Today I want to turn to a very important topic - the topic vital energy. It would seem that in this topic is new, everything is clear. But if you still suddenly have a question from time to time: why are some people so lucky, why are they so lucky, healthy, lucky, why do some people exude healthy, happy, joyful, sexy, generous and attractive energy, and you want to run away from others as soon as possible, and their life is filled with gray, incessant everyday life and sores, from which they cannot or do not know how to get out - then this topic is still worth taking a closer look at.

And the first question to be dealt with is: What is vital energy and how is it spent?

First of all, it is worth saying that life energy is, in fact, energy, thanks to which we were born and live on this planet. We receive the base of our common energy already at the moment of conception (it is believed that even earlier, when parents are just thinking and planning to conceive a child) and at birth. In the future, the accumulation and expenditure of energy by us depends on many factors, some of which we can influence, some we cannot.

Life energy is energy that permeates and fills all the cells and atoms of our body, uniting them into a single whole, into a single integral organism, forcing the smallest particles of this organism to vibrate at its own frequency, eventually uniting into one most powerful natural absorber and emitter of the energy of Space. We can say that this is a single Spirit, the particles of which - separate souls - make up the vital core of any living being, and, of course, a person.

It can be added that life energy is the energy that allows us to create our life, change it, create it, revealing our purpose on this Earth. In a general sense, this is the energy of our thoughts, desires, deeds, actions, words in every second of our life. This energy is redistributed between us, the people around us and the environment around us, reveals itself in our life circumstances and situations and, ultimately, creates our life as it is here and now.

The more vital energy a person has, the more potential and opportunities he has in order to create his life the way he wants. Strictly speaking, even in order for a person to be able to clearly and clearly imagine the desired picture of life, or in order to understand his life more deeply, a colossal amount of energy (in this case, mental) is already required. And the more "qualitative" this energy is, the more a person will be able to do for himself, for other people, for the whole world around him.

And today we will just consider those inexhaustible and truly generous sources from which a person can draw his life energy and share it with others.

So, Life energy is a kind of single substance, consisting of a physical and spiritual component. Physical is the energy of the body, the higher its potential, the better health. Spiritual is the sphere of our thoughts, images, feelings, emotions, desires, words that lead to certain actions and results.

First consider sources of obtaining the physical component of Life Energy.

And the first source is the health of our parents at the time of our conception. I hope there is no need to explain here: the stronger the health of our parents, and even better their ancestors in several generations, the better genes we will get and our future health will be stronger.

After birth, a person draws his vital physical strength from various sources:

  1. Food. The more attention a person pays to the quality of his food, the more grateful his body is to him. The quality of food, plus balance and moderation, plus the good feelings with which it is consumed, equals an excellent component of your longevity.
  2. The physical energy of the surrounding world: the energy of nature - water, air, sun, fire, earth, minerals, plants and animals. Communication with each of these elements of nature can significantly increase the energy of a person. Therefore, the preservation of nature and communication with it is vital for each of us.
  3. A significant part of our physical energy, as well as spiritual energy, we receive from other people. But not in its pure form, but in the form of processed energy of our emotions, thoughts, feelings, communication with other people. That is, a person processes part of the emotional and spiritual component of energy into physical. It is no secret that positive emotions help a person to do much more things than negative ones.
  4. Sports, exercise, massage, breathing practices, etc. It is also an excellent source of vitality. People who regularly engage in even the simplest exercises have greater vitality, confidence, vigor and good mood compared to those who do not pay attention to training the body.

Here we have analyzed the basic sources of increasing the physical energy of the body. Nothing complicated, right? Proper use of each source solves half of your problems in life.

Now let's turn to a more subtle sphere - spiritual and emotional component of vital energy.

The sources of obtaining this energy are also known to everyone, but it is this component of energy, in my opinion, that is the most difficult to use, since it concerns the spirituality of a person, his personal maturity, the process of self-improvement of a person, and, therefore, the quality of work with these sources depends on the degree of spiritual maturity each person and changes throughout life.

So, here the main ones are:

  1. Thoughts are a colossal source of energy. Positive and negative thoughts, according to the law of polarity, have the same force, but the former contribute to a significant increase in the overall energy of the body, while the latter contribute to a significant outflow of vital energy.
  2. Feelings, like thoughts, obey the same law of polarity.
  3. Emotions - like thoughts and feelings, have the same effect.

These sources are used in areas such as:

  1. Meditations, spiritual, energy practices are designed to help a person in his eternal search for himself and Truth, are designed to give a person strength for this search.
  2. Art in every manifestation, whether it be music, painting, sculpture, dance, architecture, or, for example, handcrafted art, or other forms of art, is something in which a person puts a particle of his soul, his Love, his talent and creativity. potential, and, therefore, all forms of art, creativity have a colossal charge of human energy, which increases the potential of the Life Energy of both the creator of a work of art and the one who knows how to perceive the idea and soul of the creator in his creation.

These three components - thoughts, emotions, feelings - a person can regulate in himself, monitor, change, influence them, manage them, and, therefore, he can regulate the flow and consumption of his life energy. This is exactly what is most difficult and is given to a person. And mental energy, according to the law of the hierarchy of energies, has an order of magnitude higher power than physical energy, therefore, it can increase (or decrease) a person’s vital energy by orders of magnitude. The positive energy of thoughts, emotions and feelings is the energy of creation, creativity, creation. The negative one is the energy of destruction, including at the level of the body of an individual.

In this topic, I touched only the tip of the iceberg, the basic knowledge that is known to almost every person. But knowing is not enough. You must be able to apply and, in fact, apply - every day, regularly, even if a little bit, but do it! Of course, if there is a desire to live a long, happy and successful life. Because I say "The quality of your life is the quality of your energy!"

Most modern people feel a lack of energy. You do too much work, have too many obligations and are subject to constant stress. Flavored with ridiculously little sleep, this smoothie will take you closer to aging by leaps and bounds. Do not rush to despair. There are proven and effective strategies that are successfully used by 40-year-olds who want to recharge their energy and vigor. Here is a list that includes the sources of eternal youth.

Thoughts on a romantic partner

When your energy rushes to zero during the working day, you think of a saving cup of strong coffee. According to a study published in the journal Psychophysiology, thinking about a romantic partner raises blood glucose levels and triggers a phenomenon called eustress (good stress), which increases the body's functional reserve.

Good dream

As you get older, you will be more and more tempted to sleep less and use the "saved" time to do some part of the day. And if sleeping for 7-8 hours is an unforgivable luxury for you, try to take a nap during your lunch break for 15-30 minutes. This will help reboot the internal systems of the body and increase productivity.

Endocrinologist's consultation

Women in their 40s often experience a drop in energy levels due to reduced thyroid hormone production and lower testosterone levels in the body. If on a regular basis you feel a breakdown, get advice from an endocrinologist. A specialist will help you find a quick and easy solution to the problem.

Peppermint essential oil

The first remedy you should have on your bedside table is peppermint essential oil. Whether you stayed late the night before for a meeting with friends or spent half the night working on an important project, the refreshing aroma will make you get out of bed and start a new day cheerfully.

Boost Mitochondrial Production

Mitochondria are called the energy base of cells that oxidize organic compounds in the body, converting them into energy. If your internal powerhouse has become less efficient with age, you can reverse the process with the right set of workouts. Research shows that high-intensity interval training is the best way to do this. You can run, jump, cycle or swim. Just focus on alternating low and high intensity bursts.

Take the right vitamins

After the age of 40, the levels of vitamin D, B vitamins, calcium, iron and magnesium significantly decrease in the human body. Learn about your individual needs by studying your diet in detail. Make adjustments to your lifestyle and prescription medications.

Do yoga

Any kind of physical activity, even regular walking at a slow pace, is good for your health. But if you want to increase the amount of energy, yoga has a special place.

Maintain a healthy weight

If at 40 you fail to stabilize the jumps in the indicators on the scale of the scales, with each subsequent decade it will become increasingly difficult to do so. According to statistics, about 42 percent of women and 38 percent of men in the age group from 40 to 50 years old face the problem of being overweight. When your body mass index is out of the normal range, this is another reason why you lose energy.

Introduce healthy fats into your diet

The list of healthy fats includes avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, red fish and more. Add some flaxseed or crushed hazelnuts to your morning oatmeal, and brush your toast with guacamole or natural peanut butter. Healthy oils at the first meal of the day will significantly boost your metabolism and keep you feeling full throughout the day. Your body will draw energy from fat instead of carbohydrates, so you can avoid spikes in blood glucose levels and drops in energy levels.

Change Your Protein Sources

Sufficient protein is important for a healthy diet at any age. However, in the fifth decade of life, it is necessary to change your priorities somewhat. Getting protein from animal sources after age 40 can accelerate muscle loss. Foods containing vegetable protein will help to correct the situation: quinoa, lentils, beans, tofu cheese.

Healthy Snacks

A healthy snack, unlike muffins and sweets, will charge your body with constant energy. There is a magic combination that consists of protein, healthy fats and fiber. This will ensure the progressive generation of energy and a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Add maca powder to your smoothie

Maca belongs to the list of adaptogens - substances that can increase the body's resistance to stress. Powder from the root of this plant is considered a natural energy. Therefore, every time you feel increased tension, add a pinch of this drug to your smoothie bowl.

Take a day off and dedicate it to relaxing treatments

Consider it mental health day. Get treatments that will bring maximum pleasure, and give up remorse. You've worked hard for a long time, so you deserve a nice little reward.

Start practicing intermittent fasting

When we talk about fasting, we remember the practice of intermittent fasting, in which for 8 (10) hours a day you need to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner along with snacks, and abstain from food for the rest of the time. In this case, you can alternate days with normal (high) protein intake and low protein intake. Such a diet will create eustress in your body, the beneficial effects of which you already know.

Find time for your favorite hobbies

When people are happy, they are able to focus better, concentrate and be more motivated to solve complex problems. Just make time for hobbies and activities that you enjoy. This will give a powerful impetus to the generation of internal resources.

Learn all about your biological clock

The most common advice for increasing energy levels is to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier. However, for some people, this regimen is unacceptable. Research shows that circadian rhythms are purely individual and genetically determined. By the age of 40, you have already studied the needs of your body well, so you know at what time bursts of activity are observed, and at what time the results decline. Adjust the daily routine depending on your biological clock.

Let go of grudges

If you still hold a grudge against someone you know, it's time to let go of the negative emotions and move on. Anger drains your resources.

Refusal of procrastination

If you don't really plan to do something, don't put it in your diary. Don't be fooled and this will help you get rid of procrastination and anxiety.


When you feel lethargic and lethargic, try adding a little speed. For example, start deliberately fussing, speaking faster, and taking notes at lightning speed. Thus, you will be able to catch up.

Wash with cold water

Want to find the fastest way to get back in shape? Wash your face with cold water and this will provide a boost of energy, at least for a while. Cold water stimulates the nervous system and makes your thoughts work.

Some modern psychologists are very fond of teaching: draw vital energy from everywhere, be cheerful and radiate happiness, for the sake of yourself and those around you. But how to do it, how to break out of the routine? How to deal with daily worries? How to learn to enjoy life no matter what? The answer is in the article.

For what?

If you are reading this article, then you have a strong need for new energy sources. But not everyone at the same time is fully aware of why he needs a recharge. There are many reasons, yours is hidden in your personal views of the world, in life circumstances, in actual needs.

  1. Strength is needed to cope with illness or maintain health during the recovery period, in order to achieve inner harmony and live in peace with oneself.
  2. Energy is needed to succeed at work, in business, to be realized, to gain respect and gain financial stability.
  3. Sometimes a person needs nourishment so that there is something to give to others: to love and be loved, to find friends, to unite the family.

Life energy is always necessary for a person - this is the main component of our existence, without it there would be no personal growth, achievements, there would be no close people in our environment, mental and physical health. There would be nothing...

If you need more than you have now (more love, more respect, more money…), then it's time to enlist support from outside, heal your soul, gain strength for new exploits.

main sources

From time immemorial, people have been looking for and finding sources of inspiration around themselves or creating them themselves. Where to draw vitality for the body? Here are the main directions for finding energy:

  • nature;
  • physical tone;
  • mental health;
  • communication;
  • information flows;
  • comfortable environment;
  • creation;
  • motivating factors.

What each of them means and how to use them, we will tell you in order.

Physical tone is achieved through the consumption of balanced food, and all the dishes that you eat should bring joy. Colorful, mouth-watering and insanely delicious - there are many recipes that can turn a meal into heavenly pleasure. But remember, overeating is just as bad as undereating.

And of course through physical activity. Sports, outdoor activities, walks and travels, hiking and fitness - all this can become inexhaustible for you and one of the most inspiring sources of vital energy if you allow yourself to discover sports (even if not in all its manifestations, at least in some one). The joy of your own activity will come to you when you find a way to maintain physical tone that is suitable for you. You can start with anything. Just don't stop until you find a new favorite activity and an inexhaustible source of physical health.

mental health

A person can feel happy and cheerful if he wishes. But sometimes you have to resort to tricky tricks.

  1. Meditation is a way to disconnect for a while from the daily bustle, feel calm and restore spiritual strength. Just 2-3 minutes a day and you are guaranteed a surge of strength (subject to the main principles of meditation).
  2. Yoga is an amazing philosophical trend in Indian culture, a set of practices through which a person is able to achieve harmony on a physical and mental level.
  3. Personal growth and self-knowledge. The main task is to accept yourself and love, and then continue to develop and improve.
  4. Self-regulation is a set of techniques for controlling one's own emotions and mental states. With the help of them, you can activate thought processes, remove muscle clamps through which energy escapes, and control your mood.

Each of us heard about all these techniques, but only a few decided to try. Here is an example for inspiration for exploits.

The girl suffered from insomnia, every night she could not sleep. It was not a personal problem, not an age crisis, it was just that the rhythms in the body went wrong and the brain refused to turn off during sleep. She was exhausted, because of the stray regime, problems began to appear in the family, at work. And she decided to master the technique of self-regulation, which allows you to quickly fall asleep. She dictated the order of actions to the recorder, turned on the recording before going to bed and performed simple exercises. Five minutes after turning off the audio recording, she was already sleeping like a baby. And so for a week, after that she fell asleep on her own and quickly and no longer experienced such problems due to insomnia, because she knew for sure that she could solve them.

The possibilities of our psyche are almost limitless, thanks to them we can control ourselves, develop and feel happiness with every cell of our body.


Why are there so many gardeners these days, because vegetables, berries and fruits can be bought inexpensively at any time of the day in modern stores? Some people like to dig in the ground, while doing this, they get an incomparable sensation. Others love to decorate the garden, enjoy the creation of flower beds, stone gardens, growing ornamental bushes (landscaping).

We are part of nature and this will not change. Therefore, people like to spend weekends on the lake, in the garden, in parks, go fishing, go mushrooming, go hiking, have picnics. Take time to contemplate nature and you will not regret it. Nature is the main source of life forces.

Communication is necessary for everyone, even introverts immersed in their inner world. Nothing inspires us to great deeds more than the support of other people. Look for it from friends, close relatives and your halves. Feel free to share (but only with people who have been tested over the years) your experiences, the other person will also begin to open up, and you will see how similar we are all. Draw positive emotions, looking at your children. Learn from them to be happy, carefree (sometimes you can) and open.

Today, many scientists, including psychologists and sociologists, are trying to present the world and the existence of a modern person as a network of information flows. It sounds mystical and therefore repels those who do not believe in anything supernatural. In fact, everything is extremely banal.

Information flows are connections between people that are formed during the transfer of information (words, knowledge base, skills). And in our century they play almost a decisive role. I do not want to scare you, but many aggressive military actions began with a "cold" (verbal) war. Information serves as a powerful weapon, both for evil and for good.

To draw energy from information flows, remember what you have always been interested in and start studying. New information will instill confidence in you, charge you with positive emotions, and push you to new achievements. It can be astronomy, if you have always been interested in the sky and constellations, a foreign language, if you dream of traveling the whole world or becoming a cool translator, etc. Feel free to read "women's" novels if love stories inspire you. Explore the world in all its manifestations: read, communicate, learn.

Comfortable environment

A person is drawn to beauty, and order gives a sense of security. Someone needs more to create a comfortable environment around them, someone less. But, you see, it is much more pleasant to work and live when order reigns around, everything lies in its place, and the environment is pleasing to the eye. All design techniques for decorating housing, offices, entertainment venues and even shops are based on this principle. Put all things in their places, do wet cleaning, put flowers, plant house plants, build storage systems, hang pictures, insert photos into frames - the more comfort, the better for you.


The desire to create hides the need for self-realization and the desire for beauty. When we get what we want most, we are truly happy. Happiness for a creative person is a process, if he is not busy with work, he suffers.

Creativity can become a source of vitality for everyone: there are so many hand made areas that anyone can find the most suitable occupation for themselves. You can unexpectedly discover the talent of an artist, poet, writer, singer, enjoy collecting household items, creating souvenirs, decorating bouquets of flowers or furniture. Try everything, only in this way you will discover a new hobby.


Many external influences have a stimulating effect on a person. It can be music, spectacle (art galleries, art exhibitions, theatre, cinema, circus), extreme sports or recreation. Look for something that will please you, that will help you forget about pressing problems, dispel anxiety and fear, and give positive emotions.

How not to lose energy

Discovering new sources of energy is only half the journey. It is also necessary to stop all influences that lead to loss of strength (as far as possible):

  • Negative emotions of others. Avoid envious and embittered people, their hatred and aggression tends to spread to others. If you also take information from the news or bad movies to heart, you should limit your TV viewing.
  • Loss of self, addiction. Do not lose your core, be true to yourself, love yourself, do not dissolve into another 100%, remain a person, do not let others shake faith in yourself, someone else's opinion may differ from yours, but does not necessarily reflect the real arrangement of things.
  • own negative. Feelings of guilt, resentment, remorse, aggression and fear - these emotions (each individually or all together) can destroy a person from the inside. Don't give in, don't let negativity take over every area of ​​your life. Stop being afraid of what hasn't happened yet. The surest way to do this is to imagine that the worst thing has already happened. So what? Can't you live with it? You can. Stop being offended by everyone and everything. Get rid of guilt on purpose. A person has the right to be happy, allow yourself this, because we have only one life.
  • A financial hole can bring a person to despair. But ... remember how many examples are known to mankind, how many stories about how people managed to climb from the very bottom to the very tops. Look for new ways to get things done if the old ones don't work. Look for opportunities everywhere, activate your mental abilities, inspire yourself to exploits.
  • Desire to be liked, to be recognized. It is one of the fundamental human social needs. But… if some would spend as much energy on good deeds as they waste for the sake of recognition, they would be able to get the necessary satisfaction, to fulfill themselves. And with them comes respect.
  • Bad habits. Our strength eludes us through bad habits. Giving up smoking and alcohol is so difficult that many people find it completely impossible and give up. Try to go the other way, limit yourself to have enough energy for sports (reduce the portion of nicotine or alcohol during exercise). Sport will give you the strength to cope with yourself, bring with it the salvation that you were looking for in alcohol, smoking. The same applies to drugs, but in this case everything is much more complicated, it will take more effort and support from other people (you can even get it from strangers).
  • Illness - a chronic or temporary ailment, mental or physical - it takes strength from a person with incredible speed. There is only one advice here - do not give up, fight with all your might and hold on to life by any means.

A person has enough potential and resources to cope with any negativity. Sometimes it is enough to be reminded of this in order to have a desire to fight. In other cases, various practices and psychological techniques of self-control will come to the rescue. No matter how difficult your life may be, every moment, every moment can bring you a piece of happiness if you allow yourself to be happy.

Any man in response to the question - What do you not like in a woman? - will probably say "talkative". We can hang on the phone for hours, telling a friend the smallest details of our first date, going on a visit, or creating another culinary masterpiece. We can meet every day, telling each other minor news from our world, and we don't get bored. We can go to distant lands to a school friend to whisper with her at night and remember our first love, our college past.

Why is that? What are we looking for, why do we need women's gatherings?

A man understands the world through actions, draws conclusions based on his experience. A woman studies the world through communication, understands it through people, through relationships with them.

Reasoning, sharing her thoughts, a woman often finds solutions to her questions.

Therefore, in a relationship with a man, it is VERY IMPORTANT for a woman that he listens to her carefully. I just listened, without advice and reviews, without claims and with participation. Then she will feel that they are really close.

You must have noticed that when there is a problem, you often go around with it for several days, lingering thoughts in your head, but the solution does not come. But as soon as you say it out loud, you just need to talk about what torments you, as soon as the solution comes, and it turns out to be so simple. This happens because in order to solve many questions, it is enough JUST FORMULATE THEM CLEARLY, and the answer will immediately become obvious.

So, communication energizes a woman. But does this always happen?

Communication is beneficial when there is an EXCHANGE OF ENERGIES in it, when each participant in communication not only gives, but also receives from others - help, support, approval, admiration and other positive emotions.

Then communication saturates. Then, after gatherings with friends, we feel a surge of energy.

How to communicate correctly in order to get a boost of energy, and not waste your last energy in a conversation?



If you are not in the mood, if you need to rethink something, if today you are not ready to meet with your friends, hear their advice or express your thoughts - you don’t need to do this, you will waste your strength and spoil the mood of all participants in the conversation.

The same applies to relatives - do not communicate with them out of a sense of duty, your interlocutor will feel tension and your desire to quickly get away from communicating with him, and he will have subconscious aggression towards you, which can result in a quarrel. It is better to refuse, citing the fact that you are not in the mood for communication.


If you are not in a positive mood, if your mind is “boiling indignant”, and you are looking for those who will readily accept your negative emotions, do not rush to call your friends - this communication will not be beneficial either for them or for you.

Communicate only if:

- You are looking for a way out, not a vest in which you want to cry;

- You need help, and you know that your friends are able to provide it to you, that they will help you look for a way out, and will not suffer with you and feel sorry for you;

- a friend needs help and you feel in yourself the strength to provide it;

- You just want to see your friend, you miss it.

Noble, pure, sublime motives, the openness of your heart will energize you for a long time, and the evening of communication will be beneficial for all its participants.

In what cases will communication bring you only harm?

Gossip, condemnation, claims.

If you gather in a circle of friends to slander, discuss someone's failures, or vice versa - ups, if you like to condemn, criticize, make claims against someone behind his back (even if it is a long-suffering government) - be prepared for the fact that You will waste your last strength.

In addition to the fact that the very negative emotions that you experience are destructive, you also take on the problems of those you condemn. And often this is followed by an avalanche of problems in your life.

And besides, if you like to gossip, be prepared for the fact that these same people will rinse your life behind your back, because by your behavior you give the go-ahead for this - by judging others, you give other people the right to condemn you behind your back.

Talk about nothing.

If you like to hang on the phone for hours, unloading a bunch of insignificant events from your life, the life of your neighbors, animals, heroes of your favorite TV series to your interlocutor - think about whether your life is passing by?

This is how people behave who are afraid of loneliness, afraid of free time, because their life is not filled with anything. They are afraid to be alone with themselves, so as not to feel, not to realize the emptiness around and within themselves. But by wasting energy on chatter, hiding from themselves in empty talk, they deprive themselves of the opportunity to direct their lives in a creative direction.

Respect your time and the time of your girlfriends, because it is irreplaceable!

Service vest.

If there are people in your environment who use you as a vest for their tears and troubles, but at the same time remain deaf to your advice, run away from them, they use you as a charger, and are not going to change their lives for the better.

By not allowing such people to use you, you are doing a good deed - after all, energy vampirism can only exist where there is not only a vampire, but also his victim.

Distinguish people who turn to you for help from those who simply pour out their complaints about the world on you. The first will be attentive to your advice, will apply them in their lives, and you will definitely hear their gratitude for their help. The latter will be dissatisfied with you because you pay little attention to them, even if you arrive at their first call.

Taking out a quarrel from the hut.

NEVER complain to friends and relatives about your husband or loved one! Do not endure quarrels in public - this is a very wise recommendation of our ancestors to today's wives!

You complained about your husband, and your interlocutor has an image of the negative qualities of her husband, which he will now reinforce with his thoughts. This acquaintance can tell his friends about your problems, etc. And the consequences of the husband's mistake, which he made in relation to you, will grow several hundred times, and it will be much harder for the husband to correct it. In addition, he will subconsciously feel aggression towards you - after all, you betrayed him at that moment, bringing his bad behavior to the court of the crowd.

And very often, when bright times come in the family, your girlfriends will not know about it, and a negative image of your family lives in their heads, which you yourself once planted with complaints about your husband.

Imagine, every time you talk badly about your husband to someone or someone does it for you, you cover him with a sandbag. And the more you do this, the harder it is for your husband to carry this burden, the harder it becomes for him to correct his mistake.

And did you want it?

If you need support, if you don’t know how to get out of the situation in a relationship with your loved one, contact those who CAN HELP, and are not included in your game called “Let's pour negativity together”. It can be a wise friend, a specialist in family relations, a psychologist, your parents, if they are wise and savvy enough.


The main motive of communication is to GIVE!

Your knowledge, your good mood, your experience or willingness to change. If you run to your friends only when you need something from them, and in response to their requests for help you find hundreds of excuses and important urgent matters, your sources of energy will dry up.

It makes no sense to pour water into a leaky barrel, it will flow out anyway. It makes no sense to energize a person who does not want to do anything in his life by himself - to solve his problems, take responsibility for his life, learn from others and use communication for the benefit not only of himself, but also of others.

Therefore, if you only want to TAKE without giving anything in return, you will be left alone, and there will be less and less people who are ready to fill your barrel just like that.

Even if you need help and friendly advice, you can give your friends your willingness to change, to apply their advice in life. You will not only be a consumer of their experience and knowledge, you will be the creator of your life. And don't forget to be grateful for the help!

Communicate, make friends, share your knowledge - this is a fertile process for a woman! But do it in an environmentally friendly way, then you will be constantly charged with energy!

Tatiana Plotnikova