookies, someone eats apples with chocolate. And if your body does not protest, then it will benefit. However, you definitely should not experiment in a one-time combination of milk with pickles or herring, for example.

Diversity Principle

All natural products deserve a place on our table and in our stomach.

The principle of individuality

Trust your desire, a nutritionist and a personal trainer who, taking into account your weight, age and diseases, will create an individual nutrition plan for you. And it’s good if you don’t hide it away in a box that you take apart just before Easter.

Activity principle

Just one hour of active movement a day (walking, running, fitness, yoga, etc.) will help you feel fresh and energetic. And if you are faced with the task of losing weight, then all recipes for proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle will contain an item of energetic physical activity. Even the famous Bridget Jones managed to lose weight well only in the 3rd part of the film. All achievements require time and effort!

What is the Healthy Eating Pyramid?

It is no secret that a significant portion of the population of the United States of America suffers from or enjoys obesity. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was scientists at Harvard University who created their own food pyramid in 1992.

At its base are regular physical exercises, weight monitoring and water balance.

Food pyramid developed by scientists at Harvard University

So this the pyramid looks like this:

  • Level I - grain products (various cereals, wholemeal bread, bran, high-quality pasta) and vegetable oils (corn, soybean, linseed, olive, sunflower, etc.).
  • II level - vegetables, berries and fruits.
  • III level - legumes (peas, lentils, beans) and nuts.
  • IV level - eggs, fish and poultry.
  • Level V - dairy products.
  • Level VI - meat, sugar and sweets, potatoes, butter, flour products.

Alcohol is in the group of prohibited products

The only exception is red wine in small quantities.

Don't forget about vitamin complexes, in the case of prescribing drugs by the attending physician.

Thus, the lower the level, the more products of this group can be eaten. At the top of the food pyramid, foods are less healthy.

For a long time, this Harvard food plan was used as a scientific weight loss system.

In 2007, a modified pyramid model began to function as Government program, where the hierarchical levels were replaced by vertical groups of acceptable ones (vegetable fats and complex carbohydrates) and unacceptable products (fats of animal origin and simple carbohydrates).

We often confuse hunger and thirst, which ultimately leads to overeating.

How to recognize the feeling of hunger

The feeling of hunger and thirst are similar in their signals. If, after drinking a glass of water, you forgot about food after 10 minutes and went on to something else, it's not time to eat yet. You have only experimentally proved the theories of pundits, rejuvenated the skin and improved the body.

If you are acting up and choosing what you like and what you don't like, drink water again. When you are ready to "swallow the hippopotamus", then the true hunger has clearly come. It's time to refresh!

If you want to eat right, follow these guidelines:

  1. Nutritionists advise giving up alcohol and carbonated sugary drinks. There is no benefit from them.
  2. Remember the famous saying: "Eat breakfast yourself, lunch - share with a friend, dinner - give to the enemy." Academicians who make recipes for proper nutrition for a mobile, natural and healthy lifestyle fully agree with this statement and insist that every person must have a hearty breakfast. Oatmeal, breakfast cereal or yogurt, scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs - whatever your heart desires!
  3. Be sure to eat one vegetable and one fruit per day. Daily 8-10 glasses of water will prevent dehydration.
  4. Replace sugar and sweets with honey and dried fruits if you are not allergic.
  5. It is better to bake, stew, boil the product, and it is more useful to eat it raw. Supporters of the raw food diet claim that it was in the time before the advent of fire that people ate all living things, received the energy of the earth and a maximum of vitamins. If you also want to feel like an ancient representative of the human race for a while, take note.

Replace sugar with honey, which will not only not add extra pounds to you, but will also be much more beneficial for your health.

Delicious recipes (approximate menu for the week)


  • Breakfast - English oatmeal
  • Lunch - Russian cabbage soup + vegetable salad
  • Afternoon snack - Cabbage pancakes
  • Dinner - Vareniki with mushrooms


  • Breakfast - Rice porridge
  • Lunch – Chicken broth + carrot salad
  • Afternoon snack - Cottage cheese casserole
  • Dinner - Salmon cutlets with vegetables


  • Breakfast - Millet porridge
  • Lunch – Ukrainian borscht + salad with cucumber and radish
  • Afternoon snack - Cheesecakes
  • Dinner - Lazy cabbage rolls


  • Breakfast - Pea porridge
  • Lunch - Cheesy French Soup
  • Afternoon snack - Kefir
  • Dinner - Siberian dumplings

Oatmeal, which, if desired, can be flavored with fruits and berries, is a classic and incredibly healthy breakfast option with proper nutrition.


  • Breakfast - Wheat porridge
  • Lunch - Soup with meatballs
  • Afternoon snack - Cabbage cutlets
  • Dinner - Baked veal with vegetables


  • Breakfast - Porridge Friendship
  • Lunch - Onion soup
  • Afternoon snack - Cauliflower and broccoli medallions
  • Dinner - Lean pilaf


  • Breakfast - Baked omelette
  • Lunch - Soup with dumplings
  • Snack - Baked apples with honey
  • Dinner - Herring with fresh vegetables

Proper nutrition for weight loss


The abundance of grocery stores and a wide range of goodies sometimes lead to confusion. However, owners of magnificent forms should not complain about seductive manufacturers. Life is a series of choices. And in a modern store, you can choose useful products from a variety of slags.

Before going to the store, make a list of the products you plan to buy beforehand.

Premeditated healthy food recipes and a pre-made list the right products to create the image of a homely hostess, they will make the life of a business lady easier and save time and effort. At first, try to go to a familiar convenience store, running with your eyes closed past the windows with tempting sweets, chips and sodas.


“Our whole life is a game!” said the great Shakespeare. Why not play meticulous girl counting calories. Create a role interesting image and the opportunity to develop their own mathematical abilities, the benefit of talented developers software have developed many applications to help lose weight.

Only 1200 kilocalories per day is your maximum limit

In matters of weight loss and normalization of metabolism, vegetables are our faithful allies. There aren't many of them. It is best to eat raw vegetables. to save more vitamins.

In matters of weight loss and healthy lifestyle, vegetables are deservedly considered our true friends.

Those that need to be boiled are not suitable for recipes for proper nutrition, and for a healthy lifestyle. For example, potatoes are stuffed with starch, which is poorly digested and lingers in the body.

But the pumpkin is very useful for the body, especially for women. To find out what the benefits of an orange vegetable are, go to.


Water to us recent times catastrophically lacking. Doctors are sounding the alarm: “We need to drink more, we need to drink more!” Today, according to the World Health Organization, our norm - 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. And do not think that broth, tea, coffee, lemonade and compote will count. Only pure water!

eating speed

From childhood, we were taught to do everything in a hurry, including eating quickly. They say that even a bear can be taught to play the harmonica. So we have learned, now we teach our children.

And nutritionists give other recipes for proper nutrition: For a healthy lifestyle, you need to chew your food thoroughly., enjoy the taste, allowing the body at this time to develop gastric juice for better digestibility nutrients.

Bad habits

Watching TV while eating a plate of food, like a zombie, holding a smartphone in your hands is harmful. Automatically, you will free not only your plate, but also the dish of a neighbor in your home. Try to live consciously!

Eating in front of a TV or computer, and even late in the evening, is extremely bad habit

Some gamers manage to sit at the computer until late, and after midnight they are attacked by a terrible hunger. They make their way in the dark to the refrigerator and clean the shelves with food supplies.

And lonely girls like to have tea with sweets in the evening. As you know, habit is second nature. And now she does not fall asleep without a treat. Only willpower will help us!


From childhood we are taught to eat by the hour, every schoolchild and worker has a daily schedule in which precious minutes are allocated to saturate his body. Perhaps only teleworkers and unemployed citizens have the luxury of having messy eating relationships.

In fact, the mode allows you to streamline your meals.

And at a certain time, like Pavlov's dog, we are already sucking in the stomach, rumbling in the stomach is heard, and our body needs reinforcement, not forgetting the recipes for proper nutrition. And all this is for a healthy lifestyle.

Fasting days

Pregnant women who recover quickly at certain periods of fetal development are put on unloading diet. Even in Orthodox Church, in addition to fasting, there are two unloading days a week (without meat and animal products).

Once a week it is very useful to arrange fasting days

Interesting fact! In 2016 Nobel laureate in the field of medicine was the Japanese scientist Yoshinori Osumi "for the discovery of the mechanism of autophagy." This term means the self-purification of the cell, which proceeds more actively if a person is starving. Its cells more energetically process the accumulated debris. The body rejuvenates, loses weight and recovers.

Truly a worthwhile achievement! Now we know the secret beautiful life! By the way, on November 28, the Advent begins.

What to exclude from the diet

All nutritionists are unanimous in their opinion that proper nutrition recipes do not contain sugar, flour products, sausages, fried and smoked foods and fast food for a healthy lifestyle.

It will be difficult for someone to give up everything at once. Many, for example, still cannot part with sugar, so loved by mankind since the middle of the 18th century.

However, we all want to have an excellent chiseled figure, snow-white healthy teeth and well-groomed young skin. So, you have to make an effort. You can't even pull the fish out of the pond without difficulty!

Watch the video, which offers 5 dishes for proper nutrition:

And from this video you will learn how to create a balanced and at the same time varied and tasty menu for the day:

And finally, the recipe for cheesecakes prepared according to the rules of a healthy diet:

Healthy food. Healthy eating rules

It is nature that preserves beauty and spirituality in us.

When nature is destroyed, when natural beauty is replaced by artificial things, all those good qualities that we humans have.

Unfortunately, people like the artificial, the spectacular. A lot of people don't like natural. But natural has its own beauty, purity and divinity....

Healthy eating rules. healthy eating

The rules of healthy eating (healthy eating) include:

By choosing a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet, you will not have to deny yourself delicious food and, moreover, you will not have to suffer. Your idea of ​​what you can and should eat will expand so much that you will be surprised how you did not notice so many delicious things before!

Healthy eating is the basis of life, but not the goal of life. Proper nutrition is an important factor affecting human health, longevity and performance.

The rules of healthy eating (healthy eating) provide opportunities for a happy life, but do not make it happy. For example, one should not hope to maintain good health without physical education and sports, but without a healthy diet, this will be almost impossible.

By eating right and exercising, you will be alert, active and energetic. You will need much less time to sleep. When correct balanced diet food will give you energy, and not take it away for digestion.

The body gradually gets used to a healthy diet. When the body gets used to a healthy diet, then after eating unhealthy food, be sure that the cells will immediately signal this.

Food does not determine your emotional state or consciousness, but your state determines what kind of food you will consume.

Meat, fish, coffee, tea

The rules of a healthy diet exclude meat, fish, coffee and tea from the diet. For those who defend the right to meat and fish, a special article is devoted to "meat eaters". Please note that bird eggs are not meat. Fish caviar is a fish or not a fish - decide for yourself.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

The rules of healthy eating (healthy eating) cannot include products with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the diet. You can argue a lot about GMOs from technical, medical and other points of view, but the facts remain facts:

A simple question for believers in God regarding GMO products: God, when he created this world, did not cope with his task?

A simple question for the rules of healthy eating (healthy eating) yogis: what do you feel about GMO foods, when you offer GMO food to God, does He accept the creation of scientific minds?

We all know Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, the theory of the evolution of species. It is a change in the physical organism from lower to higher, or from simpler to more complex. Spiritual evolution runs parallel to physical evolution. The soul resides in all beings. True, she is divine and immortal, but she has her own urge to be more complete, more fulfilling and divine. Therefore, in the course of evolution, must move from the least perfect body to the most perfect body. Meanwhile, she absorbs the real value of all her earthly experiences. Thus the soul grows, enriching itself, making its divinity more complete, more harmonious and perfect.[~]

A simple question: are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) products evolution?

Some studies show that when a heart is transplanted to a patient after surgery, his character changes. A patient with a new heart begins to repeat the traits and behavior of a heart donor. If this is true, then the rat gene transplant cannot but affect the properties of GMO products.

Healthy nutrition and human health

Everyone must decide for himself what to eat.

Each spice has its own consciousness. But everyone must decide for himself what he eats. A person knows best what is good for him. Each product and each spice has its own properties, but you cannot compare two spices or two products and say that this is the best for everyone. [~]

Switching to a healthy diet

When switching to a healthy diet, the main problem is what to eat? A lot of people just don't know what to eat. Look.

Two points of view on how to eat healthy:

Switching to a healthy diet

If you can, do it today.

  • With a sharp transition to a healthy diet, resistance can be exerted by the psyche (beliefs) and poor health. In this case, proceed gradually.

Question: What is the best way to switch to vegetarianism for those who are used to eating meat and fish?

Sri Chinmoy: Most reliable, most the right way- move gradually. One of my students drank tea six times a day and I asked him to drink tea five times, then a month later I told him to cut the number down to four. In the end, he completely stopped drinking it. Serious things should be done gradually. If this student had refused right away, then perhaps he would have been ill. If the body is not strong enough, any sudden change in habits can cause serious damage to health..[~]

Variety in food and healthy eating

Eat a variety of foods. Try to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables grown in vivo to avoid excessive intake of nitrates.

Canned foods can be eaten occasionally, if health permits.

Eat cereals from grains and legumes, vegetables and fruits, seeds and nuts, dairy products, vegetable oils, spices, honey. See a large list of healthy foods.

The right combination of products

Use fresh vegetable salads before hot meals, as salad is a light meal and digests faster than cooked food.

Drink milk separately. For better absorption, the right time to take milk is early morning or evening after 6 pm. Milk drunk in the evening calms the mind, relieves tension and promotes strong and restful sleep. Read more on how to use milk correctly.

It is important to properly combine foods so that they are fully absorbed. From right combination products depends on the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Certain product categories require their own environment and different time for digestion. The wrong combination of products leads to fermentation and bloating, which ideally should not be. The right combination of foods, you will ensure your good health.

Fresh food

Only fresh food is allowed. Rotten and bad-smelling foods should not be consumed.

Proper cooking

Timely consumption of appropriate foods during the time of day

Healthy eating rules

digestibility different types food depends on the time of day.

This is one of the most important issues in a healthy diet. It is necessary to know at what time of the day which product is better to use - then the food will be well absorbed.

We recommend in practice to check the statement that "every product has its own time." To do this, smell any healthy food at different times of the day. You will find that for some time the smell is not noticeable, or it is felt weaker or stronger. Products should be consumed at the time when they have a smell.

Modern food manufacturers know this property, which is why they add flavor enhancers to food. Foods with artificial flavor enhancers are not healthy foods.

What to eat in the morning, afternoon and evening?

What to eat in the morning?

Start your morning with a glass (500 ml) of warm drinking water. Water awakens the body from sleep, starts the work of all organs and self-purification processes.

You can add a teaspoon of honey, a spoonful of aloe juice or saffron to the water. It is good to drink water with a pinch of salt. Lemon juice can be added in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, lemon cools the body, and in spring and summer it refreshes well. warm water with lemon removes toxins from the body and "turns on" the digestive system. Add lemon to taste. If you have high acidity, then this option is not for you. After 15-30 minutes, you can drink a green cocktail, which in the morning will charge the body with solar energy and fill it with the necessary elements.

Most people do not attach importance to what and how they eat in the morning. However, this is important. Morning food nourishes our psyche. And besides, we must “charge” ourselves with nutrients before plunging into an active life.

During a night's sleep, when the body is resting, blood sugar drops, and it must be brought back to normal in order to restore energy balance. Therefore, people who eat breakfast are more physically energetic and intellectually active. By refusing breakfast, a person deprives himself of significant amount nutrients, and it is quite difficult to make up for their lack during the day.

And another argument in favor of breakfast: if you neglect it, it is much more difficult to maintain a stable body weight, because the feeling of hunger will force you to snack, and this is usually something fatty and high in calories.

Since digestion is weak in the morning, one should not eat very heavily for breakfast, this will only cause a decrease in vitality and illness.

In the morning, it is recommended to eat light food, because our "digestive fire", which is responsible for the processing and absorption of food consumed, is still weak at this time, and additional energy is already required. With the wrong morning diet, a person will not have the strength to be active and focused. In the morning, preference should be given to the sweet taste.

Morning is the right time to eat sweets

The main qualities of the sweet taste are very nutritious, gives strength and satisfies hunger. Sweet taste gives rise to love and contentment in a person. Therefore, when a person is nervous, worried, he wants sweets, especially for women.

Porridge with dried fruits is an ideal option for breakfast. In the morning, as well as in the evening, it is useful to eat buckwheat porridge. Since buckwheat is light and nutritious and does not belong to cereals, it does not take much energy for digestion and maintains a feeling of satiety for a sufficient time. Useful for breakfast and oatmeal. Oatmeal is gradually and easily absorbed by the body, relieving a person of hunger for a considerable time. In addition to oatmeal, eat millet porridge for breakfast.

For those who want to lose weight, it is favorable to drink flaxseed jelly in the morning or eat flaxseed porridge. Flaxseed porridge cleanses the body. Flax seed fiber mixes with water and swells in the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety. Grind 1-2 tablespoons of flax seeds in a coffee grinder, transfer to a glass and fill with water at a temperature of no more than 40 ° C so that the seeds do not lose their beneficial properties. Wait 5-10 minutes for the seeds to swell a little, add honey or dates. Or drink flaxseed jelly with honey. Alternatively, soak the whole seeds in water for 30-60 minutes or overnight, then rinse and grind them along with the fruit in a blender. See the recipe.

It is recommended to drink water 10-15 minutes before meals. In no case should you drink water after eating, as it prevents good digestion and absorption of food. Drink water should not be earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating. Read more why you shouldn't drink water after eating.

What to eat in the evening?

If you dine correctly, then you will want to eat again no earlier than 18 pm. Moreover, since the body is well saturated during the day, there will not be much appetite in the evening. In other words, eating some vegetables, cheese, or nuts will be enough to fill you up in the evening.

Proper nutrition in the evening gives the body and the human psyche the ability to restore their strength during a night's sleep. Thus, carefully watching your evening diet, you can fully relax and get a big charge of peace and tranquility.

In the evening, a neutral taste should prevail in the food. In the evening, it is best to have dinner with fresh or stewed (boiled) vegetables with a small amount of cream or vegetable oil, salt and spices. At this time, you can eat nuts, cheese, cottage cheese, sour-milk products, as well as buckwheat and quinoa, as they do not belong to cereals and are well digested without creating discomfort and a feeling of heaviness.

What to eat before bed?

It is recommended to drink a cup of warm milk 1-2 hours before bedtime. Milk can be sweetened with honey or drunk with honey. Spices such as fennel, green cardamom, nutmeg and turmeric are good to add to hot milk.

If you are not particularly hungry, then a cup of milk can replace dinner.

Evening intake of cow's milk is designed to improve sleep, relieve mental stress. Hot milk with honey and spices improves the functioning of the psyche. Milk relieves the problem of overeating before bed, as it completely satisfies the appetite. Cow's milk helps to create peace in the mind and open up the possibilities of the human mind.

In the morning you will undoubtedly feel the beneficial effects of evening milk. But be careful - you may like it so much that you forget about the rule diversity in nutrition.

Axiom for adults

In adult organism fresh cow's milk is digested only drunk at night. Whoever drinks a lot of fresh milk during the day will carry kidney stones. This does not apply to dairy products.

Doshas and healthy eating

Pitta Dosha

Pitta is a fiery dosha, so it should be balanced with cool or warm food, not hot. Food should be not very oily and moderately nutritious. It is necessary to exclude dry, overcooked and too fatty foods. Pitta type people, more than people of other types of constitutions, benefit from vegetarianism. People of this type are recommended food with a bitter, astringent, slightly sweet taste. Pitta's diet should be dominated by vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes.

Pitta type people have very good digestion and excellent appetite. They can eat almost anything, but of course, within reasonable limits. Pitta type people need regularity in eating, they should not skip a single meal. As soon as the feeling of hunger intensifies in Pitta, they should certainly satisfy it without delay. Otherwise, Pitta shows irritability and aggression. People of the Pitta type are contraindicated in long-term fasting. You can arrange fasting days for raw vegetables and fruits. Of all the doshas, ​​only Pitta tolerates a raw food diet well.

Breakfast should be sufficient, but not plentiful. Lunch should be the main meal of the day. At lunch, you can drink a glass of cool water, eat salad, porridge with a moderate amount of butter, bread. Dinner should be light. Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm milk with honey and spices: turmeric, cardamom, fennel and nutmeg.

Kapha Dosha

Kapha is wet and cold. For its balance, it is necessary to use products with the opposite property - dry and warm. The basis of the diet should be warming, light, low-calorie and soft food. Kapha increases sweet tastes and to a lesser extent sour and salty tastes. Reduce Kapha pungent, astringent and bitter tastes. Old, overcooked, greasy, watery, very cold and very hot foods, leavened bread and alcohol should be avoided.

Kapha-type people love to eat tasty and hearty, but more than other Doshas, ​​she should monitor the diet and, especially, its volume, since she has poor digestion. Kapha is desirable to eat by the hour and limit yourself to two meals a day - at noon and in the evening.

Breakfast Kapha can be replaced with a glass of warm, but not hot, water with ginger, lemon juice and honey. For lunch, it is advisable to eat plentifully. Food should be hearty and nutritious with plenty of vegetables richly flavored with spices. Dinner should be as light as possible and no later than 6 p.m. after this time, food is digested with difficulty. Kapha is harmful to eat sweets in the evening, especially ice cream. This leads to a profuse secretion of mucus, and in the morning the nasopharynx will be clogged.

Kapha-type people tolerate fasting calmly, unlike Vata and Pitta.

Six tastes in nutrition. delicious food

Perhaps you know the feeling when after eating you feel a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, but you still want to eat something sweet, salty, sour or spicy. This means that the food you ate was tasteless. You have filled your stomach with this food, but you have not received a feeling of satisfaction.

In our morning food should be dominated by a sweet taste, in the evening - a neutral taste. But at lunch, all six tastes should be present in food, because. at noon is the main and most important meal of the day. When there are six tastes in food, it completely saturates both the body and the mind. Tasteless food does not satisfy the mind. You need to learn how to cook, combining all six tastes in food. For example, tastes for lunch can be combined by preparing porridge from cereals and legumes with vegetables, spices, and cheese. It is good to eat homemade whole grain bread with porridge.

Drinking water consumption

If you are not in the habit of drinking clean water then you have to get used to it. Drinking clean drinking water is the foundation of a healthy diet. If the body does not have enough water, then other efforts will not give the desired effect, because pure drinking water nourishes all the cells of our body.

Read more about drinking water in a dedicated article on water.

Proper food intake

Food is nourishment not only for the body, but also for the mind. It is very important how you eat.

Details in the special article “Proper Eating Rules for a Healthy Eating