You can find out why you dream about a lot of blood in various dream books. Each of them has its own peculiarities of interpretation of vision, although in many ways they are similar. It is believed that blood is a sign of family ties and a harbinger of trouble.

Different seers and psychologists have their own point of view on the interpretation of dreams about blood.

  1. According to Miller's dream book, blood portends danger. If you dream of a lot of other people's blood on your hands, this means failures that will seem fatal. Seeing a bloody substance on clothes is a sign of enemies who are trying to hinder you in all your endeavors. You should not make new friends and acquaintances in the near future: they will all be jealous and intrigue. A dream in which blood is gushing from a wound or vein promises anxiety and health problems. It could also be a sign of an impending threat from enemies.
  2. From Smirnov’s dream book it becomes clear that blood is a sign of emotional experiences, suffering and enmity. But dreams also have other meanings. For example, seeing blood on yourself means loss of vitality. Watching how it flows in another person means strong friendship, new family ties. Flowing to the ground from a wound - to material assistance.
  3. Interpretation of Natalia Stepanova's dream book. Because of the actions of a loved one, the reputation of the sleeping person may deteriorate if you see a blood stain on your own clothes in a dream. Dreams in which you happen to see your bloody hands promise failure. You can correct the situation if you take time to solve pressing problems. Anxiety and serious illness are promised by dreams in which one had to see blood flowing from a wound. Longing for a deceased person is symbolized by a vision where you are trying to stop the bleeding. Fighting the enemy and being wounded, from which you are stained with blood, warns that you should not interfere in controversial issues and conflicts between people close to you.
  4. The interpretation of the dream about blood from the seer Vanga is very similar to the interpretation from Stepanova. There are only a few additional nuances of such a vision. For example, drinking cold clean water in a dream, which turns into blood before your eyes, is a warning sign. It symbolizes the presence of a curse in your family that interferes with your affairs. You can eliminate it by resorting to prayers for the remission of your sins and misdeeds of your ancestors, asking for help from the Creator.
  5. Nostradamus has a slightly different interpretation. A dream in which you saw blood on your body promises that you will soon receive news from your loved ones. Sadness, melancholy and loneliness are foreshadowed by a dream in which you had to bleed. If you happen to see blood flowing from you onto the ground or floor, it means that you are not too attentive to solving existing problems. If someone close to you bleeds in a dream, it means that you will soon quarrel with him. Perhaps the development of real enmity. Human sacrifices, conflict situations and fateful trials are foreshadowed by a dream with blood-drenched ground.

In most cases blood is a symbol of warning and caution. Therefore, there is always a chance to correct the situation.

Why do you dream a lot about someone else’s blood?

If you dream about a lot of blood, then you need to interpret the vision taking into account a number of nuances.

  1. Someone else's blood spilled on the floor may be a sign that the sleeper is experiencing severe emotional stress. Perhaps it is unrequited love, hatred, worries.
  2. Your own blood spilled on the floor symbolizes loneliness and sadness. It may happen that in the near future you will have to break up with someone.
  3. Seeing a bloody substance flowing out of a wound in huge quantities has a bad meaning. If the blood of a sleeping person, then serious illnesses await him. If you see blood loss in a stranger, then this is evidence of the imminent death of one of the relatives.

It is believed that losing blood is bad, even in a dream. It’s even worse if you have to wash it off and watch it flow away with the water.. Such a dream promises the death of a loved one.

Seeing heavy menstrual flow

Seeing menstruation in a dream is an ambiguous sign. It is better to turn to various dream books.

  1. According to Miller, menstrual blood is a symbol warning of health conditions. If a sick person had a dream, then he should not count on a quick recovery; he may have to take additional treatment measures or resort to surgery. For a healthy but unmarried woman, such a vision may appear as a sign that it is worth checking your body for the presence of pathologies. If you happen to see the blood of a pregnant lady's period, it means that her baby will be completely healthy.
  2. Freud's dream book says that such a dream only foreshadows being late for some important event. To avoid this, you need to set out early.
  3. Esoteric dream book. Seeing blood flowing down your legs means the situation cannot be corrected. The unexpected appearance of menstrual flow is a disease and problem.

There is also an opinion that this kind of dream warns of possible obstacles on the path and in business.

Bloody murder in a dream

A dream about murder with blood can be both positive and negative.

  1. If the sleeper is a murderer and is smeared in the blood of his victim, then profit or a joyful event awaits him.
  2. Witnessing a bloody murder means putting an end to your fears or getting rid of your rivals.
  3. Seeing a large number of people bleeding is a sign of illness that will be caused by addictions.
  4. A bloody massacre of animals, in particular a bull, is quick wealth that you don’t expect.

Despite the terrifying picture, such a dream is most often positive.

Importance for a pregnant woman

Pregnant women may dream about blood for various reasons, so the interpretation of dreams will be varied.

  1. Seeing blood means that not everyone is happy about the child.
  2. Bleeding means an easy delivery.
  3. Getting dirty in someone else's blood means the beginning of a new relationship. Perhaps useful acquaintances will be made, distant relatives will be found.
  4. Blood on a pregnant woman's clothes means problems in relationships with her significant other.

In any case, a woman should not worry too much, because a dream is only a signal for the necessary actions.

Bleeding from the mouth, nose

In a dream, your own blood flowing out of your nose or mouth can be a symbol of impending troubles. Although there are other interpretations:

  1. Blood from the nose - the arrival of relatives. The richer its color, the closer your connection will be.
  2. Bleeding from the mouth is a quick disease that will be difficult to cure.
  3. Blood flows from the teeth - possible death of loved ones.
  4. Trying to stop a nosebleed means a quarrel with relatives.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, it promises an unexpected inheritance.

Blood spilled in a puddle can also be a symbol of emotional distress. If this is your blood, then you should seek advice from loved ones. Alien - someone around you needs your help.

Oozing or gushing from a wound

The depletion of internal strength is symbolized by a dream in which you saw a wound oozing blood. If you look at the interpretations of famous dream books, you can find other meanings of this vision.

  1. According to Miller's dream book, blood oozing from another person portends the dreamer a disease.
  2. Vanga believed that blood gushing from a wound like a fountain was a symbol of sadness for a recently deceased person. If it barely oozes, then a quarrel with relatives is inevitable.
  3. The flow of blood can also be a harbinger of guests, according to Nostradamus.

If we analyze all the interpreters, we can identify one pattern: blood from a wound is indeed a symbol of the forces leaving a person (mental or physical).

Meaning for women, men

The dreamer's gender also directly affects the interpretation of the dream.

If a mature man dreams about it, you should expect danger from your loved ones. A young guy may dream of blood as a warning that he is being used “blindly.” A married man will see blood on his body - a sign of illness.

Women feel a family connection more keenly, so dreams with blood most often come to them as some kind of sign. If a young girl sees herself covered in blood, she should think about relationships with the opposite sex. Perhaps they should be stopped before they cause pain. For a married woman, such a dream promises imminent problems with blood relatives. This can be either quarrels or various diseases. If a woman sees blood on another person, she should expect guests.

Blood is the most common, controversial, mysterious and powerful substance in all human cultures and societies, from ancient times to the present day. Since blood is the elixir of life and energy, there are many beliefs about it. Blood is important from the point of view of spirituality, religion and mysticism, and to understand what blood means in a dream for a woman requires knowledge of all areas.

The controversy, strangeness, and brilliance of interpretations of blood meaning across cultures and throughout humanity is intriguing to say the least. Ancient pagan cults often included rituals of blood sacrifice.

Blood has always been considered a magical substance used in both black and white magic for love potions, magical drugs, with the aim of healing or causing suffering. As a universal symbol of vitality and longevity (and in fact, the real and inevitable essence of life), blood has always been associated with immortality and youth (vampire stories, Hungarian Countess of Blood).

Dreams with blood

Seeing dreams with blood while being alive and healthy will seem strange at first glance. But such dreams, in certain circumstances, carry significant and important information that can be associated with events in real life. Highlighting blood as a symbol, the meanings of such dreams have a double meaning, and often the initial interpretations are negative.

Blood, symbolizing vitality and energy, in a dream can also mean its loss. If the dreamer saw his own blood, such a dream speaks of a loss of vitality. Perhaps there is an energy vampire next to you or you are experiencing some stressful situation in life that is draining you from the inside. On the other hand, seeing the blood of your enemies in a dream means overcoming difficulties. If blood spurts from your vein, it represents your strength, renewal and progress.

Bloody words

Seeing words written in blood in a dream is a reflection of your real efforts in achieving something important. This could be a plan or a situation where you have invested maximum time and effort, and don’t just give up on it, don’t stop halfway. You are so preoccupied with specific thoughts that you see them in your dreams in the form of bloody letters.

Bloody hands

Seeing blood on your hands in a dream means that you are suppressing feelings of guilt, which are reflected in your dreams. Rethink your recent actions and behavior. Have you hurt someone or done something you regret? This dream directs you to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Correct what you did, change your attitude towards the situation, apologize. This dream also warns you about the need to pay more attention to what you are currently working on; otherwise, do not expect successful completion.

Both hands are bleeding from numerous small cuts - an unsuccessful period in life: mistrust and misunderstanding in the family, problems at work. If you were able to stop the bleeding, trouble would pass you by at the very last moment.

Blood gushing out like a fountain from a deep wound is a bad sign. If the dreamer is healthy, the dream warns of a serious illness in the near future. If the dreamer is sick, the illness is unlikely to be overcome.

Seeing your hands completely covered in blood is bad luck in all areas.

You scoop up the bloody slurry with your hands - a strong marriage built on love and trust, financial assistance, promotion.

If you dreamed of licking blood, you are a selfish and selfish person. Your arrogance gets ahead of you. People around you are unhappy with you.

A small cut on the hand with slight bleeding - you are a responsible person and a reliable friend. Your credo is “there must be moderation in everything.”

A lot of blood flowed from the wound on your hand - you like to live large, but do not forget that money tends to run out. Be wise about your financial spending.

You yourself inflict deep wounds on your hands while admiring the flowing blood - a terrible secret weighs on you, which you carry within yourself for a long time.

You are trying to stop the bleeding from a wound - a relative who has long died does not leave your thoughts. You are consumed by intense melancholy.


If you dream that you are injured or that you are losing blood, it could mean that you are tired of life. This dream reflects your physical and emotional exhaustion. Perhaps there is an unpleasant situation in which you have become a hostage and you are unable to influence its outcome, and this is draining your energy. Take a closer look at the people around you, someone is putting a lot of pressure on you and feeding off your energy. You are suffering from emotional exhaustion.

Bleeding in a dream can also reflect confrontation with others, family members, friends, or work partners.

If in a dream you lose blood as a donor, it means you are suffering serious losses at the energy level due to constant stress.

If you are coughing up blood, you are putting too much effort into pointless problems.

If in a dream you were losing blood through vomiting, such a dream is usually a very bad sign, indicating a deterioration in your health, a prolonged illness and a long period of recovery. Such a dream may also indicate a loss of motivation and purpose in life.

Bloody scenes

If in your dream you see heavy bloody scenes, blood splashing around, carnage, blood flowing everywhere or covering your entire body - all this reflects your emotional dissatisfaction. In real life, you can suppress a lot of negative states and thoughts, which leads to depression or an emotional breakdown. This is how your inner world is reflected in a dream. If you are periodically bothered by this kind of disturbing dreams, you should learn to control yourself and not allow negativity to accumulate inside you. You may need specialist help.

Bloody rooms and walls in a dream mean an impending threat that you do not yet know about. Be ready to repel a blow at any moment.

Menstrual blood

Menstrual blood is considered the most powerful form of blood in terms of magic and pagan rituals. If you dreamed that your period began, it means that the burden of everyday worries and constant psychological stress will leave you. A period of rest and tranquility awaits you. On the other hand, such a dream means that a woman or young girl is suppressing her feminine nature. In an adult woman, this may be associated with menopause. Through such a dream, the subconscious reminds you that you are still an attractive, young woman. Your sexual energy is asking to come out, you shouldn’t suppress it, it’s better to direct it into personal relationships.

Dreams about menstruation represent a problem or an unpleasant life situation that requires your full attention. Perhaps you are holding a grudge against someone, are delusional, or are feeling disappointed. Free yourself from worldly worries, let go of the past and take care of your inner world.

If your periods were heavy in a dream, then the issues are urgent and must be resolved quickly. Questions may concern the health of relatives or close friends. We will need your help, possibly financial.

If in a dream your period began earlier than expected, this indicates your concern about a possible pregnancy. Also, the dream warns of a rash act that you are ready to take, risking finding yourself in a difficult situation.

If your period ends in a dream, this dream is related to financial issues and signals that difficult times will leave you.

A dream in which your clothes are soaked with menstrual blood suggests that in life you are stuck in one place and do not want to move forward. You hold on to the past and are afraid to realize yourself. Uncertainty and low self-esteem are your enemies. Don't look at others and don't compare yourself to anyone, you are a unique individual.

If your period begins in a dream after a long delay, be prepared to lose a person who has provided you with financial support for a long time (possibly a lover).

Blood in a dream during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman saw blood in a dream, do not worry; such a dream usually predicts an easy and quick delivery.

If heavy bleeding begins, the baby will be born healthy. Blood is a symbol of family ties, so expect the arrival of relatives at the time of the happy event.

If you see blood on your body, the dream warns of deception and betrayal on the part of a loved one. You may find out some unpleasant news.

If you dreamed of little blood, the moment of childbirth may come suddenly and ahead of schedule. Be ready. But at the same time, the interpretation emphasizes a successful outcome.

If you dreamed of a lot of scarlet blood, your child will develop creative abilities, perhaps he will become an excellent musician or artist. Don’t miss the moment by creating all the conditions for your child to learn.

If the expectant mother dreamed of someone else's blood, your pregnancy is disturbing someone.

Seeing menstruation in a dream is a signal to start something new, say goodbye to old habits, renew your social circle, or change your place of residence. Such dreams are dreamed by those who are mentally prepared for change. For pregnant women, seeing blood, no matter in the form of menstruation or regular blood, also means a desire to experience something new, or rather to return to their old life. The state of pregnancy is very tiring and every woman eagerly awaits the end of this period, which explains dreams with blood.

Blood from a finger

Dreams of bleeding from a finger have a number of different interpretations, depending on many details and factors. From a scientific point of view, fingertips have a lot of nerve endings, and based on this, many dream interpretations will be directly related to sensitive and emotional areas.

Seeing blood from a finger in a dream means the arrival of distant relatives.

If your fingers are scratched and traces of blood are visible, you will be overcome by sadness, disappointment, melancholy, and apathy.

Cutting your thumb until it bleeds and at the same time feeling severe pain means difficulties at work, tense relationships with colleagues, dissatisfaction with management. Problems will arise suddenly; perhaps you have an ill-wisher (competitor) who is putting a spoke in the wheels that you are interfering with. Do not allow yourself to be denigrated and slandered, silently fulfill your limit in good faith and the truth will prevail.

Bleeding after losing the phalanges on your hand means financial problems, huge loans, bankruptcy.

A slight cut on your finger with a drop of blood - the dream warns you not to interfere in other people’s problems; the situation may turn against you.

If you cut your toe in a dream, it means troubles with a future inheritance, problems of a property nature.

A broken finger with bruising means the death of a close relative.

If in a dream blood flows from the index finger - a grumpy and demanding mother-in-law, the relationship between you will not work out.

In their nightly dreams, people, unfortunately, see not only those things that are pleasant to them. Why Guides to the World of Dreams will help you solve a difficult riddle. This symbol is associated with pain and violence, but does not always promise unfavorable events. The interpretation depends on the details, which are definitely worth remembering.

Why do you dream of blood: Miller's dream book

What does Gustav Miller think about all this? What interpretation does his blood contain?

  • If in night dreams it oozes from a wound, in reality a person needs to pay attention to his health. If there are alarming symptoms, it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor. Also, such a plot can predict failure in business, failed deals. It is better to refrain from concluding new agreements in the near future.
  • Bloody clothes are a symbol that predicts the dreamer the appearance of dangerous enemies. These people are doing their best to ruin his career. If the sleeper does nothing to protect himself, they will succeed in achieving their goal. It is also worth taking a closer look at your friends, as there may be envious people among them.
  • Such a plot prophesies fatal bad luck. The dreamer will be able to get out of a difficult situation with minimal losses if he is careful.

Interpretation of Vanga

Why do you dream about blood? Vanga's dream book also contains the answer to this question. The famous seer associates this symbol with conflicts, punishment, and family ties.

  • Blood pours from the wound, and the sleeper tries to stop it? This indicates that the dreamer is yearning for a person who has already left this world.
  • Blood on clothes is a symbol that warns of a threat to reputation. The action that will most likely harm her is one committed by a loved one.
  • Hitting your enemy until he bleeds means a quarrel with loved ones. The dreamer will intervene in a conflict that will flare up between his friends or relatives, guided by the intention of reconciling its participants. This will have negative consequences for him.

A person may also dream that he is drinking cold water from a river, which darkens before his eyes and turns into thick blood. Why do you dream about this? Such a plot should be considered a warning sent by providence. The family to which the dreamer belongs bears an ancient curse. His life will be destroyed by evil fate, as will the lives of his loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindella

What interpretation does this dream book offer? If a sleeper sees blood on some objects, he needs to take a closer look at his immediate surroundings. It cannot be ruled out that in the camp of friends there will be enemies who dream of doing harm. Blood on one's hands symbolizes betrayal. Someone will strike when one least expects it.

Clothes stained with blood symbolize conflicts with influential people. The dreamer will not be able to defeat them. He will have to give up his pride. A person may also be faced with a painful choice.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

What information is contained in this guide to the world of dreams? Why do you dream about blood? The answer to this question depends on the details.

  • Seeing blood means communicating with a close relative. It is difficult to say whether this conversation will bring pleasure to the dreamer.
  • Blood transfusion means illness. Most likely, the illness will not affect the sleeping person himself, but one of the people dear to him. This person needs the dreamer’s help, and he must certainly provide it.
  • Bloodletting - to conflicts. The dreamer's relationship with someone from his inner circle will deteriorate. This person will make claims against him, most likely related to finances.
  • Bruising means illness. It is impossible to say exactly what kind of illness threatens the dreamer. However, there is a high probability that he will have a blood disorder. The sooner it is detected, the better, so it is advisable to get tested.
  • Why do you dream about vomiting blood? Such a plot can predict a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is better for a person to undergo an examination, especially if there are alarming symptoms. Also, bloody vomiting may mean that the dreamer is ready for change. Soon he will stop living in the past and begin to look to the future with optimism. A person will leave everything unnecessary behind, he will be able to free himself from the old burden.

Prediction of the sorceress Medea

Why do you dream of blood if you rely on the opinion of the sorceress Medea? She associates this symbol with energy and vitality. Bleeding symbolizes illness, exhaustion, loss of energy. Also, dreamers may lose someone close to them, lose property and money.

What does it mean for someone the sleeper knows to bleed? Such a plot indicates that the dreamer is consumed by a feeling of guilt. He committed an ugly act towards the hero of his night dreams. The time has come to apologize to the victim and make peace with him.

Getting dirty in someone else's blood is a dream that promises spiritual kinship. There is a strong bond between a person and his friends that nothing can destroy. This plot can also predict meeting like-minded people.

Coming from the eyes

Why do you dream that there is blood coming from your eyes? Such a plot predicts disappointment for a person. In the near future, someone close to the dreamer will commit an act that will unpleasantly surprise him. The sleeper will be disappointed in this person and will no longer be able to trust him. The relationship will be hopelessly damaged.

Crying blood means becoming a victim of vile deception. The dreamer will suffer mental trauma from which he will not recover soon. The support provided by loved ones will help him get out of the depths of depression and return to normal life.

Coming from the ear

Blood from the ear is a symbol that warns the dreamer of a serious danger that threatens him. Soon a person will receive news that will require decisive and quick action on his part.

Is blood flowing from both ears and you can't stop it? Such a plot warns that the dreamer is losing vitality. It cannot be ruled out that among his friends and relatives there is an energy vampire who uses his resources. If a person does not find the strength to break this connection, nothing good awaits him ahead. If you cannot completely stop communicating with a vampire, you need to learn how to protect yourself from him.

Coming from the nose

What other options are possible? Why do you dream about nosebleeds? Events will not unfold as planned. If we are talking about an important matter, it is better to foresee all the possibilities in advance. Also, such a plot can promise the dreamer failure in business and a worsening financial situation.

Why do you dream about nosebleeds besides this? This is a warning that someone will soon try to drag the sleeper into a dubious scam. The offer, no matter how tempting it may seem at first glance, should definitely be refused. Otherwise, the dreamer faces problems with law enforcement agencies.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

What do night dreams warn a person about, in which he sees bloody footprints on the ground? This plot indicates that now is not the time for hasty decisions. If the dreamer has serious problems, it is better to postpone solving them. A choice made hastily can negatively affect the rest of his life.

Is blood oozing from a wound in a dream? In reality, a person will have to face a problem. At first it will seem to him that he can easily cope with it, but everything will turn out to be completely different. Asking other people for help will not give the desired result. It is better for the dreamer to wait for the clues that fate itself will give him. The black stripe will definitely change to white if he doesn’t hurry.

Why dream of trying to wash traces of blood from clothes? A person is accustomed to taking other people's words to heart, and this often harms him. It's time to learn to be guided by your own opinion, especially when it comes to making important decisions. Otherwise, he will continue to live at the behest of others and will never gain independence. It is not always worth listening to advice, even if it comes from people who sincerely wish the dreamer well. A person himself knows what is best for him.

Coming from the mouth

What else can a person see in a dream? Why do you dream of blood if it comes from the mouth? In the near future, the sleeper will have to convince his household of something. Relatives will react to his words with misunderstanding; he will have to make a lot of effort to defend his own point of view.

Blood that flows from the throat should be considered a warning. In real life, the dreamer too often allows himself to make harsh statements and judgments. The sleeper's reputation will suffer if he continues to utter thoughtless words. It will not be easy to restore it, so it is better to prevent the problem.

What does it mean to spit blood in night dreams? Such a dream can be seen by someone who should beware of health problems. Also, the plot can predict getting into a confusing situation from which you will not be able to find a way out on your own. You will have to use the support of loved ones who, fortunately, will not let you down.

On the face

What else can a sleeper see in a dream? Why do you dream of blood on your lips? Such a symbol warns that a person is tormented by remorse. Most likely, the dreamer suffers because he uttered words that seriously offended someone. Painful thoughts will haunt a person until he apologizes to the victim. It cannot be ruled out that reconciliation is still possible between them. The dreamer is only required to take the first step.

Your face is covered in blood - a plot that dream books give a positive assessment to. This symbol means that financial problems will finally be left behind. A bright streak will begin in the dreamer’s life; he will be favored by good luck in all his endeavors. The main thing is not to reject the gifts that Providence itself will generously offer.

On the head

Blood on the head is an alarming symbol. In real life, someone powerful is putting pressure on the dreamer. A person is forced to make decisions that he does not want to make. In the near future it is unlikely that you will be able to get out from under obsessive care; you should wait for a more favorable moment.

Why does a woman dream of blood if she sees it on her head? For a representative of the fair sex, such a plot predicts conflicts with her other half. The husband or lover has accumulated many complaints against her, which he will soon want to express. The chosen one may not be satisfied with the dreamer’s appearance and behavior, or her attitude towards him. It is difficult to predict what the outcome of such a conversation will be. Relationships can improve or deteriorate irrevocably.

Comes from the finger

What other interpretation does the dream book offer? Why do you dream about blood from your finger? Most likely, this symbol predicts trouble for the sleeper. The severity of future problems can be determined based on the degree of complexity of the injury.

Cutting your finger until it bleeds means separation. A person who is very important to him will leave the dreamer’s life. The sleeper will not be able to come to terms with this loss for a long time. A serious finger injury promises a serious illness. One of your loved ones may also die.

Girls, women

The interpretation directly depends on the gender of the sleeper. Why does a woman or girl dream of blood? This symbol should be taken as a warning. The man with whom the dreamer meets or lives behaves insincerely towards her. For lonely young ladies, such a plot can predict an acquaintance with someone who will try to deceive.

Fortunately, the expectant mother has absolutely no reason to worry. These are games of the subconscious, which reacts in preparation for the upcoming event. There is no danger to the unborn baby.

Medical manipulations

Blood transfusion is a symbol that predicts troubles and illnesses. All this most likely concerns not the dreamer himself, but the people who are dear to him. A person must prepare for the fact that he will have to provide moral and financial support to one of his relatives or close friends.

If in his night dreams the dreamer is forced to donate blood, in real life he may have conflicts with law enforcement agencies. In the near future, you should refrain from dubious transactions. If a person sleeping voluntarily donates blood, in reality he will be forced to solve other people’s problems and correct the mistakes that other people have made.

Donating blood from your finger means achieving your goal. Unfortunately, the dreamer will have to pay dearly for this.


The color of blood discharge is something on which the interpretation of dreams also depends. Why do you dream of blood if it is scarlet? This plot symbolizes health. If a sick person sees a dream, he will soon be able to overcome his illness.

Black blood predicts bad events more often than good ones. The sleeper should pay more attention to his well-being. If there are alarming symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor. Health problems can arise not only for the dreamer himself, but also for one of his loved ones. However, black blood in night dreams can also be seen by those who will soon be able to start a new life. The past will be left behind, a person will be freed from everything unnecessary and outdated.

White blood symbolizes betrayal and deceit. This sign encourages a person to be vigilant. In the near future he should refrain from making new acquaintances. It’s also high time for him to expose the false friends who are trying their best to harm him and ruin his life.

Critical days

Young girls may dream that they are getting their period. Why do you dream of blood in this case? There is nothing to worry about, since such a plot indicates that the sleeping woman has no health problems. Also, such a dream can be seen by a young lady who dreams of becoming pregnant.

An elderly lady may also dream of menstruation. Why do you dream about blood? This symbol guarantees the sleeping person a long and happy life. Representatives of the stronger sex can also see blood from menstruation in their dreams. Such a plot warns that a man is captive of passion. Some person evokes uncontrollable sexual desire in him. In addition, blood can promise guys a thrashing from their superiors or a clash with colleagues. If a man who runs a business sees such a dream, he should be wary of conflicts with his partners.

Can a woman who is not married see her period in a dream? Why does a lonely lady dream of blood? A romantic acquaintance awaits her in the near future. It will all start with light flirting, which will develop into a serious relationship. If a teenage girl sees blood from the vagina in her dreams, this symbolizes her readiness for adulthood.

A large number of

Why do you dream about a lot of blood? Such a plot predicts serious troubles for the sleeper. If a person bleeds in his dreams, in reality he will experience physical and moral exhaustion and loss of strength.

Some dream books make a more harmless prediction. Such a plot can predict the arrival of unexpected guests. The dreamer will not be ready to receive friends or relatives who arrive without warning. He will not have the opportunity to pay enough attention to them.

Also, a large amount of blood can be dreamed of by someone who is too strict in his judgments. A person constantly has conflicts with others due to the fact that he places excessive demands on them and is always ready to blame. The dreamer needs to master the art of diplomacy, otherwise he will not be able to succeed in life.

On the floor, in the snow, in the water

What does blood in water symbolize? A person will meet an energetically strong personality with paranormal abilities. For careerists and entrepreneurs, such a plot can predict the emergence of a dangerous competitor. If an expectant mother sees such a dream, she will have to give birth to a child who will grow up to be an outstanding personality.

Blood on the snow is a symbol that warns of danger. However, some dream books consider this a good sign. The sleeper will be able to expose a colleague who is causing him trouble at work.

Blood on the floor is a good dream. Such a plot promises a person a pleasant find. It also cannot be ruled out that he will hit a big jackpot in a casino and win a serious amount in the lottery. In the near future, you can safely succumb to excitement, since the dreamer is lucky.


Obviously, a person can dream of not only his own blood. Why do you dream about someone else? The answer depends on who exactly suffered in the night dreams. If a sleeper sees a close friend or relative covered in blood, this may indicate a feeling of guilt. In real life, he somehow offended this person and dreams of making excuses for him. It cannot be ruled out that the dreamer in the past refused to help a friend or relative when he needed it.

What does the blood of an enemy, rival, ill-wisher symbolize? Such a plot promises the dreamer troubles in the family. In conflicts with household members, he himself will most likely be to blame. You need to learn restraint, not to demand from loved ones what is beyond their strength. The child’s blood warns of danger that threatens the dreamer and his household. First of all, you should beware of accidents.

If an unmarried young lady sees a child in blood in her dreams, in reality she should be careful in relationships with the opposite sex. In the near future, a girl may meet a pleasant young man, but she will quickly become disappointed in him. For example, he can hide from her the fact that he is married. The dreamer should not turn a blind eye to deception, even if she manages to fall in love before she finds out about it. In any case, this relationship does not bode well for her.

Someone else's blood - what else could such a dream promise? Why does a married woman dream of blood if it belongs to her other half? In real life, she should be wary of the appearance of a rival who will try to take her husband away from the family. Relatives and acquaintances who like to poke their nose into other people's affairs can also interfere in the relationship between husband and wife.

How it stands out

How blood is released is another point that is important to consider.

  • The cut from which it gushes like a fountain symbolizes loss of strength. The dreamer quickly gets tired and feels weak. A person needs to pay more attention to his own well-being, take vitamins, and be in the fresh air. Adequate rest is also important; you should not plunge into work headlong.
  • A drop of blood symbolizes a bad deed. The dreamer will make a serious mistake, which he will not be able to forget for a long time. It cannot be ruled out that a wrong action will negatively affect his relationships with others.
  • If in night dreams blood clots are released from a wound, in real life the sleeper will face a serious illness. A person will not be able to recover from it for a long time; he will spend a lot of time in bed.
  • Bleeding in a dream means the onset of a black streak. Troubles will fall on the sleeper one after another. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to prevent this. The dreamer can only stock up on the strength he will need to survive this difficult period.


What other stories are possible? Why do you dream of pain and blood? Such dreams can warn the sleeper that his relationships with close relatives have deteriorated. People get upset with him because he doesn't pay enough attention to them.

Poor relationships with relatives are a source of internal distress for the dreamer. A person will be able to get rid of them only if he takes a step towards reconciliation. Perhaps it is still possible to improve.

Various actions

A person may dream that he drinks blood. This plot warns of the need to beware of scammers. If in the coming days the dreamer has to sign important papers or make a major acquisition, then he should not rush. It’s better to double-check everything several times, this will help you avoid making a fatal mistake. If such a possibility exists, it is recommended to postpone important transactions until more favorable times.

Coughing up blood in a dream means twisting and lying in reality. If another person does this, the sleeper will encounter someone else’s insincerity and become a victim of scammers. Writing letters or notes in blood means believing in the gossip that his enemies spread about a loved one. The person who betrays the dreamer will hardly be able to forgive him for this. The relationship will deteriorate irrevocably.

Hands covered in blood is a symbol that promises communication with unpleasant people. The dreamer will try to avoid an unwanted meeting, but will still be forced to go to it. The conversation won't do him any good. Wiping or washing it off the body means receiving a request for help. The sleeping person will not be able to provide it, which will make him worry and feel guilty.

What else do you need to know

What other interpretation of dreams does the dream book offer? Why do you dream of blood on clothes? Such a plot predicts separation from a loved one. Conflict is most likely to occur due to misunderstanding. Bloody stains on your own clothes promise participation in a huge scandal. A person will interfere in someone else’s quarrel, and this will negatively affect his reputation.

A knife in blood is a nightmare that should be regarded as a warning. The dreamer may be hit in the back by someone on whom he is accustomed to completely rely. Caution must be observed when planning large purchases, concluding important transactions, signing certain papers.

Blood on the bed can be a dream for someone who does not trust their partner. The dreamer suspects his chosen one of treason, and his assumptions may be confirmed. Blood on the wall predicts the birth of a genius. A person with extraordinary abilities may be born into a sleeping family. If you dreamed of a white wedding dress smeared with blood, such a plot promises conflicts with your other half. The dreamer will have a desire to end the relationship, but do not make decisions too hastily. It cannot be ruled out that the resentment will fade away, and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Blood is always a cause for concern, either as a result of wounds or trauma, or as a serious symptom of certain diseases. But how should we perceive this liquid when we see it in a dream? Let's figure out the interpretation of such a dream together, using information from several dream books at once.

Seeing blood in a dream: dream book of Gustav Miller

If you dream of bloody clothes, then there is a high probability that you have enemies who do their best to interfere with your successful career or business. If you have seen such a dream, then be wary of people who will “stack” as your friends in the near future. If you dream of blood oozing from a wound on your body, then you are in danger of health problems or worries due to failures in serious matters. If you see your own bloody hands, then you urgently need to mobilize all your strength to solve existing problems, otherwise you will face a streak of total bad luck and failure.

Seeing blood in a dream: Miss Hasse's dream book

If you see red blood in a dream, then some joyful and cheerful events await you. If this liquid is thickened, then such a dream predicts illness and health problems. If you dream of bloodshed in a fight or battle, then your impatience and excessive haste can lead to serious troubles. If you drink blood, then your hopes are destined to come true sooner or later. Blood pouring onto the ground promises great happiness. If you are swimming in blood, then serious shocks await you. Seeing blood on other people predicts illness in close relatives.

Seeing blood in a dream: Vanga's dream book

This source interprets blood as a symbol of family ties, conflicts and retribution. If in a dream you are trying to stop the bleeding, then in reality you are very sad for a deceased loved one. If you saw your own bloody clothes, then do not be surprised if a person close to you harms your reputation and good name with their actions and words. If you dream that you hit someone so hard that they bleed, then beware of interfering in other people's affairs, as this may end badly for you.

Seeing blood in a dream: dream book of Nostradamus

If you dream that you are bleeding, then you will experience a period of loneliness. If you see bloody marks on yourself, then in the near future you will receive important news from loved ones or relatives. If you dream that you are shedding someone’s blood, then in real life you are too careless about solving some very important problem. If you dream of a relative or friend bleeding, then because of your selfishness you can ruin your relationship with a loved one.

Seeing blood in a dream: Ukrainian dream book

Dreaming of blood symbolizes a quick meeting with relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. If you see the blood of an animal, then you will be able to bring the work you have started to a successful completion, but if the blood is yours, then you will have to experience a feeling of shame.

Seeing your blood in a dream: old French dream book

Such a dream promises you a series of troubles, disappointments and failures. Therefore, be prepared in the near future and do not put off solving problems until later.

Sleep is an integral part of our night life. Until now, no one can say with certainty why we see this or that dream at a certain period of our life. But there are frequent cases when a dream predicts certain events in life. They can be joyful or quite the opposite. Therefore, sometimes you should analyze what you saw in a dream. In this material we will talk about the interpretation of a dream in which there is blood.

Experts divide dreams with blood into two different categories. Some associate these dreams with physical health. Since many cultures equate blood with the human soul. And the loss of blood for them is associated not only with a deterioration in physical health, but also with a waste of mental energy.

Others are of the opinion that blood is primarily a related thread. Therefore, all dreams in which you see blood are somehow connected with your relatives. But still, let’s take a closer look at how dream books explain such “bloody dreams.” After all, a girl or woman who saw blood in a dream will be interested in an explanation of such a dream.

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream means:

  • The appearance of old enemies in your life.
  • Blood on clothes also means the appearance of ill-wishers, and the more blood, the greater the harm.
  • If you see yourself covered in blood, then there are warnings about trouble in the professional or personal sphere. If you managed to stop the bleeding, then failures will pass in passing.
  • If you feel unwell and the dream was bloody, then your condition may worsen. Pay maximum attention to your health.

But, according to Freud, these dreams mean:

  • Parting with your loved one, so take a closer look at your significant other to see if everything is going smoothly for you.
  • If a woman saw bloody clothes in a dream, then you should be careful - your partner may have an affair. For a young girl, such a dream foreshadows a meeting of true love.
  • A girl dreams of blood on her body after a date - this means that her partner is not reliable and is looking for an easy relationship.

According to Vanga, such dreams mean:

  • quarrel with family, friends, if there is blood on clothes
  • tarnished reputation, moreover due to gossip from relatives
  • the wounded participant in the dream will suffer the most in a quarrel with his family
  • to see bleeding in your dream - to the illness of a loved one

In Loff’s popular dream book you can find the following interpretations:

  • receiving bad news
  • financial losses, especially if there is a lot of blood
  • health problems, especially if the blood is flowing, and if it is scarlet, then you should pay attention to women’s health

But Maya’s dream book says the following:

  • such a dream foreshadows trouble in which you will need the help of loved ones
  • if there is blood on your hands, then repent of your forgotten sin - go to church

According to Nostradamus, such visions in a dream mean:

  • sadness - if you really bleed
  • loneliness
  • cheating partner
  • promotion - if the blood is someone else's
  • rumors about your personal life - if there is blood in your home, and if there is blood on the threshold, then it means damage to you and your loved ones

Hasse's dream book conveys the following information:

  • Clothing with traces of blood is a sign of a new acquaintance, but do not rejoice in advance. Your partner is a liar, so you shouldn’t hope too much for a successful union.
  • Dreaming of blood on your hands is a sign of health problems. Give him more attention. But here is the same dream, but the blood is not on you, but on a loved one - which means you should be careful in communicating with him - even unintentionally he can harm you.
  • Bloody spots on the hair mean saturation with energy.
  • A bleeding wound means a serious illness.

According to the modern dream book of the 21st century, such dreams refer to:

  • happiness and money
  • well-being, targeted spending
  • wish fulfillment
  • satisfaction

Why do you dream about menstruation in a dream?

In this dream, the gender of the person who saw the dream is very important. Because for a man this dream portends a change in feelings, and for a woman – health. But let's go into more detail.

If a man saw such a dream:

  • his libido is very increased, especially when he sees his beloved partner;
  • your partner has blood on her feet - this means your bodies and souls are very close;
  • bleeding on the bed - your demands on your partner are very high;
  • and if the blood is not on the marital bed, but on other interior items, you should tame your neatness, otherwise it can become boring;
  • if you see hygiene products used, then expect conflicts at work;
  • if there is menstrual blood on your things, then it means that you have a strong sexual attachment to the person whose blood you saw.

Cyclic discharge in a woman’s sleep to:

  • possible gynecological problems
  • to a young girl - to the beginning of a new relationship
  • unexpected menstruation in a dream - to misunderstanding in the family
  • clothes stained by menstruation - to the discovery of information that could have an unpleasant effect on your reputation
  • flowing blood down the legs - to the deterioration of women's health, urgently visit a doctor

It is also possible to have a dream where you see another girl’s discharge, then this portends:

  • revealing a secret;
  • family quarrel;
  • your participation in establishing relationships with the woman from whom you see discharge; these can be both family and professional relationships;
  • to see other people's hygiene products in the blood means you are too curious, moderate your ardor.

TOWhy do you dream of someone else's blood in a dream??

There are dreams in which a person sees blood that is not his own. In this case, this could mean:

  1. A useless waste of energy.
  2. Disease.
  3. Damage - this can happen if you see tears with blood.
  4. Someone else's blood on your hands means that your behavior leaves much to be desired. Because your behavior hurts the other person.
  5. A whole puddle of someone else's blood foreshadows difficult trials in fate. It can also be a big nuisance with loved ones - an accident, a serious illness.

The external characteristics of other people’s bloody discharge are also important:

  • scarlet - strength will be required to solve problems in the future
  • with dark clots - pay attention to your health, you have problems
  • black blood - to difficult experiences

In general, someone else's blood also means family ties. Therefore, you should reconsider your family and close relationships.

Magical explanations for the appearance of someone else's blood in a dream:

  • it means your wishes will come true
  • getting your hands dirty in someone else's blood means profit
  • the bloody cup from which you had to drink - fortunately
  • if you see someone bleeding in a dream, then it means that there is harmony in your lifestyle and means in your life

Why does a pregnant woman dream of blood?

We immediately want to reassure expectant mothers. Such a dream does not mean anything bad for your child and your condition in principle. So let’s just look at all the possible options for why you had this dream:

  • The first interpretation of this dream prepares the mother for an easy birth, which, of course, cannot but rejoice.
  • Also, if a pregnant woman sees menstruation in a dream, this means that the expectant mother’s health is in perfect order.
  • Another version of this dream suggests that this has nothing to do with pregnancy at all, but it is worth reconsidering your relationships with loved ones.
  • If the blood you see is foreign, then it means someone is jealous of you or simply doesn’t treat you very well. Review your social circle and limit yourself from such people. At least during pregnancy.

  • A knife with blood, which was seen in a dream by a woman about to give birth, means a quarrel with loved ones. Therefore, try to maintain peace and calm with your loved ones. After all, in your situation, nerves are completely useless.
  • If a pregnant woman sees blood on her clothes in a dream, then in life this means that your family ties are very strong. You can count on the support of your loved ones in any situation.
  • If you see that you are washing the blood off yourself, then perhaps in the future you will have to refuse someone’s help. But you shouldn’t do this, especially if you really need help. After all, the person will offer it to you completely sincerely, but by refusing you can offend him.
  • The blood that a pregnant woman sees from the veins that she herself cut is a sign of the expectant mother’s fears that she cannot cope with.
  • If a pregnant woman defeats an attacker in a dream and sees his blood, it means that in real life she will also defeat all her ill-wishers. True, we hope that there will be no bloody traces.

Why do you dream about nosebleeds?

If the blood that a person sees flows from the nose, then in this case the interpretation of the dream will be slightly different than if it were just dreams with blood. In this case, several facts need to be taken into account:

  • blood flows from the person who is dreaming or is it another person
  • what circumstances led to this situation
  • what color is blood

One of the traditional interpretations is purchase. That is, a person who sees such a dream will soon acquire some thing. But it is important to think about how important this item is to you or your family members. Since most often in this case the purchase is absolutely unnecessary - it’s just a waste of time and money.

  • If it is not your nose that is bleeding, but you are helping this person, then in real life you will also have to help someone.
  • If you broke someone's nose in a dream, it means that in real life one person really hopes to meet you.
  • If you are bleeding from a nose injury, it means you are sad and want to see a loved one. But it is also important whether you experienced pain in your sleep - if so, then when you meet, there may be a quarrel. If there were no painful sensations, then everything will go well.
  • But if you receive help for a broken nose and bleeding, this promises illness. Get examined by a doctor.
  • My husband’s nose is bleeding - imminent financial difficulties are possible.
  • Bleeding in a child - a heart-to-heart conversation with loved ones awaits.

Now let's decide who sees such dreams:

  • People in high positions in this case should beware of enemies and competitors
  • An unmarried girl should be careful with her partner. He's not entirely sincere with you

The amount of blood loss also plays a role:

  • a little - there will be a meeting with family soon
  • a lot of blood from the nose - to everyday problems
  • blood from the nose smeared clothes - problems with funds
  • wipe off the blood and smear your hands - they are trying to spoil you

And the last clarifications - the color of blood in a dream:

  • Bright scarlet - to problems in relationships with your loved one. Beware of your rival
  • Dark - check with a doctor, a dangerous disease may appear that has not yet manifested itself
  • Unnatural color (blue or yellow) - to receive unpleasant news

I have a dream: teeth fall out with blood

If you saw such a dream, then most often it predicts the death of a close blood person. But it can also mean other losses - a job, a friend, a loved one.

But if after a lost tooth, and despite the bleeding, you feel relief, then it means there will be good changes in real life.

Why do you dream of animal blood in a dream?

Most often, this dream is not explained very favorably:

  • Cow or horse blood encourages you to be more prudent. Otherwise, soon an ill-wisher will appear in your life, and only with a cold mind will you be able to cope with him.
  • If you saw such a dream while hunting, it means that you will soon realize your main plan and nothing will interfere with you. Only forward.
  • If blood flows from a hunted animal, you should reconsider your relationship with relatives. Now it is not in its best shape and all because of your lifestyle. Review the number of your connections.
  • A steak with blood in a dream is seen by a person who in real life should prove that he is right.
  • But drinking with the blood of an animal can be seen by a person who is in danger of being deceived in real life. You should be very careful and cautious.
  • Boiling blood may mean that after you wake up, you may find yourself in very cheerful company. But for a business person, such a dream means the appearance of a competitor. A pregnant woman sees such a dream as a sign of the birth of a child with extraordinary abilities.
  • Clothing covered in animal blood is a sign of slander.
  • Table and dishes - you shouldn’t trust others so zealously.

It is also important to consider whose bloody wound you see:

  • dogs - for change
  • cats - to love disappointment
  • horses - your friend will need help
  • any cattle - to gossip

Often, dreaming with the blood of an animal means that a magical attack is directed at you. Be careful.

Dreams are harbingers of changes in our lives. But it is important not to succumb only to what you see in a dream. Just try to be prepared for the events of each day. We hope that they will only be good.

Video: “Dream book: why do you dream about blood?”